Dla wpisów i kontaktów: "Przeciwko masztom telefonii komórkowej"

Aby Polska była zdrowa aby ludzie byli zdrowi

dodatek 1

Aby Polska była zdrowa aby ludzie byli zdrowi

Spis treści:


  1. Taktyka palenia książek

  2. Taktyka fałszowania badań i wyników badań.
    2.1 Cenzura tekstów i kłamstwa
    2.2 Fałszerstwa dr Repacholi
    2.3 Dywersja naukowa
    2.4 Taktyka specjalna
    2.5 Taktyka fałszowania pomiarów
    2.6 Taktyka fałszowania raportów

  3. Bełkotanie
    3.1 Bełkotanie prof. Szmigielskiego
    3.2 Acoustic Neuroma Dk
    3.3 Ostrożność czy cenzura?
    3.4 Acoustic Neuroma Sv

  4. Korupcja i przekupstwo
    4.1 Korupcja Kohla
    4.2 Dowody na szkodliwośa są
    4.3 Łapówki prez. Kwaśniewskiego

  5. Związki przyczynowe
    5.1 Związki przyczynowe zależne od naukowców z okresu przed telefonią komórkową
    5.2 Taktyka chowania wiedzy
    5.3 Związki przyczynowe kształtowane przez osoby z przemysłu telefonii komórkowej
    5.4 Taktyka gry na czas
    5.5 Zgodność wyników ze stanem wiedzy z okresu przedkomórkowego
    5.6 Związki przyczynowe kształtowane przez poszkodowanych, uczciwych naukowców i przeciwników budowy masztów
    5.6.1 Związki przyczynowe zależne od poszkodowanych
    5.6.2 Związki przyczynowe zależne od uczciwych naukowców
    5.6.3 Związki przyczynowe zależne od uczciwych lekarzy

  6. Badania mające siłę dowodową w ramach procesów o odszkodowania i demontaż stacji bazowych.

  7. Zaburzenia patologiczne
    7.1 Teoria prof. Manczarskiego
    7.2 Stopczyk i inni
    7.3 Choroba mikrofalowa
    7.4 Junk science, stanowisko prof. St. Szmigielskiego
    7.5 masowo występująca impotencja
    7.6 Analiza Hechta, 1500 prac radzieckich

  8. Dalsze błędy ekspertyzy Kucharza i Staśkiewicza oraz ich ocena

    8.1 Wnioski

  9. Wykaz piśmiennictwa

  10. Olle Johansson
    SCANDAL: WHO denied
    Recommendations to national authorities
    Who - Repacholi Information For General Public
    Tłumaczenie głównych tez
  11. Dodatek 2
  12. Dodatek 3
  13. Dodatek 4
  14. Dodatek 5
  15. GSM i Sen
  16. RRM, 21.08.2007
  17. Dodatek 6
  18. Rydzyk nie zabijaj mikrofalami
  19. Tetra, odszkodowania
  20. Ustawa z dnia 7 maja 2010 r. o wspieraniu rozwoju usług i sieci telekomunikacyjnych

      Elektrowrażliwość (EHS) potwierdzona
      Tłumaczenie głównych tez przeglądowego artykułu prof. Olle Johanssona z Karolinska Institute w Sztokholmie, który ukazał się w "Pathophysiology" nr 16 z 2009 roku.


      Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields - A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment

      Olle Johansson, full Doc EN .pdf, 237,1 KB
      tłumaczenie, PL, .pdf, 81,3 KB, protestnaszafirowej

      ----- Original Message -----

      Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:20 PM

      Bardzo ważny artykuł prof. Olle Johanssona z Karolinska Institute w Sztokholmie
      Niniejszy artykuł jest przeglądem 94 prac naukowych opublikowanych w latach 1991-2008...
      Najstarsza pozycja piśmiennictwa jest już legendarna - była to pionierska praca Wertheimera i Leepera z 1979 roku na temat związku między białaczką u dzieci i polami elektromagnetycznymi dużej częstotliwości.
      Elektrowrażliwość (EHS) została potwierdzona u pacjentów w USA, Szwecji, Szwajcarii, Niemiec, Belgii, Włoch, Holandii, Norwegii, Danii i w innych krajach. Szacuje się, że schorzenie to może występować u 3-10% ludności. Główne źródła zachorowań to przede wszystkim stacje telefonii komórkowej i same telefony komórkowe, ale też telefony bezprzewodowe (DECT-y).

