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comments from Israel
Übersetzungen und Infos von Iris Atzmon, Haifa
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Israel/Porat: "Das Todesdorf" - Erschütternde Reportage der größten israelischen Tageszeitung
Israel/Porat: Behörden ordnen Demontage des Hillel-Senders an: auch in Zoran viele Krebsfälle und Fehlgeburten
Millionenklagen durch Krebsopfer nun auch in Israel
Israel/Zoran: Mittlerweile 27 Krebsfälle - Durchschnittsalter: 38 Jahre
update about Usfie 18.02.05
A wind of change
Bericht aus Israel: Brandanschläge auf Mobilfunksender nach Krebsfällen bei Jugendliche
Israel TV show report
Jerusalem Report
The Israeli army soldiers started using TETRA since 2004
Warning before EMF-R high court lawsuit
ICNIRP responds to an Israeli journalist
2005, the 34th soldier committed suicide
Israeli Army removes antennas
Israel, the criminal responsibility
International Electromagnetic Holocaust
Dr. Sadezki separate the Swedish study from the INTERPHONE
Neve Horesh, in Dimona, 200 people destroyed a cellular antenna
Wimax in Israel; Clarins invented a spray against the mobile phones effects...
Bringing the antennas closer to children in Palestine
INTERPHONE does not rule out dangers
The neighbours did a "lynch" to cellular antennas
Further details on the people who destroyed the antennas
Kindergarten closed - high tension line can hurt your child's health
A new study from Israel - Mechanism of a short-term ERK activation by electromagnetic fields at mobile phone
The non-ionizing law in Israel entered into effect in January 2007.
3G antennas (umts) in israel are illegal
The non-ionizing radiation law
Residents of the Druze village of Peki'in in northern Israel were furious about a cellular antenna installed on top of a chicken coop
Eli Richter's expert opinion wins in court
Ministers want cellular antennas left on balconies
TV programme in Israel
The experts: Don't panic, it's only cancer
Interphone, the exclusive article in Yedioth Ahronot
Mobile phones 'cancer link': Mouth tumours 50% more likely after heavy us
Israel Interphone: the association between cellular phone use and develop- ment of parotid gland tumors (PGTs)
The burning of cellular antennas by Druze communities in Israel
Is the Knesset being irradiated by microwaves?
Env ministry bans the cellular companies
Jerusalem Conference 19 - 25 oktober 2010
Kindergarten closed, more,7340,L-3386243,00.html
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