| Pl - De - En |

Premier Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, zamiary na rok 2006

Pokory, jawności i dostatku

1 Życzyłbym Polakom, sobie i wszystkim osobom pełniącym funkcje publiczne pokory, skromności i świadomości pełnienia służby. Żebyśmy nie oderwali się za bardzo od ziemi i nie przestali rozumieć potrzeb ludzi, którym służymy. Zrobię wszystko, by mój rząd dotrzymał w tym słowa.

2 Wprowadzimy pełną jawność życia publicznego. Rządzący i wszyscy sprawujący funkcje publiczne to nie osoby prywatne, a nasze decyzje podejmowane muszą być przy całkowicie odsłoniętej kurtynie. Trzeba dawać przykład własny. Dlatego na początku roku wszyscy członkowie rządu podpiszą specjalny kodeks etyczny.

3 Powołamy urząd antykorupcyjny, żeby natychmiast reagować na wszelkie przejawy nieuczciwości w życiu publicznym. To będzie bat dla wszystkich sprawujących władzę.

4 Naprawimy służby specjalne, które przywrócimy wreszcie państwu.

5 Zlikwidujemy nadmiernie rozbudowaną administrację. Państwo musi być tańsze i sprawniejsze. Pozbędziemy się zbędnych i kosztownych ośrodków wypoczynkowych, urzędów i instytucji.

6 Postawimy na rodzinę. Preferencyjnie traktować będziemy rodziny ubogie, ustanowimy ulgi podatkowe dla rodzin z dziećmi. Chcemy sprawić, żeby rodzina wychowująca dzieci miała na to wychowanie stałą, comiesięczną sumę. Wydłużmy też urlopy macierzyńskie.

7 Rozpoczniemy realizację programu dożywiania dzieci.

8 Jeszcze w 2006 roku przedstawimy szczegóły programu mieszkaniowego polegającego na tanich kredytach udzielanych przez banki.

9 Pomożemy rolnikom w przygotowaniu projektów i dobrych programów, które pozwolą wykorzystać fundusze strukturalne dla rozwoju polskiej wsi. Uruchomimy również dopłaty do paliwa rolniczego, żeby wyrównać różnice pomiędzy polskim i zachodnioeuropejskim rolnictwem.

10 Przedstawimy całościową zmianę systemu podatkowego i ułatwimy prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej poprzez likwidację barier biurokratycznych.

1. Imiona i nazwisko (nazwisko rodowe).
Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz

2. Imię ojca, imię matki.
Marian, Teresa

3. Dokładny adres.
Gorzów Wielkopolski

4. Data i miejsce urodzenia.
20.12.1959 w Gorzowie

5. Wykształcenie.

6. Posiadane tytuły naukowe lub honorowe.
Mgr., odznaczony medalem za zasługi dla Archidiecezji Poznańskiej

7. Zawód wyuczony.
Nauczyciel fizyki

People's Will

Vote against 3G and TETRA in Sweden's national election 2006!

According to an inquiry made by the Swedish Emergency Management Agency in 2004 regarding the third generation mobile wireless telephony, 3G (UMTS), a great majority of the Swedish population lack an understanding about it's technical merits and why it was introduced in the marketplace. As much as 27 percent is greatly concerned about it's impact on the public health. Almost 1 of every 2 citizens, 47 percent, think the 3G (UMTS) infrastructure should not have been deployed unless it could be proved with 100 percent certainty that it had no negative impact on the public health. According to the same inquiry, 48 percent of the Swedish population are convinced that there is an indisputable health risk when using mobile telephony. Only 13 percent believe there are no negative health impact at all. All this according to an inquiry made by a Swedish government agency. Despite the fact that a majority of the Swedish newspapers is more or less silent about the fact that an extensive amount of research is showing that

This is the background to the People's Will initiative in Sweden to form a single issue political party to let all of those who are unable to get attention in the established political parties about this fundamental issue. People's Will want to be the political alternative for people who value their fundamental human rights, life and health higher than all other things. In the beginning of January 2006 an election manifest will be published on the homepage of People's Will, and in the end of February 2006 People's Will) will be registered as a political party to be participating in the national election later the same year.

