Aby ludzie byli zdrowi

Schlafstörungen, Unruhezustände, Lernstörungen bei Kindern, beschleunigtes Krebswachstum, Blutbild- und Erbgutveränderungen, ist das für den Abbau der UMTS-Sender nicht ausreichend?

Die Mobilfunktechnik wird von fast 34 Millionen Menschen genutzt (74 Millionen Anschlüsse und nicht Nutzer), weil die meisten Handybenutzer keine Ahnung von der Gefahr haben, der sie sich permanent aussetzen oder diese verdrängen und weil ihnen die Mobilfunkbetreiber dauernd vorgaukeln, alles wäre harmlos. Künstliche elektromagnetische Felder und natürliche elektromagnetische Felder in einen Topf zu werfen ist absurd. Die Natur arbeitet niemals mit gepulster Strahlung und Wechselstrom, sondern immer mit Gleichstrom, wie er auch in menschlichen und tierischen Körpern und in den Pflanzen zur Steuerung lebenswichtiger Zellfunktionen und Kommunikationslinien zur Anwendung kommt. Gerade deshalb wirkt sich die gepulste Strahlung des Mobilfunks so verheerend auf den Körper aus. Das ist wieder eine bewusste und gezielte Desinformation von sogenannten "Fachleuten", die es eigentlich besser wissen müssten. Man kann auch Äpfel nicht mit Birnen vergleichen.

Es stimmt einfach nicht, daß es "keinen wissenschaftlichen Nachweis für gesundheitliche Gefahren" gibt. Es gibt unzählige seriöse Studien aus dem In- und Ausland, die die Schädlichkeit des gepulsten Mobilfunks beweisen.


Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts.

This is an overview of all epidemiologic and provocative research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of masts for GSM and UMTS (3G) mobile communication. The object of the research are living humans. This overview does not contain in vitro or in vivo (animals) laboratory research, because they do not give a consistent picture of what happens to people who are exposed permanently to pulsed radiofrequency radiation.


see also "Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender"
and (ex) Research Studies done on Microwave Radiation
siehe auch:

"Zur Verharmlosung der gesundheitsrelevanten Wirkung
von EMF auf die funktionellen und körperlichen Prozesse des Menschen"

wazne ! polecam tlumaczenie, wichtig ! important ! Prof. K. Hecht

Naila-Studie | Bamberger Appell | Helsinki Appeal 2005

Schädigungen des Menschen durch Hochfrequenzsender
sind seit Jahrzehnten "Stand des Wissens"
(.pdf, ca.400 kB)-
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes

Elektrosmog kontrovers
(.pdf, ca.176 kB)- Der Umgang mit gesundheitlichen Risiken in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Markus Herrmann, Arzt und Wiss. Mitarbeiter am Institut für Allgemeinmedizin der Charité (Berlin)

Reizthema Mobil- und Kommunikationsfunk aus gesundheitlicher Sicht (.pdf, ca.240 kB)
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes

Gesicherte Einflüsse EMF - Störung der zentralnervösen Regulation
(.pdf, ca.160 kB)
Prof. Rainer Frentzel-Beyme, IGUMED (Bremen)

Gehirntumore und Leukämien im Umfeld von Rundfunk-/TV-Sendern und Radarstationen
dazu siehe auch Epidemiologie

Studien der Mobilfunksender siehe unten
Die Lehren aus der REFLEX-Studie:
Besitzen hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder ein genschädigendes Potential?
(.pdf, ca.190 kB) Prof. Dr. Franz X. Adlkofer, Geschäftsführer der Stiftung VERUM (München),

Zusammenfassung des REFLEX-Abschlussberichtes (original, englisch) (.pdf, 19kB)

Zusammenfassung des REFLEX Abschlussberichtes (deutsch) (.pdf, 232kB

Nicht-thermaler Hitzeschock, Auswirkung von Mikrowellen
(.pdf, ca.260 kB)

Final report on the REFLEX

(.pdf, 12 MB!)

and project summary now available


Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender (Basisstationen)
Stand Januar 2005