      Tytuł artykułu:

      Zaburzenia systemu odporności spowodowane polami elektromagnetycznymi jako potencjalna przyczyna uszkodzeń komórek i zmniejszenia naprawy tkanek, które mogą doprowadzić do choroby i zaburzenia funkcji

      Niniejszy artykuł jest przeglądem 94 prac naukowych opublikowanych w latach 1991-2008, poświęconych wpływowi pól elektromagnetycznych na zaburzenia systemu odporności u ludzi, a w szczególności uszkodzeniom komórek i zmniejszeniu ich zdolności do naprawy.

      Najstarsza pozycja piśmiennictwa (nr 36) jest już legendarna - była to pionierska praca Wertheimera i Leepera z 1979 roku na temat związku między białaczką u dzieci i polami elektromagnetycznymi dużej częstotliwości. Prace wymienione w wykazie piśmiennictwa jako pozycje 46, 47, 52, 53, 54 i 55 zostały opublikowane w Polsce.

      Autor przeglądu, prof. Olle Johansson z Karolinska Institute w Sztokholmie, jest członkiem grupy uczonych, którzy w 2007 roku opublikowali "The BioInitiative report" (

      W raporcie tym uczeni stwierdzają, że obecnie obowiązujące normy dopuszczalnych wartości ekspozycji są nieadekwatne i postulują dalsze badania na temat wpływu nowych źródeł promieniowania elektromagnetycznego, które w coraz większym stopniu nas otaczają.

      Konkluzje autora:

      1. Rezultaty badań nad ludźmi i zwierzętami wskazują na znaczne zmiany immunologiczne wskutek stałego narażenia na współczesne źródła pól elektromagnetycznych (electromagnetic fields - EMF).

      2. Wymierne zmiany fizjologiczne (np. wzrost liczby komórek tucznych) są wskaźnikiem reakcji alergicznej i zmian zapalnych pod wpływem EMF.

      3. Narażenie na stałą ekspozycję na EMF powoduje wzrost reakcji alergicznych i zapalnych, a ponieważ czas narażenia jest bardzo długi, może to mieć szkodliwy wpływ na zdrowie. Stały wzrost liczby pacjentów na całym świecie z objawami alergii, astmy i innymi nadwrażliwościami, jest ostrzeżeniem dla wszystkich.

      4. Jest możliwe, że długoterminowe narażenie na EMF może doprowadzić do trwałych zaburzeń systemu odporności, chronicznych reakcji alergicznych, stanów zapalnych i złego stanu zdrowia.

      5. Badania nad wpływem EMF emitowanych między innymi przez stacje bazowe telefonii komórkowej wskazują na następujące reakcje systemu odporności: morfologiczne zmiany w komórkach, znaczny wzrost liczby komórek tucznych w zewnętrznych warstwach skóry, zwiększoną degranulację komórek tucznych i zwiększenie ich wielkości u osób elektrowrażliwych (ElectroHyperSensitivity - EHS), obecność biologicznych markerów reakcji zapalnych, zmiany w przeżywalności limfocytów, zmniejszona liczba limfocytów T, negatywny wpływ w czasie ciąży (szczególnie zaburzenia krążenia między macicą i łożyskiem), zmniejszona liczba komórek NK.

      6. Elektrowrażliwość (EHS) została potwierdzona u pacjentów z USA, Szwecji, Szwajcarii, Niemiec, Belgii, Włoch, Holandii, Norwegii, Danii i w innych krajach. Szacuje się, że schorzenie to może występować u 3 -10% ludności.

      7. Konieczne jest opracowanie nowych, bezpiecznych limitów dopuszczalnego promieniowania i dalsze badania w kierunku poznania nowych technologii.

