1. Israel/Porat: "Das Todesdorf" - Erschütternde Reportage der größten israelischen Tageszeitung
  2. Israel/Porat: Behörden ordnen Demontage des Hillel-Senders an: auch in Zoran viele Krebsfälle und Fehlgeburten
  3. Millionenklagen durch Krebsopfer nun auch in Israel
  4. Israel/Zoran: Mittlerweile 27 Krebsfälle - Durchschnittsalter: 38 Jahre
  5. update about Usfie 18.02.05
  6. A wind of change
  7. Bericht aus Israel: Brandanschläge auf Mobilfunksender nach Krebsfällen bei Jugendlichen
  8. Israel TV show report
  9. Jerusalem Report
  10. The Israeli army soldiers started using TETRA since 2004
  11. Warning before EMF-R high court lawsuit
  13. ICNIRP responds to an Israeli journalist
  14. 2005, the 34th soldier committed suicide
  15. Israeli Army removes antennas
  16. Israel, the criminal responsibility
  17. International Electromagnetic Holocaust
  18. Dr. Sadezki separate the Swedish study from the INTERPHONE
  19. Neve Horesh, in Dimona, 200 people destroyed a cellular antenna
  20. Wimax in Israel; Clarins invented a spray against the mobile phones effects...
  21. Bringing the antennas closer to children in Palestine
  22. INTERPHONE does not rule out dangers
  23. The neighbours did a "lynch" to cellular antennas
  24. Further details on the people who destroyed the antennas
  25. Kindergarten closed - high tension line can hurt your child's health
  26. A new study from Israel - Mechanism of a short-term ERK activation by electromagnetic fields at mobile phone
  27. Kindergarten closed, more
  28. The non-ionizing law in Israel entered into effect in January 2007.
  29. 3G antennas (umts) in israel are illegal
  30. The non-ionizing radiation law
  31. Residents of the Druze village of Peki'in in northern Israel were furious about a cellular antenna installed on top of a chicken coop
  32. Eli Richter's expert opinion wins in court
  33. Ministers want cellular antennas left on balconies
  34. TV programme in Israel
  35. The experts: Don't panic, it's only cancer
  36. Interphone, the exclusive article in Yedioth Ahronot
  37. Mobile phones 'cancer link': Mouth tumours 50% more likely after heavy us
  38. Israel Interphone: the association between cellular phone use and develop- ment of parotid gland tumors (PGTs)
  39. The burning of cellular antennas by Druze communities in Israel
  40. Is the Knesset being irradiated by microwaves?
  41. Env ministry bans the cellular companies from marketing
  42. Environmental Ministry steps up fight against cellular antennas
  43. Sharp increase of parotid glands tumor during the last five years
  44. Jerusalem Conference 19 - 25 oktober 2010

Jerusalem Conference 19 - 25 Oktober 2010

Main topics


In the last 100 years the world of medicine has seen a true historical revolution. The accomplishments of modern medicine surpass the imagination, from overcoming diseases and saving lives, to organ transplants and improving the quality of life.

But modern medicine is based on the principal of "Evidence-Based Medicine" and anything that doesn't conform to this criterion is pushed aside. Thus all therapies not based on scientific proof have been expelled from the world of western medicine.

However, the public has continued using these therapies, which were given outside the formal medical system, and therefore referred to as "alternative medicine".

The conference will take place at Jerusalem's International Convention Center.
The conference will open on Tuesday 19/10/2010 evening.

Call for experts and lecturers

The scientific committee of the conference is opened to add additional issues and contents of special interest. Those interested are asked to send their suggestions and background material to the Committee. Lecture abstracts are to be sent by email to the scientific committee.

Aufruf an Experten und Dozenten

Die Themen des globalen, dichten Bestrahlung und der holistischen Gesundheitsvernichtung durch die elektromagnetischen Felder fehlen dem Kongress noch. Mein Appell an die Ärzte, besonders an die Ärzte der weltweit einzigen EMF-freien Klinik in Brasilien - the Holistic Clinic - im brasilianischen Urwald - siehe Fotos unten

Das wissenschaftliche Kommittee der Konferenz ist bereit weitere Themen und Inhalte der Themenliste der Konferenz hinzuzufügen. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, bitten wir Sie Ihre Vorschläge, Hintergrundmaterial und Abstrakte von Vorträgen per email an das Kommittee zu senden

Vergleiche mediconvention.com

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Prof. Vera Stejskal, Dr. Joachim Mutter, Dr. Christof Plothe, Dr. Ulrich Volz, Dr. Harald Banzhaf, Prof. Ingrid Gerhard, Dr. Christfried Preußler, Dr. Paulo Leme, Dr. Holger Scholz, Dr. Johannes Naumann, Juliane Sacher, Dr. Ralf Kirkamm, Prof. Claus Muss, Margot Thomann, Dr. Ralf Heinrich, Prof. Thomas Endler, Dr. Kurt Mosetter, HP Peter Kern, Prof. John Ionescu, Dr. Gerald Weiss, Dr. Hans Garten, Karin Löbrich, Dr. Markus Kern, Dr. Michaela Kammerer, Olaf Beckord, Sabine Schliebusch, Tina Maria Ritter, HP Karin Löprich, Prof. Hendrik Treugut, Dr. Axel Bornemann

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, beteiligen Sie sich bitte mit den EMF-Themen an dem Kongress in Jerusalem !