1 "Universität Gießen und München-Rinderstudie" 2000 (Wenzel et al.) Deutlicher Zusammenhang zwischen EMF und der Gesundheit der Tiere
2 "Santini-Studie" 2002 (Santini et al)-.pdf, 40 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
3 "Universität Wien-Studie" 2002 (Kundi)- .pdf, 116 KB Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme im Umkreis von Basisstationen
4 "Universität Valencia-Studie" 2002
(Navarro et al.)- .doc, 134 KB
Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
5 "Niederländische Regierungs-Studie" 2003 (TNO Laboratory, The Hague, NL)- .pdf, 438 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
6 "Landesregierung Salzburg-Studie" 2005 (Oberfeld, Schimke, Bernatzky, Gernot) Signifikante Veränderungen unterschiedlicher EEG-Parameter, verschiedene vegetative und zentralnervöse Störungen
7 "La Nora, Murcia-Studie" 2004 (Oberfeld et al.)- .pdf, 980 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
8 "Naila-Mobilfunk-Senderstudie" 2004 (Eger et al.) Zunahme Krebsfälle
9 "Usfie, Hebrew-University-Studie" 2004 (AbuRuken et al.): Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen, Zunahme Krebsfälle
10 "Tel-Aviv-University, Medical Center-Studie" 2004 (Wolf et al.)- .pdf, 111 KB Zunahme Krebsfälle

"..In this respect, any statement by industry or official sources that claims (or suggests) that:

(a) There is no evidence of ill-health effects from masts; or
(b) The overwhelming evidence is that masts do not cause ill-health effects;
is completely and blatantly untrue."

exDr Grahame Blackwell
see Taddyfone
Prof. Guido Zimmer, Arzt u. Biochemiker, Berater der Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main)

"Was unser aller Gesundheit belastet und bedroht, kann unmöglich dem Gemeinwohl dienen"

neu hinzu | 60 Krebscluster | 60 Krebscluster2,old | 60 Krebscluster3,old | 60 Krebscluster4,old | 60 Krebscluster5,old | 60 Krebscluster6,old | 60 Krebscluster7,old | 60 Krebscluster8,old | 60 Krebscluster9,old | 60 Krebscluster10,old | 60 Krebscluster11,old | 60 Krebscluster12,old | Umrechner | Grenzwerte | suchen | Interphone |
Kinder, Schule und Mobilfunk | Masuren lieben ohne es zu besitzen | mails an WHO | Protestbriefe | prywatnie do WHO | persönlich an WHO | one's own opinion to WHO | Direkte Demokratie | Umfrage Direkte Demokratie für das Volk? | Die Liste Slupsk mit 60 Toten und mit 53 Erkrankten in der Nähe des Mobilfunkturms in Stolp / Polen | 4 mal höhere Sterberate im Umkreis um den Mobilfunkturm in Stolp | Zahl Hodenkrebserkrankter steigt | Handys können die Fruchtbarkeit von Männern um 30% reduzieren | Heat Shock Proteins (HSP) EN | Badania Reflex przyniosly bardzo solidne wyniki (PL) | Interesting details about the Interphone study | Das Schlimmste an der derzeitigen Mobilfunktechnologie | Strahlenschutz beruht auf unbewiesenen Annahmen | Die Unfähigkeit des TÜV | Structural and kinetic effects of mobile phone microwaves on acetylcholinesterase activity | Der elektrosensible Mensch | Time-slot modulated emf of wireless communication systems: Is there a health risk for man? | Sperm damage claims over phone radiation | Aby ludzie byli zdrowi | SCANDAL: WHO denied Prof. Olle Johansson the democratic right to participate in a workshop | Permanent mutations in fruit flies by cell phone radiation | Experts confirm effects of mobile telephone radiation | The report of the Jülich Institute has been ordered and financed by T-Mobile | Keep mobile phone calls short | Two single blind experiences | Krebserkrankungen in Wernstein | Dokumentierte Gesundheitsschäden unter dem Einfluss hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Felder | Who - Repacholi Advice To Governments / WHO-Repacholi Ratschläge für Regierungen | Time To Stop the WHO Charade | Yess! | show us the money, Mike | Your position please | from Mike Repacholi | Who - Repacholi update | WHO says that phones are dangerous to children | Mobile phone cancer link rejected | Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries | Criticism on former Interphone Study | Report on acoustic-neuroma is worthless | Spanien, Villaverde del Río 43 Tote in der Nähe von Sevilla | death of 43 people from electromagnetic radiation WHO, the following petition to your information and relief | A new member/director on the WHO board has been appointed | WHO Welcomes Electric Utility Industry To Key EMF Meeting, Bars the Press | Prof. K. Hecht, "Zur Verharmlosung der gesundheitsrelevanten Wirkung von EMF auf die funktionellen und körperlichen Prozesse des Menschen" | Röösli, Befragung von Ärztinnen und Ärzten | Schweizer ÄrztInnenappell | Plakate der Wiener Ärztekammer wichtig! | Freiburger Appell, Übergabe an Repacholi | Treffen bei der EU Kommission | Wieder 2 neue Ärzteappelle | Diffamierung von Wissenschaftler