      Rozdziały artykułu:

      wpływ EMF na system odporności (EHS, hipoteza komórek tucznych) modele zwierzęce - skóra/tarczyca u szczurów; mikrofale i ostre eksperymentalne alergiczne zapalenie opon mózgowych; białaczki u dzieci i EMF wysokich częstotliwości; guzy centralnego układu nerwowego u osób często i długotrwale korzystających z telefonów komórkowych; wpływ EMF na markery komórkowego systemu odporności; EMF i atopia; EMF i ciąża; EMF i kora mózgowa; klasyczna alergia kontaktowa.

      Schorzenie określane jako elektrowrażliwość po raz pierwszy opisano w latach osiemdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku. Podstawowe objawy są związane ze skórą i błonami śluzowymi. Osoby z tym schorzeniem skarżą się na: świąd, uczucie gorąca, zaczerwienienie skóry, krostki, podrażnienie oka, katar, zaburzenia węchu, suchość w gardle, kaszel, szum w uszach, uczucie zatkanych uszu, chroniczne zmęczenie, bóle głowy, nudności, zawroty głowy, trudności w koncentracji.

      Pozycja 14 omawianego piśmiennictwa to raport Coxa w sprawie EHS w Wielkiej Brytanii, który stwierdza, że u użytkowników telefonów komórkowych występują: bóle głowy (85%), zawroty głowy (27%), zmęczenie (24%), nudności (15%), świąd (15%), zaczerwienienie skóry (9%), uczucie pieczenia skóry (61%) i zaburzenia kojarzenia (42%). W Wielkiej Brytanii coraz więcej (szacuje się, że 18%) objawów EHS u osób wrażliwych jest spowodowanych przez maszty telefonii komórkowej.

      Pozycja 16 - 3% mieszkańców Kalifornii cierpi na EHS (dane z 2002 r.).

      Pozycja 17 - 8% mieszkańców Niemiec cierpi na EHS, w Szwecji to ponad 3%.

      Pozycje 19 i 20 - w Szwajcarii populację tę szacuje się na 5%. Główne źródła zachorowań to przede wszystkim stacje telefonii komórkowej i same telefony komórkowe, ale też telefony bezprzewodowe (DECT-y).

      Pozycje 37-40 opisują zmiany w centralnym układzie nerwowym, zachodzące pod wpływem EMF: łagodny guz nerwu czaszkowego (neuroma akustyczna), złośliwe guzy mózgu (astrocytoma, meningioma) po tej stronie mózgu, gdzie pacjent trzymał zwykle słuchawkę

      SCANDAL: WHO denied Prof. Olle Johansson the democratic right to participate in a workshop

      I am very sorry to inform you that the WHO, after its "Workshop on EMF Hypersensitivity", 25-27 October 2004, in Prague, completely has denied me - after all being a participant of the workshop - the democratic right to have a formal reservation included in the summary (the latter can be found at

      The persons behind this decison are Michael Repacholi (WHO), Norbert Leitgeb (Institute of Clinical Engineering and PMG, Medical Devices European Notified Body 0636, Graz, Austria), Emilie van Deventer (WHO) and Sarah Bullock (WHO).

      For your information, and for public dissemination, please find the reservation below:

      To my understanding, the present WHO text violates at several points the Swedish and international regulations, human rights acts and handicap laws for persons with impairments.


      In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized physical impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease). Survey studies show that somewhere between 230,000 - 290,000 Swedish men and women report a variety of symtoms when being in contact with electromagnetic field (EMF)-sources.

      The EHS persons have their own handicap organisation; The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive; (the website has an English version). This organisation is included in the Swedish Disability Federation (Handikappförbundens SamarbetsOrgan; HSO). HSO is the unison voice of the Swedish disability associations towards the government, the parliament and national authorities and is a cooperative body that today consists of 43 national disability organisations (where The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive is 1 of these 43 organisations) with all together about 500,000 individual members. You can read more on (the site has an English short version).

      Swedish municipalities, of course, have to follow the UN 22 Standard Rules on the equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities ("Standardregler för att tillförsäkra människor med funktionsnedsättning delaktighet och jämlikhet"; about the UN 22 Standard Rules, see website: All persons with disabilities shall, thus, be given the assistance and service they have the right to according to the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS-lagen) and the Swedish Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen).

      Persons with disabilities, thus, have many different rights and can get different kinds of support. The purpose of those rights and the support is to give every person the chance to live like everyone else. Everyone who lives in the Swedish municipalities should be able to lead a normal life and the municipalities must have correct knowledge and be able to reach the persons who need support and service.