Politicians and authorities as well as the judicial system has clearly shown that it can not be relied upon to adhere demands from a substantial amount of citizens to stop the expansion of new wireless communication networks until an fully independent risk assessment has been done regarding its health effects on the general population. While all other initiatives in the past have been fruitless to get attention to, and an understanding about, the people's will in this matter, the only thing that can still be done by each and every individual citizen is to execute the power of vote in the national election in 2006. People's Will CAN make a change!

People's Will demand a full stop of further expansion of all wireless microwave-based communication networks.

People's Will will do whatever it can to put an end to further expansion of 3G (UMTS) and TETRA until a fully independent investigation has been made. It will thoroughly evaluate and establish new levels of radiation from microwave transmitting technologies that is acceptable in the long term with no negative effects on humans and it's environment. Skeptical as well as highly qualified researchers and experts will be allowed to participate.

People's Will is protesting against elected politicians contempt of fundamental democratic rights and is determined to give as much attention as possible on the most pressing and important issues concerning public health, the right to a healthy life, and the right to not be exposed by something that is a health risk.

People's Will also want to work for a more direct democratic society where authorities and electorates on a regular basis are reviewed and reminded of their commission; to serve in the name of the people ? not heavy financial interests and corporations.

People's Will demand that a new and more restrictive limit for wireless microwave communication radiation is established as soon as possible. The currently established limits apparently fail to protect humans and it's environment against harmful effects of long term continuous exposure of microwave radiation. The overall target should be a society that work for the good of the people and a democratic society in it's truer sense.

People's Will wants to give attention to people's concern about the health issues with 3G (UMTS) and TETRA etc. We don't want a continued expansion of wireless communication networks unless in can be established that the radiation is not causing any health issues among the population.

Let this appeal from People's Will travel from mouth to mouth. Give the address of this Internet page to at least 10 people you know and urge them to pass on the message to people they know.

please see
Stockholm, I report the swedish government to the police for criminal activity
and Sweden, new Party, soon in other countries ?

Prywatyzacja PZU SA

Opowieści Marka Belki i Jacka Sochy

Belka: zadanie specjalne wykonam

Milenijny rząd czyli PZU zmienia właściciela


Einfluß von Konzernen begrenzen

Pressemitteilung vom 25. Oktober 2004

Über 50 Organisationen aus ganz Europa: Offener Brief an EU-Kommission: "Einfluß von Konzernen begrenzen" In einem Offenen Brief an José Manuel Barroso fordern mehr als 50 Organisationen aus ganz Europa, den "exzessiven Einfluß industrieller Lobbygruppen auf die EU-Politik einzuschränken".

Die Unterzeichner schlagen vor, alle Wirtschaftsbeziehungen der an den Gesetzgebungsverfahren der EU beteiligten Personen offen zu legen. Für EU-Kommissare, die in die Industrie wechseln wollen, solle eine Sperrfrist gelten. Lobbyorganisationen und PR-Firmen müssen nach US-Vorbild verpflichtet werden, regelmäßig Berichte über ihre Tätigkeit, ihr Budget und ihre Klienten zu veröffentlichen und in öffentlich zugänglichen Datenbanken zugänglich zu machen.

Die Kritiker monieren darüber hinaus die zunehmend industrie-freundliche Ausrichtung der EU-Kommission, wie sie sich unter anderem in dem Ansinnen zeigt, Verbraucherschutz- und Umweltgesetze künftig auf ihre Wirtschaftsverträglichkeit zu prüfen.
Schließlich fordern die Organisationen, den privilegierten Zugang von Lobbyorganisationen wie European Roundtable, European Services Forum oder Trans-Atlantic Busineß Dialoge zur EU-Kommission zu unterbinden.
Philipp Mimkes von der Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren, die zu den Unterzeichnern gehört: "Immer öfter setzen sich Partikularinteressen einzelner Industriezweige gegenüber dem Allgemeinwohl durch - dies ist mit demokratischen Prinzipien nicht zu vereinbaren. So wurde auf Druck der deutschen Chemie-Industrie die ursprünglich ambitionierte Reform der EU-Chemikaliengesetzgebung vollkommen verwässert.