WHO reagiert auf Forderungen | WHO fordert zur Beteiligung | EMF und Brustkrebs | Volksleiden: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht | Alarm im Ohr | Die Fälschungen der Ergebnisse | Häufungen von Krebs | Bemerkungen zur Adlkofer REFLEX-STUDIE | Wird Elektrosmog verharmlost? | Müde? Handy-Strahlung hypnotisiert das Gehirn | Präventivmittel gegenüber EMF-Wirkungen | Vielen Dank Herr Dr. Kohl und Frau Merkel | EU will mehr Schutz vor Elektrosmog | Tierversuche sind Affenschande | Re:Tierversuche sind Affenschande | WHO: Menschen als Versuchskaninchen? | Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen | Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen durch Elektrosmog | Neuer Zündstoff für Diskussion über Handy-Gefahr | Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs | Funk schädigt DNA | Regierung kann nicht mehr länger wegsehen | Einfluss der Mobilfunkbelastung auf die Retikulocytenreifung | Blutreihenuntersuchung in Neustadt | Neuer Ansatz | Mitteilung von Prof. Dr. Klitzing | Mobilphone industry wants to stop publication of the REFLEX-Study | Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos | Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population | Microwaves can damage DNA and increase risk of tumours, study shows | Final report on the REFLEX | German company called G-Hanz introduced a new type of mobile phone | Studie: Handymast stört Schlaf | Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender (Basisstationen) | REFLEX Studie - aktuelle Situation | Cancer studies from Prof. Olle Johansson and Dr. Örjan Hallberg | Strahlung von Mobilfunksende-Anlagen beeinflussen Gehirnströme | Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness | Adlkofer's study from REFLEX | Weitere Teilstudie im Rahmen des Europäischen REFLEX-Projekts. | A preliminary study on ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields effect on black locust chlorophylls. | Voruntersuchung zur Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder sehr hoher Frequenzen auf das Chlorophyll | Tumour risk for rural mobile users ! | SAR ? the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable. | Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts. | van Velden to Szmigielski, Trzaska versus Kwee | Szmigielski to Johansson, New! Polish national report of EMF safety | Association between childhood leukaemia and high voltage power lines | Das Verhältnis zwischen Leukämie-Risiko bei Kindern und Hochspannungsleitungen | Motorola Funded Counter Research on Microwave DNA Damage | We have absolute proof positive of the harmful effects of EM radiation on living systems. | Von Krampfanfällen bei Kleinkindern und von Belastungen durch Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon | Israeli experts committee on power lines | The issue of power lines | How the study on power lines was presented on TV | Cell phones and eyesight | Prof Hardell new study | SAR ? the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable; De - Ergänzung | Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain) | New Italian study: Cell phone and brain function | From Dr John Walker | My hypothesis on TETRA and esophagus cancer | A new study from WHO EMF Project | Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity | A serious mistake | Do radiofrequency energy fields cause cancer?, Part 1+2+3 | Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons | Chinese scientists have joined the growing number of researchers | Microwave Radiation on the Intact Eye Lens | Ireland, Electrical Sensitivity, Report for the HPA Belfast | When Enough Is Never Enough | Nonthermal microwave radiations affect the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus. | Can mobiles cause depression? | Dr Blackwell: Teddyfone