      Persons with disabilities shall be able to get extra support so that they can live, work, study, or do things they enjoy in their free time. The municipalities are responsible for making sure that everyone gets enough support. Everyone shall show respect and remember that such men and women may need different kinds of support.

      In Sweden, impairments are viewed from the point of the environment. No human being is in itself impaired, there are instead shortcomings in the environment that cause the impairment (as the lack of ramps for the person in a wheelchair or rooms electrosanitized for the person with EHS).

      This environment-related impairment view, furthermore, means that even though one does not have a scientifically-based explanation for the impairment EHS, and in contrast to disagreements in the scientific society, the person with EHS shall always be met in a respectful way and with all necessary support with the goal to eliminate the impairment. This implies that the person with EHS shall have the opportunity to live and work in an electrosanitized environment.

      This view can fully be motivated in relation to the present national and international handicap laws and regulations, including the UN 22 Standard Rules and the Swedish action plan for persons with impairments (prop. 1999/2000:79 "Den nationella handlingplanen för handikappolitiken - Fran patient till medborgare"). Also the Human Rights Act in the EU fully applies.

      A person is disabled when the environment contains some sort of impediments. It means that in that moment a man or woman in a wheelchair can not come onto the bus, a train, or into a restaurant, this person has a disability, he or she is disabled. When the bus, the train or the restaurant are adjusted for a wheelchair, the person do not suffer from his disability and are consequently not disabled.

      An EHS-person suffers when the environment is not properly adapted according to their personal needs. Strategies to enable a person with this disability to attend common rooms such as libraries, churches and so on, are for instance to switch off the high-frequency fluorescent lamps and instead use ordinary light bulbs. Another example is the possibility to switch off - the whole or parts of - the assistive listening systems (persons with EHS are often very sensitive to assistive listening systems).

      In the Stockholm municipality - were I live and work as a scientist with the responsibility to investigate comprehensive issues for persons with EHS - such persons have the possibility to get their home sanitized for EMFs. It means for example that ordinary electricity cables are changed to special cables. Furthermore, the electric stove can be changed to a gas stove and walls, roof and floors can be covered with special wallpaper or paint with a special shelter to stop EMFs from the outside (from neighbours and mobile telephony base stations).

      Even the windows can be covered with a thin aluminum foil as an efficient measure to restrain EMFs to get into the room/home. If these alterations turn out not to be optimal they have the possibility to rent small cottages in the countryside that the Stockholm municipality owns. These areas have lower levels of irradiation than others. The Stockholm municipality also intend to build a village with houses that are specially designed for persons who are electrohypersens

      Persons with EHS also have a general (legal) right to be supported by their employer so that they can work despite of this impairment. For instance, they can get special equipment such as computers that are of low-emission type, that high-frequency fluorescent lamps are changed to ordinary light bulbs, no wireless DECT telephones in their rooms, and so on.

      Some hospitals in Sweden (e.g. in Umea, Skelleftea and Karlskoga) also have built special rooms with very low EMFs so that persons who are hypersensitive can get medical care. Another example is the possibility for persons who are electrohypersensitive to get a specially designed car so that the person can transport himself/herself between his/her home and their workplace.

      Recently, some politicians in the Stockholm municipality even proposed to the politicians responsible for the subway in the Stockholm City that a part of every trainset should be free from mobile phones; that the commuters have to switch of the phones in these selected parts to enable persons with EHS to travel with the subway (compare this with persons who have an allergy for animal for whereupon people consequently is prohibited to have animals, such as dogs or cats, in selected parts of the trainset).

      In addition, when the impairment EHS is discussed it is also of paramount importance that more general knowledge is needed with the aim to better adapt the society to the specific needs of the persons with this impairment. The Swedish "Miljöbalk" (the Environmental Code) contains an excellent prudence avoidance principle which, of course, most be brought into action also here, together with respect and willingness to listen to the persons with EHS.

      Naturally, all initiatives for scientific studies of the impairment EHS must be characterized and marked by this respect and willingness to listen, and the investigations shall have the sole aim to help the persons with this particular impairment. The presently proposed WHO initiative seem to lack this aim and the suggested research programme rather seems to question, throw suspicion on, and - on very flimsy grounds - psychologize the impairment EHS.