Themen des Kongresses in Jerusalem 19.-25. Oktober 2010


Onkologie * Heilpflanzen * Chronische Schmerzen * Vorbeugende und unterstützende Medizin * Integrative Modelle * Lachen und Humor * Frauen und Fruchtbarkeit * Homeopathie * traditionelle nah-östliche Medizin * Ethik in der Medizin * und vieles mehr

 Liste der Vorträge, workshops und Diskussionsgruppen (unvollständig)

1) Kräftigung des Körpers während einer schweren Krankheit.
2) Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in der Behandlung von Krebs.
3) Forschungen über Heilkräuter im Zusammenhang mit Krebs.
4) Traditionelle Medizin und integrative Onkologie: Forschungen über
pflanzliche Medizin im Nahen Osten.
5) Hyperthermia: Hitzebehandlungen für verschiedene Arten von Krebs.
6) Die Integrierung von CAM bei der Behandlung von Brustkrebs.

1) Wissenschaftliche Forschungen über Heilkräuter - Mechanismen und klinische Forschung
2) Adaptogene Pflanzen zur Reduzierung von Stress
3) Heilpflanzen in der traditionellen arabischer Medizin
4) Interaktion zwischen Medikamenten und Heilpflanzen
5) Heilpflanzen in der Medizin der Drusen.
6) Antike Quellen fuer Heilpflanzen im Judentum und in biblischen Zeiten

Behandlung von chronischem Schmerz:
1) Hypnose - die Grenzen des gefährlichen Bereichs
2) Rehabilitierende orthopädische Bewegungen - Massagetechniken.
3) Richtige Ernährung und schmerzverhindernde Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
4) Akupunktur in der Schmerzlinderung
5) Rehabilitationsprotokoll eines erodierten Knies.
6) Therapeutisches Protokoll einer Lumbar-Diskopathie.
7) Rehabilitation und chronische Schmerzen im integrativen Ansatz.
8) Schmerzen aus jüdischer Sicht - Aspekte des Schmerzes in der Kabbala
9) Frequenzmedizin zur Schmerzlinderung.

Präventivmedizin und unterstützende Medizin:
1) Einbindung von Yoga und Kampfsportarten in die Medizin
2) Geistliche Unterstützung als Teil des komplimentären Spektrums
3) Gesunde Lebensqualität auf Erden.
4) Pilates zur Vermeidung und Rehabilitation von Verletzungen.
5) Vorbeugende integrative Ernährung
6) Integrative Ernährung als Rezept für Gesundheit und Lebensfreude
7) Natürliche Hygiene und medizinisches Fasten

Integrative Modelle verschiedener Elemente des Gesundheitswesens:
1) Das "Assaf Ha'Rofe" Modell.
2) Das "Haddasah" Jerusalem Modell.
3) Das "Meuhedet" HMO Modell.
4) Wenn Wissenschaft und Tradition zusammenkommen - Lektionen aus der Einrichtung eines integrativen onkologischen Dienstes.
5) Vergleichende Modelle verschiedener westlicher und östlicher Länder.

Lachen und Humor:
1) Humor heilt Wunden: eine wissenschaftliche Erhebung über die Wirkung von Clowns in Kinderkrankenhäusern.
2) Lachen als Rezept für gute Gesundheit
3) Lach-Yoga.

Ergänzende medizinische Techniken in der Gynäkologie:
1) In-vitro Befruchtungen in Verbindung mit chinesischer Medizin.
2) Akupunkturbehandlungen zur Spermaverbesserung.
3) Reflexologie im ersten Trimester der Schwangerschaft
4) Dula - eine professionelle Erhebung über die Begleitung von Geburten in Israel

1) Kinderfreundliche Impfstoffe.
2) Medizin und Homeopathie in der jüdischen Mystik (Kabbala).

Professionelle Ethik:
1) Grenzen der Berührungstherapie.
2) Zwischen Ärzten und Therapeuten - ethische und informative Probleme.

Besondere Vorträge und Workshops:
1) Komplementärmedizin in der Tiermedizin.
2) Hippotherapie - therapeutisches Reiten.
3) Integrative Medizin aus der Sicht des Krankenhausdirektors.
4) Übersicht über die juristische Situation der Komplementärmedizin im Westen
5) Das neue integrative Modell
6) Rehabilitierung durch Berührungstherapien.
7) Medizinisches Cannabis
8) Fibromyalgia - von der Diagnose zu Behandlungsmethoden.
9) Gesundheit und Krankheit aus holistischer Sicht.
10) Die wechselseitige Verbindung von Gesundheit, persönlicher Entwicklung und Bewegung.
11) Heilung durch Vibrationen.