 Teddyfone - Babyfone
Friday, December 16, 2005
From Grahame Blackwell

Dear All

NRPB non-response re concerns over mobile phones for under-5s

You may be interested in the email below that I sent to Dr Mike Clark of the HPA-RPD (formerly the NRPB) two weeks ago. As you'll see, this is in response to his reply to an email from a member of the public in which they expressed concern about the marketing of mobile phones to children as young as 4 years old.

You may also be interested - as I am - that Dr Clark hasn't replied to my email in those two weeks - in marked contrast to his practice of responding to other queries I've seen within 2-3 days (I haven't emailed him myself before). It's very surprising that such an emotive and contentious issue hasn't produced a reply from the spokesman for the body that supposedly PROTECTS our nation's (and our children's) HEALTH.

You'll see I've raised a number of pertinent issues closely related to this matter. I believe ALL of these issues demand a response from the Radiation PROTECTION Division of the HEALTH PROTECTION Agency. If you feel, as I do, that a deafening silence on these issues is not good enough, then you might like to email Dr Clark as well - you'll find his email address below.

You may also consider various of the apparent contradictions that I've highlighted in my email below useful in objecting to 'inappropriate developments' of various types.

I shall be posting this text, and the email below, on my website . As I know that the HPA-RPD (AKA NRPB) is in the Top 10 visitors to that site, this may encourage the response that has so far been lacking. I'm not including Dr Clark's email, as I feel that would be discourteous without his agreement. I will, though, say that he seems to take the view that his labelling of this issue as "political" puts it outside his remit - somewhat bizarre, for the body whose advice informs government policy on this subject.

Happy Christmas to all.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Grahame Blackwell
November 30, 2005

Subject: Teddyfone

Dear Dr Clark

I have recently been forwarded a copy of your reply (below) to S**** W**** on the subject of the 'Teddyfone'.

I would agree wholeheartedly with your view that the matter is political in nature. The sole reason that a company is able to market such a product to young children in this country is because a political decision has been made that permits this. That political decision has been made on the basis of advice from the body that you represent. If the advice from your organisation had been materially different then that political decision would most probably also have been materially different. However much you may wish to dissociate yourself from this commercial activity, it's only happening because your organisation has, in effect, given the go-ahead to such activities.

In your email you state "I suspect the company will argue that the product is an aid to child security." In fact, of course, the company doesn't have to argue any such thing. The company doesn't have to argue anything at all. It simply has to conform with ICNIRP guidelines - the 'Precautionary Approach' advocated in various documents published by your organisation. Perhaps you could explain to me exactly HOW this constitutes a 'Precautionary Approach' when the very reason for advocating such an approach, as documented in the Stewart Report and your follow-up Report 'Mobile Phones and Health 2004' (Documents of the NRPB) was that (I quote):

"There is now scientific evidence, however, which suggests that there may be biological effects occurring at exposures below these [i,e, ICNIRP] guidelines.

"We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach. "

In other words, the reason that this product can be legally marketed to children of infant-school age is precisely because your organisation has seen fit to advocate, as a 'Precautionary Approach', those very guidelines whose perceived inadequacy has made such an Approach necessary. I know I'm not the only person who would be most interested to know the scientific rationale behind such an apparent 'do-nothing' policy.

It's also interesting to note that the Teddyfone itself is provided free and there is no line rental charge for 2 years. The manufacturers will be making their money solely from charges for calls made. I'd be interested to hear any business-minded supplier try to justify such a pricing policy on the basis that this is primarily an 'emergency-use--only' product, indeed I'm most surprised that you can even offer that as a plausible argument. The fact is, of course, that the commercial viability of this product depends solely on high call volume - from children of infant school age - and the manufacturers are well aware of that. Let's not kid ourselves - or try to kid anyone else.