      This is a set-up that completely is in contrast to Rule 13 in the UN 22 Standard Rules which clearly says that scientific investigations of impairments shall, in an unbiased way - and without any prejudice - focus on cause, occurrence and nature and with the sole and explicit purpose to help and support the person with the impairment. Nothing else!

      In addition, it must also be mentioned that quite recently, by the end of 2004, The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA) has announced that "they have identified a sub-group of the population who are particularly sensitive to exposure to different types of electromagnetic radiation. The safe levels currently advised for exposure to this non-ionising radiation are based solely on its thermal effects.

      However, it is clear that this radiation also has non-thermal effects, which need to be taken into consideration when setting these safe levels. The electrosensitivity experienced by some people results in a variety of distressing symptoms which must also be taken into account when setting safe levels for exposure to non-ionising radiation and when planning the siting of masts and transmitters. (The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA), 2004, "IDEA position on electro-magnetic radiation";

      Furthermore, the IDEA also points out the following:

      "1. An increasing number of people in Ireland are complaining of symptoms which, while they may vary in nature, intensity and duration, can be demonstrated to be clearly related to exposure to electro-magnetic radiation (EMR).

      2. International studies on animals over the last 30 years have shown the potentially harmful effects of exposure to electro-magnetic radiation. In observational studies, animals have shown consistent distress when exposed to EMR. Experiments on tissue cultures and rats have shown an increase in malignancies when exposed to mobile telephone radiation.

      3. Studies on mobile telephone users have shown significant levels of discomfort in certain individuals following extensive use or even, in some cases, following regular short-term use.

      4. The current safe levels for exposure to microwave radiation were determined based solely on the thermal effects of this radiation. There is now a large body of evidence that clearly shows that this is not appropriate, as many of the effects of this type of radiation are not related to these thermal effects." (The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA), 2004, "IDEA position on electro-magnetic radiation";

      Finally, The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association "believes that the Irish Government should urgently review the information currently available internationally on the topic of the thermal and non-thermal effects of exposure to electro-magnetic radiation with a view to immediately initiating appropriate research into the adverse health effects of exposure to all forms of non-ionising radiation in this country, and into the forms of treatment available elsewhere.

      Before the results of this research are available, an epidemiological database should be initiated of individuals suffering from symptoms thought to be related to exposure to non-ionising radiation. Those claiming to be suffering from the effects of exposure to electro-magnetic radiation should have their claims investigated in a sensitive and thorough way, and appropriate treatment provided by the State.

      The strictest possible safety regulations should be established for the installation of masts and transmitters, and for the acceptable levels of potential exposure of individuals to electro-magnetic radiation, in line with the standards observed in New Zealand." (The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA), 2004, "IDEA position on electro-magnetic radiation";

      Of course, these very recent findings must also be taken into serious consideration for any research proposal.

      With my very best regards
      Yours sincerely
      Olle Johansson
      P.S. The text about my presentation in the Rapporteur's (=professor Kjell Hansson Mild, National Institute for Working Life, Umea, Sweden) report is not correct either. It should instead read (in its present, very short (!), form)*:

      Dr Olle Johansson, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, provided scientific data as well as general information on Swedish men and women seeking medical care for skin symptoms in conjunction with VDT work. He informed us about the fact that persons with electrohypersensitivity has been fully recognized as an physical impairment, and that The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive has been likewise officially recognized as a handicap organization, both since 1993. The latter receives financial support from the government for its activities.

      Dr Johansson has been studying skin biopsies from persons with the impairment electrohypersensitivity and reported that, in their skin, PGP 9.5-positive nerve fibres are scarce and short, and this might, in some way, lead to each nerve terminal having to work more and thus become supersensitive. He also found an increased number of mast cells in facial skin samples from persons with electrohypersensitivity. In addition to this, he also summarized a large number of other observations, both in persons with electrohypersensitivity as well as in normal healthy volunteers subjected to VDTs, mobile phones, etc.

      [*At the moment, I know that professor Mild is considering my alterations, so hopefully at least the Rapporteur's report will finally come out correct regarding my contribution.]

