Mehr zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit
Israel/Zoran: Mittlerweile 27 Krebsfälle - Durchschnittsalter: 38 Jahre
Quelle: Israelische Zeitung Maariv, ( 27.04.2003, israelisches Fernsehen, Berichte von Iris Atzmon
Mehr Informationen zu den Krebshäufungen unweit des Hillel-Senders in Israel:
Siehe hierzu auch:
Israel/Porat: "Das Todesdorf" - Erschütternde Reportage der größten israelischen Tageszeitung
Millionenklagen durch Krebsopfer nun auch in Israel
The antennas cause reduction in sexual desire
Nach Information der israelischen Zeitung Maariv sind in Zoran unweit des Hillel-Senders mittlerweile 27 Krebsfälle zu verzeichnen, das Durchschnittsalter beträgt dabei lediglich 38 Jahre.
Beim Hillel-Sender handelt es sich laut Protokoll einer Knesset-Anhörung um Kurzwellen- und A-Netz-Antennen, früher wurde auch auf Mittelwelle gesendet. Die Krebsrate in Zoran liegt deutlich über dem Landesdurchschnitt.
Dies sind die neuesten Daten von April 2003. Die Schule von Zoran wird jetzt bestreikt, bis der Premierminister Ariel Sharon die Abschaltung und Entfernung der Antennen anordnet.
Die Bewohner versuchen, ihre Häuser zu verkaufen und wegzuziehen, es haben sich bislang jedoch keine Käufer gefunden.
Derzeit finden Protestaktionen der Bevölkerung vor dem Knesset-Gebäude statt, die Bürger haben Gräber- und Antennenimitationen mitgebracht.
Bericht auf Englisch von Iris Atzmon:
Maarive, Eitan Rabin, 27.4.2003
27 people from Zoran have cancer, the average age is 38 only.
This is the updated report from April 2003, today the school is on strike, until Ariel Sharon the prime minister will order to shut down the antennas farm.
The residents are trying to sell their houses but nobdy wants to buy it.
* Right now on the radio report on the protest of the residents in front of the Knesset, they brought graves and antennas.
Israelisches Fernsehen, Bericht von Iris Atzmon:
Zoran Protest
That was VERY strong:
many many children from
Zoran school, are in front of the knesset, shouting together:
They brought graves- like, and burned them with fire, with woods as antennas,
The big signs they brought said:
"We irradiate and not from happiness",
"Who's next?" and more.
In a T.V news program was a 12 years old girl, she was interviewed: She brought a picture drawn by children in the school:
In the picture you see antennas in the middle, and near both sides of the antennas there are graves of children, on the graves pictures of the cancer animal, it is written: death year: 2003. Israel, Zoran.
Interviewer: "You are afraid?"
- "I am very afraid, I am afraid that today my father will get sick, that tomorrow my sister will get sick, my friend will be sick, especially I am afraid that I will be sick. I am afraid about the radiation level in the village. My sister suffers from unexplained headaches. She went to do C.T and they didn't find anything."
Interviewer: "There is a 7 years old girl that got cancer."
- "Yes, she is fighting for her life now".
Interviewer: "You are 12 years old.
What can you do? All the big experts, Bezeq, they say that there is no
connection to the radiation, that it is not dangerous, they say that you
don't know what you are talking about.
What do you tell them?"
- "I want them to look me in the eyes [close up] and tell me that my health is more important than broadcasting to establishment agents abroad. I want Ariel Sharon the prime minister, Ilan Biran- Bezeq CEO, and Ehud Olmert (who is reponsible for the radiation) will look into my eyes and tell me that my and others' health is more important than the broadcast".
Interviewer: "You were studing in the same school all the years, right?"
- "Yes, I moved school a year ago, the school is about 200 meters from the antennas, and now they are going to build another school closer to the antennas".
Intervierer: "Closer to the antennas???"
- "Yes. And my sister is going to study there. I am afraid for her, it is already hard enough with her unexplained headaches"
Interviewer': "What now? Until when are you going to strike?"
- "Until they give us our demand"
Interviewer: "What about your parents?"
- "My father has skin cancer, he had got it before we came to Zoran but it burst since we came. He had 20 operations, most of them while living in Zoran".
Reactions: Broadcast Authority: "The site belongs to Bezeq. We are ready to broadcast from anywhere else in Israel."
Bezeq: "We work by the strictest standard and by all the permissions of the government authorities."
Ergänzung der Elektrosmognews:
Die auch in Deutschland gültigen ICNIRP-Grenzwerte wurden und werden
eingehalten. Nur nützt das außer den Betreibern niemandem. Die
Grenzwerte schützen vor akuten Verbrennungen, nicht jedoch vor Langzeitschäden
wie Krebs. Sie sind wegen der biologischen Wirkungen deutlich zu hoch.