Still on the safety angle, It's not clear to me what sort of situation an under-5 might find themselves in that necessitates such a facility. It's not the norm for children of that age to be set loose roaming the streets unsupervised. Is the Teddyfone in fact intended to reduce parental/carer responsibility for supervising infants, on the basis that "It's ok, they'll call us on the Teddyfone if there's a problem"? If so I'd suggest that this is a move towards less, not greater, safety and security for children.

I'm advised that, on a Canadian TV programme last Sunday (20th Nov) Sir William Stewart referred to the marketing of cellphones to under-8s as "grotesque" - a fairly explicit condemnation. Clearly he was on that programme purely by virtue of his position as Head of the HPA-RPD. I'd ask whether you, as spokesman for that same body, disagree with the views of your superior in this matter. If so, what are the public to think if the government's advisory body is divided within itself over the risk to young lives? If not, why is the HPA-RPD not sending out a very clear message to government on the inadvisability of permitting such profiteering at a potentially massive health cost to our children?

I was interested to note, too, your comment in the Daily Telegraph yesterday that "It's up to any company to justify its product" - and Sir William's observation in the same article "I can't believe for a moment that can be justified" (both relating to availability of mobile phones to small children). I've heard you say that yours is an advisory, not a regulatory body and so is not able to determine policy. I'd suggest that a watchdog with no teeth is of very limited value. If in addition it's hesitant about barking too loud, apparently for fear of upsetting those it's supposed to be warning about, then it's worse than useless - it gives the illusion of protection whilst in fact offering none. Even worse than that, by giving 'advice' that encourages government to implement a policy of virtually unrestrained commercial exploitation, that 'watchdog' is effectively holding open the door for all and sundry whilst tying the hands of any poor citizen who wants to protect his or her family (even the Mobile Operators' Association has expressed reservations about the Teddyfone - but it's still legal, thanks largely to your advice to government).

Dr Clark, you cannot have it both ways. You can't appear week after week in the media as the voice of official scientific opinion in the UK - and at the same time claim to have no part in the political process that permits an outrage like the Teddyfone (I use the term 'outrage' advisedly, it seems in keeping with the comments from Sir William Stewart and the Mobile Operators' Association). Whether or not it's your intention there is no doubt that your position as evidenced in the Telegraph article is the very reason why "It's up to [the] company" - central government hasn't been given any good reason by its advisers to decree otherwise. Those little tots clutching Teddyfones this Christmas will be relying for their safety, not on the social conscience of a commercial operator, but on the 'Protection' that is central to your professional role. That 'Protection' is quite literally central - not just once, but twice - in the title of your organisation.

I'd be glad if you'd couch any response to this letter in terms that you'd be agreeable to being disseminated more widely; I know that there are very many people who would be interested in that response. If you make it clear in your reply that you would not wish such action, then of course I would honour that. You may also wish to know that the contents of this email are not at this time being displayed or circulated elsewhere.

Yours very sincerely

Grahame Blackwell

exlinkDr Grahame Blackwell

Can mobiles cause depression?

22 Nov 2005
Posted: Sylvie, Atzmon I., 13.12.2005

An electromagnetic 'smog' from mobile phones and electronic goods could be contributing to depression, according to a new study.The study, carried out on nearly 68000 people in Australia between 1968 and 2002, supports the hypothesis that a person’s mood can be influenced by disturbances in the electromagnetic field in our environment and that this can affect our mental health.

Man-made disturbances in the electromagnetic field are those caused by power distribution grids and electrical devices, such as microwaves and mobile phones.The researchers said suicide rates increased during "geomagnetic storms" during the years covered by the study.

They found that blood pressure was shown to increase significantly for males and females when there was an increase in geomagnetic activity. A positive trend was also noticed between geomagnetic activity and subjective psycho-physiological complaints. A demonstration of the relationship between geomagnetic storm activity and suicide.

Do ambient electromagnetic fields affect behaviour? A demonstration of the relationship between geomagnetic storm activity and suicide.

Berk M, Dodd S, Henry M.

Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences-Barwon Health, University of Melbourne, Geelong, Australia.