      (Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
      The Experimental Dermatology Unit
      Department of Neuroscience
      Karolinska Institute
      171 77 Stockholm

      umtsno: see Petition to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi as General Coordinator for the "International Electromagnetic Fields Programme"

      see also Schwarz auf Weiß - Stimmen und Zeugenaussagen aus Schweden

      see: letter Sun, 14 Jan 2007 to Director of EMF Project from Robert Riedlinger

      Olle Johansson's Works

      Roy: As you know, Olle Johansson is a highly intelligent, hardworking, wonderful, caring, compassionate and HONEST scientist who is waging an uphill battle due to lack of funding and disappointment, frustration plus downright depression due to the "political aspects" of trying to "get the word out!!!"

      You are correct by adding WHO's officials are "unscientific!!" Olle is being kind by stating they are "undemocratic!!!"

      I just finished a chart depicting my grandsons (rare immune due to electric meters) and a 23 yr. old young man (dead due to Acute Myelogenous Leukemia) -- he had an electric clock and small fan only 6-8" from his head before he was diagnosed and also when he went home to rest from radiation and chemotherapy on and off for two months all the while not knowing he needed to be concerned about something called "EMF/EMR!!!"

      My "unprofessional, stickmen drawings" may look juvenile but the message they convey brings immediate tears to my eyes!!! There are two boxes with smiling faces too because I was able to save my grandsons from Leukemia, Lymphoma, stomach or colon cancer or SIDS because hardworking, wonderful persons Marino, Becker, Sugarman, Nancy Wertman/Leeper and countless others were able to break through the rigid media blockade so that I eventually discovered what was killing my precious little ones.

      I later had the privilege of discovering information about you and you were and are "a beacon in the dark" for our family and many others around the world -- you provided HOPE that not only was I correct about the cause of the boys' terrifying, bankrupting illnesses but that I might also be able to contribute toward efforts to save others. You are and were my "inspiration" and you deserve more thanks than any words could possibly convey!!!

      Thanks also to Louis Slesin who has waged his own courageous "tight-rope battle" to help get-the-word out -- he too is a very articulate, wonderful person who is doing and has done his best!!! There are so many others as you know..........

      Along with adjectives provided by Olle, and you of "undemocratic" and "unscientific," it is my opinion that words such as "uncaring," "uncivilized," and "criminally irresponsible" also apply to WHO and its officials!!!! Take care!!! Joanne

      Joanne C. Mueller
      Guinea Pigs R Us


      For my opinion ( Krzysztof Puzyna), Is this Report of Recommendations the Answer for conclusions and results of "The Precautionary Principle and Risk Perception: Experimental Studies in the EMF,
      .pdf, 121 KB, Area" Jüllich, 1 September 2004

      Rapporteur: Jill Meara, National Radiological Protection Board, United Kingdom


      Pavel Sistek, National Reference Laboratory on Non-Ionizing EMF, Czech Republic, Wendla Paile, STUK - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland, Fabriziomaria Gobba, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy, Christopher Muller, ergonomie & technologie (e&t) GmbH, Switzerland Emilie van Deventer, World Health Organization, Switzerland,

      (.pdf, 141 KB), ex-direct-org. link2, (.pdf, 141 KB)
      more about that WHO - Repacholi

      Darum muß u.a. Prof. Olle Johansson auch draußen bleiben damit er solche Texte wie die Zeilen unten weder ändern noch diskutieren kann. Anm. Krzysztof Puzyna

      WHO - Repacholi

      WHO to develop a general fact sheet that includes the following points:
      - range of symptoms of IEI
      - no attribution of causality to EMF
      - do not include prevalence of EHS but rather prevalence of the different symptoms (and
      longstanding history of these) in general population
      - do warn against commercial products to shield against EMF
      - discourage measurements in homes
      - exclude underlying somatic disease by usual physical examination
      - no proof of any correlation between these symptoms and later diseases
      - reminder of basic physics (NIR vs. IR, etc)
      - recovery is certainly possible without taking drastic measures
      - stress due to introduction of new technologies
      - need for coping strategies


      WHO - Repacholi

      Informationen für die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit

      Mit solchen Empfehlungen zur gelenkten Demagogie für die Mobilfunkindustrie arbeitet die Weltgesundheitsorganisation.
      Übersetzung: Dr. Wolfgang Beer - 11.7.2005, org. Datei
      (.doc, 26 KB)

      WHO (Weltgesundheitsorganisation) - Repacholi
      Information fürs Volk

      Die WHO soll ein Papier mit Tatsachen folgenden Inhalts aufsetzen :

      - Die Symptome der "idiopathischen umweltbezogenen Unverträglichkeit" (IUU) werden in ihrer Bandbreite dargestellt.