Die Vorschläge von Umwelt- und Verbraucherschützern hingegen wurden bei der Überarbeitung des Gesetzespakets fast völlig ignoriert." Allein in Brüssel arbeiten 15.000 Lobbyisten, die zum größten Teil auf der Lohnliste von Unternehmen und Lobbyverbänden stehen.

Häufig treten sie als "Experten" oder "Verbraucherschützer" auf, ohne ihre Kontakte zu PR-Firmen, Konzernen oder wirtschaftlichen Interessensgruppen offen zu legen.

Verbesserungen der Sozial-, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz-Gesetzgebung werden hierdurch regelmäßig geschwächt oder blockiert.

Aktuell steht der Fall des Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF), das sich vehement gegen eine Regulierung gefährlicher Flammschutzmittel einsetzt, in der Kritik. Erst Recherchen von Umweltgruppen deckten auf, dass sich hinter dem BSEF eine von der Chemie-Industrie finanzierte PR-Firma verbirgt.

ZU DEN UNTERZEICHNERN GEHÖREN: Attac Frankreich, Attac Spanien, BUND, Greenpeace Europe, Friends of the Earth England, Corporate Europe Observatory


European Commission Must Act to Curb Excessive Corporate Lobbying Power

Open Letter to José Manuel Barroso,
President of the European Commission

Amsterdam, October 25 2004

Dear Mr. Barroso,

The undersigned over 50 civil society groups from more than a dozen European Union countries call upon you to act immediately to curb the excessive influence of corporate lobby groups over EU policy-making. Over fifteen thousand full-time lobbyists now operate in Brussels, a large majority representing business interests. Lobby groups succeed all too frequently in postponing, weakening or blocking sorely needed progress in EU social, environmental and consumer protections. The European Commission must take action now to prevent Europe from drifting towards the levels of corporate control exercised over politics in the United States.

We welcome the decision to introduce a "Code of Conduct for Commissioners" (including a full declaration of financial interests) and designate Commissioner Neelie Kroes' pledge to refrain from accepting business positions after her term as Competition Commissioner. These are steps in the right direction, but they are not sufficient. All European Commissioners and other Commission officials should be obliged to accept substantial and well-defined cooling-off periods. Such measures are needed to prevent 'revolving door' cases like that of former Trade Commissioner Brittan, who less than a year after leaving the European Commission became not only consultant on WTO issues at the law firm Herbert Smith, but also Vice-Chairman of the investment bank UBS Warburg and Advisory Director at Unilever. Soon after, he also accepted the Chairmanship of the LOTIS Committee of International Financial Services London (IFSL), a lobby group representing the UK financial industry. Such cases do nothing to enhance the r

Thousands of lobbyists, assisted by an army of public affairs consultants, today play a powerful and increasingly undemocratic role in the EU political process. As a first step in addressing these problems, Europe needs far stricter ethics and transparency requirements. So far, the Commission's response has been deeply inadequate; limited to referring to the extremely narrow and entirely voluntary code of conduct developed by the Society of European Public Affairs Practitioners (SEAP).

One of many examples illustrating the need for improved and enforceable ethics and transparency rules is the case of the Bromine Science and Environmental Forum (BSEF) which is lobbying against tighter health and environment regulations concerning toxic bromines. Considerable research efforts are needed to discover that the BSEF - a very active player in the EU decision-making process on bromine flame retardants - is nothing but an industry front group run from the Brussels offices of a global PR firm, on behalf of chemical industry clients. Without a radical improvement of the registration and reporting obligations for lobbyists working to influence the European institutions, there can be no effective democratic scrutiny of corporate influence over EU policy-making. Europe should learn from the lobbying disclosure legislation in place in the United States and Canada and oblige firms and organisations targeting the EU institutions (with a lobbying budget over a certain threshold) to submit regular reports giv

We also call upon the new European Commission to make a clean break with the undemocratic practices developed by your predecessors, for instance the incestuous relationship with the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue (TABD), co-founded in 1995 by Commissioner Leon Brittan. The TABD is a prime example of the inappropriate influence over EU trade and regulatory policies which previous European Commissions have granted large corporations.