The relationship between ambient electromagnetic fields and human mood and behaviour is of great public health interest. The relationship between Ap indices of geomagnetic storm activity and national suicide statistics for Australia from 1968 to 2002 was studied.

Ap index data was normalised so as to be globally uniform and gave a measure of storm activity for each day. A geomagnetic storm event was defined as a day in which the Ap index was equal to or exceeded 100 nT.

Suicide data was a national tally of daily male and female death figures where suicide had been documented as the cause of death. A total of 51 845 males and 16 327 females were included. The average number of suicides was greatest in spring for males and females, and lowest in autumn for males and summer for females. Suicide amongst females increased significantly in autumn during concurrent periods of geomagnetic storm activity (P = .01). This pattern was not observed in males (P = .16). This suggests that perturbations in ambient electromagnetic field activity impact behaviour in a clinically meaningful manner.

The study furthermore raises issues regarding other sources of stray electromagnetic fields and their effect on mental health. Bioelectromagnetics. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

exPMID: 16304696
Related Articles:

Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness,
tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population

Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender
Von Krampfanfällen bei Kleinkindern und von Belastungen durch Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon
Biologische Wirkungen von elektromagnetischen Feldern auf Nervensystem,.pdf, 380 KB
Müde? Handy-Strahlung hypnotisiert das Gehirn
Volksleiden: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht
exCan mobiles cause depression?

Nonthermal microwave radiations affect the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus.

J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Dec;10(6):947-57
Betti L, Trebbi G, Lazzarato L, Brizzi M, Calzoni GL, Marinelli F, Nani D, Borghini F.

Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bologna University, Italy.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of nonthermal extremely high-frequency microwave radiations in a plant-based bioassay, represented by tobacco plants reacting to tobacco mosaic virus with a hypersensitive response leading to the appearance of necrotic lesions at the infection sites.

DESIGN: This study was performed blind and different experimental protocols on tobacco plants inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus were used. BIO-OBJECTS: Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cultivar Samsun) carrying the resistance gene N against tobacco mosaic virus.

INTERVENTIONS: Tobacco plants or leaf disks were either directly or indirectly (water-mediated) irradiated using a medical device, designed for microwave resonance therapy. It produces nonthermal weak-intensity extremely high-frequency radiations, either modulated at extremely low frequency or in continuous flux of waves, coupled with a nonthermal red/near-infrared radiation. Outcome measurements: The working variable was the number of hypersensitive lesions per leaf disk.

RESULTS: Both direct and indirect nonthermal microwave radiations led to significant effects on the hypersensitive response of tobacco plants: modulated radiations generally induced a resistance increase, whereas a continuous flux of waves induced a resistance decrease with direct treatments only.

CONCLUSIONS: Nonthermal microwave radiations are effective on the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus and their low-frequency modulation seems to be more bioactive than the continuous-flux of waves, particularly in the indirect water-mediated treatments.

PMID: 15673988 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Info 27 Nov 2005, from Iris Atzmon
atzmonh at
original doc., .pdf, 384 KB

When Enough Is Never Enough

25 Nov 2005

Dear Colleagues:

How often have you been told that there are no biological effects of weak EMFs that can be replicated in more than one lab?

Like much of what you hear about EMFs, this is propaganda that seeks to cut off further research.

In past commentaries, we have described how WHO and industry officials refuse to acknowledge that EMFs can cause DNA breaks. Here is another example:

German researchers recently reported that a 12mG magnetic field could neutralize the ability of tamoxifen to inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer cells. This is the seventh group to find this particular type of low-level EMF effect.

Take a look at our latest commentary and you will learn what happens to those who dare challenge the orthodoxy. It is not a pretty picture.

The EMF-tamoxifen work has potential implications for women being treated for breast cancer. Please pass this message on to your friends and associates. The only way that EMF research will be allowed to resume in the U.S. and in Japan is if the public demands it.

Check out "When Enough Is Never Enough" at:

Louis Slesin

Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
E-mail: <
Mail: 155 East 77th Street, Suite 3D
New York, NY 10021, U.S.A.