      - Elektromagnetische Felder (EMF) werden nicht als Ursache aufgeführt.

      - Die Häufigkeit gefährlicher Stoffe in der Umwelt wird nicht angegeben, wohl aber die unterschiedlicher Beschwerden in der Bevölkerung.

      - Von käuflichen Produkten, die gegen elektromagnetische Felder abschirmen, wird abgeraten.

      - Von Messungen in Wohnhäusern wird abgeraten.

      - Durch ärztliche Untersuchung wird eine zugrundeliegende körperliche Krankheit ausgeschlossen.

      - Es gibt keinen Beweis für irgendeinen Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Beschwerden und später auftretenden Krankheiten.

      - Abriß der physikalischen Grundlagen (wie Vergleich zwischen ionisierender und nichtionisierender Strahlung)

      - Genesung ist bestimmt auch ohne drastische Maßnahmen möglich.

      - Stress durch Einführung neuer Techniken

      - Es bedarf einer Hilfe, damit fertigzuwerden.

      WHO - Repacholi
      - Information regarding ill-defined symptoms and undifferentiated illness should be
      included in post-graduate training

      - Experts should develop an international protocol for physicians that includes current
      diagnosis and treatment information

      - National governments should develop tailored information for medical practitioners

      Information für Ärzte

      - Unklar definierte Symptome und undifferenziertes Unwohlsein sollten in der ärztlichen Fortbildung behandelt werden.

      - Experten sollten eine internationale Richtlinie für Ärzte entwickeln, die neueste Erkenntnisse zu Diagnostik und Therapie umfaßt.

      - Die Regierungen der Staaten sollten maßgeschneiderte Handreichungen für die Ärzte in der Praxis herausgeben.

      WHO - Repacholi
      Governments need to put the issue of IEI into their general risk communication strategies. They also need to address the following issues:

      - Patients have real symptoms, some of which are attributed to EMF, but there is no scientific evidence of causal link, therefore no grounds to use IEI as a diagnostic classification for handicap status. But symptoms could be used as a classification.

      - No indication that lowering the limits would reduce the prevalence of symptoms attributed to EMF

      - Discourage measurements in homes

      - Develop appropriate interaction with self-help groups

      - Anticipate problems with new technologies, and provide balanced information, promote dialogue. Note different attitude taken for new pharmaceuticals, both before introduction and post-marketing surveillance. Possible role for complaints registers?

      see also hier

      Ratschläge für Regierungen

      Regierung und Verwaltung müssen das Problem IUU in ihre allgemeine Sprachregelung zu gefährlichen Lagen einreihen. Ebenso müssen sie folgende Probleme ansprechen :

      - Die Symptome der Patienten sind wirklich da. Einige werden zwar mit EMF in Verbindung gebracht, aber es gibt keinen naturwissenschaftlichen Beweis eines ursächlichen Zusammenhangs damit. Es besteht also kein Grund, IUU als Maßstab einer Behinderung zu verwenden. Symptome können allerdings zur Einstufung dienen.

      - Nichts weist darauf hin, daß eine Verringerung der Grenzwerte die Häufigkeit der Symptome senken würde, die mit EMF in Verbindung gebracht werden.

      - Messungen in Wohnhäusern entgegentreten

      - Selbsthilfegruppen einbeziehen

      - Rechnen Sie bei neuen Techniken mit Problemen und halten Sie ausgewogene Information vor. Fördern Sie den Dialog. Beachten Sie, daß (auch) neue Arzneien vor der Einführung und in der Beobachtung nach der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit auf unterschiedliche Haltungen treffen. Vielleicht ist das eine Aufgabe für Krankheitsregister.