We draw to your attention that the Prodi Commission in 2003 took the deeply undemocratic step to accelerate implementation of the TABD's demands by introducing a "Framework for Delivery" and establishing a "Horizontal Liaison Group" of high-level Commission officials at the service of the TABD. Questions on this topic were raised during the European Parliament's hearing with Peter Mandelson on October 4th, but the Commissioner-designate failed to reply. The European Services Forum (ESF) is another example of a corporate grouping awarded far-reaching and inordinate privileges by the European Commission. As EU policies should serve the public interest, not the narrow commercial agendas of large corporations, we urge you to strip these and other business lobby groups of their inappropriate privileges.

We look forward to your response to these proposals, which we believe are of the highest importance for improving the democratic credibility of the European Commission.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Wesselius
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)


Letter to José Manuel Barroso,
President of the European Commission

Amsterdam, November 16 2004

Dear Mr. Barroso,

Herewith we re-send you the open letter calling the European Commission to act to curb excessive corporate lobbying power. The letter was first transmitted to you on October 25 2004. Please find attached the updated list of signatories (including more than 110 civil society groups from over 20 EU countries).

Please allow us to briefly comment on a note sent to you by the Society of European Affairs Professionals ("SEAP rejects NGOs request for registration and reporting requirements", Brussels 26 October 2004). With all respect, SEAP fails to provide any convincing counter-arguments. We urge you to seriously consider the ethics and transparency proposals outlined in the open letter.

The SEAP letter claims that registration and reporting requirements would "introduce the American model in Europe". Such anti-American rhetoric obscures the reality that the EU is far behind the US (or Canada) when it comes to ethics and transparency regulations around lobbying. The problem with "the American model" is obviously not the lobbying disclosure legislation, but the distorting role of campaign finance donations in politics, an issue which is the subject of continuous and intense debate in the US. In Europe, fortunately, corporate campaign donations play virtually no role. This is one of many reasons to expect that lobbying disclosure rules would significantly improve the possibilities for democratic scrutiny and thus boost the quality of EU decision-making process.

We look forward to your response to the proposals made in the open letter.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Wesselius
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)

dla wyrobienia własnego poglądu:

SEAP rejects NGOs request for registration and reporting requirements

The Society of European Affairs Professionals SEAP is against the compulsory registration of lobbyists in Brussels.

SEAP does not share the view expressed by the Corporate Europe Observatory CEO in its recent open letter to Commission President-designate Barroso, that ?the excessive influence of corporate lobby groups over EU policy making has to be curbed?.

EU affairs practitioners play an essential and recognised role in informing the European policy makers on the views held by business and other interests concerning proposed EU legislation. They thus perform a vital function in the modern democratic
process. By the way, the same role is being played by the NGOs themselves.
SEAP was founded in order to set and promote the highest ethical standards for EU affairs practitioners, and has developed a code of conduct, which all its members are required to comply with. Membership is open to all EU affairs professionals, including those working for NGOs. Self-regulation is the best way to promote ethical behaviour with lobbyists, whether they represent business or other civil society group interests.
The registration and reporting requirements on which the CEO insists, would, if accepted by the Commission, introduce the American model in Europe. This model does not correspond with the position of civil society in the EU, and trying to promote in Europe is in any case inconsistent with the CEO statement that ?we have to prevent Europe from drifting towards the levels of corporate control exercised over politics in the US?.

SEAP will continue to defend the profession of EU affairs practitioners, and to raise awareness on the ethical standards by which they abide. It is preparing a further strengthening of its code, including sanctions for non-compliance. There is no need
for EU legislation in this respect.

Brussels, 26. October 2004

Further information:
Rogier Chorus, phone: 02.511.30.12, email:
Daniela Kolb, Secretariat SEAP, phone: 02 743 40 53,