Definition, Epidemiology and Management of Electrical Sensitivity

03 Nov 2005

Report for the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency
N Irvine, Regional Epidemiologist, CDSC Northern Ireland, HPA Belfast

The full document (PDF, 156 KB, 42 pages)

This review considers electrical sensitivity (ES) in terms of the subjective attribution of symptoms to electric and magnetic fields and radiations (EMFs), at levels below those shown to cause adverse health effects. The use of the term ES in this review does not imply the acceptance of a causal relationship between symptoms and attributed exposure, however.

The starting point for this review is recognition, by the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency (HPA RPD), of the need to consider ES in terms other than its aetiology, as this position alone is failing to meet the needs of those who consider themselves affected by ES.

The review was commissioned to identify and appraise the literature in order to describe and define ES, review the information on its course, prognosis and treatments, and examine its overlap with other conditions such as multiple chemical sensitivity. Specifically excluded from the review were attributed health effects in terms of specific disease processes, and examination of the ongoing debate around the aetiology of ES.

Electrical sensitivity symptoms can be broadly grouped into facial skin symptoms attributed to exposure to visual display units (VDUs) and more general, non-specific symptoms across a range of body systems. Neurological symptoms such as headache and fatigue predominate in this latter group. There may be progression from skin-only symptoms to more generalised symptoms, although this may be relevant only to Sweden.

Facial skin symptoms and their attribution to VDUs are largely a phenomenon of the Nordic countries, and Sweden in particular. In other countries, ES sufferers tend to describe general symptoms attributable to a wide range of EMF sources. With the exception of facial skin symptoms and VDUs, there is no consistent symptom type and attributed source association. Some subjects are only symptomatic to specific sources; others claim sensitivity to a range of sources.

There is no typical time period from exposure to onset of symptoms.

Electrical sensitivity can have severe consequences for the social functioning of those affected. Experience from Sweden is that subjects with general symptoms have a worse prognosis than those with skin-only symptoms.

There is no consistent scientific evidence of sensitive or specific pathophysiological markers.

There is geographical variation in terms of symptomatology, the attributed source of exposure and the estimated prevalence of ES.

There is only limited evidence to guide the management of affected individuals. The majority of conventional medical effort to date has been directed at psychological therapy, such as cognitive behavioural therapy. Evaluation of this approach has been limited to date, but shows some potential for success.

There is considerable overlap between ES and other conditions known as symptom-based conditions, functional somatic syndromes or idiopathic environmental intolerances.

From what little description of the UK experience exists in the published literature and from some case reports on support group websites, the general symptom group appears to predominate in the UK. However, no useful estimate of prevalence in the UK was found.

Recommendations for future research include carrying out studies to describe and understand ES and estimate its prevalence within the UK; engaging with therapists currently treating sufferers in order to source evaluations not identified by this review, and to identify treatment areas where such evaluation might be feasible; and conducting robust trials of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).

umtsno: see also

Lebrecht von Klitzing, Der elektrosensible Mensch
Lebrecht von Klitzing, Elektrosensibilität ist messbar
Karl Hecht, Die Thermoregulation – ein realer physiologischer Prozess, der als
Grundlage für die Bestimmung der Strahlen- bzw. Elektrosensibilität dienen kann
Karl Hecht, Elektrosensibilität
Karl Hecht, Elektrosensible Schlafgestörte (Insomniker)
Olle Johansson, Persons with impairments are NOT "a medical condition"
Igor Belyaev, Telephones Affect in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons

A Review of Electrical Sensitivity

press release

3 November 2005

The Health Protection Agency's Radiation Protection Division today published a review1 of electrical sensitivity. This is a condition which some people attribute to exposure to electromagnetic fields associated with the electricity supply and electrical equipment. However, the use of the term electrical sensitivity in the review does not imply acceptance of a causal relationship between symptoms and attributed exposure. The review of the phenomenon is from a public health viewpoint looking at how the condition can be defined, its prevalence, possible options for managing it and any similarities with other conditions. People complaining of the condition can have real, unpleasant and sometimes disabling symptoms.