Main topics

more | DE

Call for experts and lecturers

The scientific committee of the conference is opened to add additional issues and contents of special interest. Those interested are asked to send their suggestions and background material to the Committee. Lecture abstracts are to be sent by email to the scientific committee.

oncological field  *  medicinal plants  *  chronic pain  *  reflexology  *  children  *  preventive medicine * supportive medicine  *  integrative models  *  laughter and humor  *  women and fertility  *  homeopathy  *  traditional Middle-Eastern medicine  *  professional ethics  * 
and more.

List of lectures, workshops and discussion groups (partial list):

1) Strengthening the body whilst dealing with a severe illness.
2) Combining food additives in the treatment scheme for cancer.
3) Scientific research about medicinal herbs in the context of cancer.
4) Traditional medicine and integrative oncology: Research about plant medicine in the Middle-East.
5) Hyperthermia: Heat treatment for several types of cancer.
6) The integration of CAM in the treatment of the breast cancer.
7) Approaches in Tibetan medicine for dealing with chemotherapy.
8) When science meets tradition - operative conclusions from an active hospital.
9) Acupuncture, Chinese herbs & integrative oncology.

Medicinal Plants:
1) Scientific research about medicinal plants - mechanisms and clinical research.
2) Adaptogenic plants for stress relief.
3) Medicinal plants in traditional Arabian medicine: From traditional use to scientific establishment.
4) Interactions between medicines and medicinal plants.
5) Medicinal plants in Druze medicine.
6) Ancient sources for plant medicine in Judaism and in Biblical times.
7)Centella Asiatica and its effect on the nervous system
8)Ruta Graveolence - plants from the Galilee

Integrative Medicine for Children
1) Osteopathy treatments for visceral problems in babies and children
2) Hippotherapy for treating children with cerebral palsy
3) Tui Na for children
4) Traditional Chinese Medicine for assisting children with ADHD and learning disabilities.

 Dealing with chronic pain from different directions:
1) Hypnosis - the boundaries of the dangerous realm.
2) Rehabilitating orthopedic movements - massage techniques.
3) Wise nutrition and pain-preventing food additives.
4) Acupuncture as a tool for pain relief.
5) Rehabilitation protocol of an eroded knee.
6) Therapeutic protocol of lumbar discopathy.
7) Rehabilitation and chronic pain from an integrative approach.
8) Pain from an internal Jewish perspective - aspects of pain in the mind doctrine and the Kabala.
9) Frequency medicine for pain relief.
10) About yoga and pain.
11) Treating the vertebrae cervicales.
12) Treating adhesive capsulitis of shoulder ("frozen shoulder").
13) A panel of pain experts.
14) Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of pain.

 Preventive medicine and supportive medicine:
1) Combining Yoga and martial arts into health and medicine patterns.
2) Spiritual support as part of the complementary spectrum.
3) Healthy quality of life on Earth.
4) Pilates for preventing and rehabilitating injuries.
5) Preventive integrative nutrition.
6) Integrative nutrition as recipe to health and joie de vivre.
7) Natural hygiene and medical fasting.
8)Training and practice for the healthy
9) Motion and personal growth

Integrative models in divisions of the medical establishment:
1) The "Assaf Ha'Rofe" model.
2) The "Haddasah" Jerusalem model.
3) The "Meuhedet" HMO model.
4) When science meets tradition:  lessons learned from building an oncological integrative service.
4) Comparative models from different Western and Eastern countries.

Laughter and humor:
1) Humour heals wounds: A scientific survey about medical clown care in children's departments.
2) Laughter as a recipe for good health. 
3) Yoga of laughter.
4) Helping patients during a medical crisis.
5) How emotions affect health.
From childhood to fertility - complementary medical techniques in gynecology:
1) In-vitro fertilization combined with Chinese medicine.
2) Acupuncture treatments for sperm enhancement.
3) Reflexology treatment in the first third of the pregnancy.
4) Dula - a professional survey about escorting and guidance of midwifery in Israel.
5) Treating female fertility with osteopathy.
6) Treatment of infertility with Acupuncture & Chinese herbs.

1) Child-friendly vaccines.
2) Medicine and homeopathy in the Jewish kabala.
3)The physiological basis of homeopathy
Sane vaccinations

1) Reflexology from an embryonal perspective
2) Treating PTSD patients with reflexology
3) The use of reflexology in dental care.

Professional ethics:
1) Do's and Don'ts of touch therapies.
2) Between physicians and therapists - Ethical and information problems.

Special lectures, surveys and workshops:
1) Complementary medicine in veterinary medicine.
2) Hippotherapy - therapeutic horse riding.
3) Integrative medicine from the hospital manager's perspective.
4) Surveys about the legal state of complementary medicine in the West.
5) The new integrative model.
6) Touch therapy - creating and rehabilitating.
7) Medical Cannabis.
8) Fibromyalgia - from diagnosis to treatment methods.
9) Holistic vision of health and sickness.
10) The interconnection of health, personal development and movement.
11)  Vibrational Healing.
12) Alternative medicine for animals.
13) The medicinal role of cannabis.
14) An internet model for integrative medicine.
15) The scientific basis for energetic medicine.

Mind and body
1) Principles and recent findings
2) Natural principles and their role in emotional intelligence
3) Treating unconventional situations through breathing
4) Jewish meditation
5) Clinical application of hypnosis

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