The review has included papers from the peer reviewed scientific literature but it has also considered other sources of information, such as internet websites maintained by sufferers and self-help groups. In the peer reviewed scientific literature electrical sensitivity and its synonyms largely refer to symptoms attributed to exposure to power frequency electromagnetic fields. Hence the conclusions of the review are applicable primarily to these fields rather than those from radiofrequency transmissions.

Two main groups of symptoms are attributed to electrical sensitivity (also known as electrical hypersensitivity). Firstly, skin symptoms, especially facial symptoms, often associated with using older types of visual display unit. Secondly, a wider range of more generalised symptoms, especially fatigue and headaches, which vary from person to person. These symptoms have been reported in a number of different countries where studies have been undertaken. The symptoms can be mild but in some people they are severe enough to be disabling and hinder normal life. Such severe symptoms only occur in about 10% of sufferers. Although the symptoms are attributed to exposure to various types of electromagnetic fields, the review notes there is no proven scientific link between such exposures and symptoms. A number of studies have looked at diagnostic markers for electrical sensitivity but no consistent marker has been found. The published literature does not suggest that sufferers have a particular set of personal characteristics.

The prevalence of electrical sensitivity has not been measured in the UK . Using estimates from elsewhere, together with information from self-help groups, the prevalence in countries where it has been measured is estimated to be between a few per thousand and a few per million of the population.

Most of the peer reviewed scientific reports of electrical sensitivity, especially those published before the widespread adoption of mobile telephony, describe studies of reactions to electrical equipment and appliances. It is not always easy to define what the attributed triggers were in every study. More recently, similar symptoms have been reported from exposure to radio frequency transmissions and there is some research being carried out in the UK on this topic.

The review found that people who attribute illness to chemical and other environmental exposures report similar symptoms to electrical sensitivity. There are also reports that symptoms can initially be precipitated by one sort of exposure and then bring on symptoms from other types of exposure. However, scientific studies of this phenomenon are few.

1Irvine N (2005). Definition, Epidemiology and Management of Electrical Sensitivity. HPA-RPD-010, Chilton , OX11 0RQ . ISBN 0 85951 570 2. Available to download from HPA website at: . Printed copy, £13.50 + 10% postage and packing, available from CRCE Information Office (Tel: 01235 822742/822603, email: ).

Notes for Editors

The author of the review is Dr Neil Irvine, Regional Epidemiologist, Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre Northern Ireland , HPA Belfast.

The starting point for this review is recognition, by the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency (HPA RPD), of the need to consider electrical sensitivity in terms other than its aetiology, as this position alone could fail to meet the needs of those who consider themselves to be electrosensitive.

The review was commissioned to identify and appraise the literature in order to describe and define electrical sensitivity, review the information on its course, prognosis and treatments, and examine its overlap with other conditions such as multiple chemical sensitivity. Specifically excluded from the review were attributed health effects in terms of specific disease processes, and examination of the ongoing debate around the possible causes of electrical sensitivity.

Press Enquiries only:
Centre for Radiation, Chemicals and Environmental Hazards Press Office
Tel: 01235 822744/822745, email:

29 Oct 2005

I attach the study

Localized Effects of Microwave Radiation on the Intact Eye Lens in Culture Conditions
.pdf, 228 KB

From: Robert Riedlinger

Aftonbladet (evening newspaper) reports that two men, one Anders Olsson aged 38, and another Krister Nyberg, both fom the northern town of Sundsvall in Sweden, became blind in the eye positioned closest to the cell phone. Both have used their phones extensiveley for many years. Krister Nyberg's problem started after eight years of extensive usage. He had intense pain in the one eye and had to stay in dark rooms. Doctors informed him that he had ulcers on the cornea, but could not explain why. Then his vision became blurred suddenly. It was discovered that he had a blood clot in the eye which could not be saved. He is now blind in one eye.

Nyberg later came in contact with Anders Olsson, who also had a blood clot in the eye due to extensive cell phone usage. Both men are convinced, according to the article that their partial blindness is due to the use of cell phones. Why else would only the eye closest to the cell phone be affected they say. In the same town, there are another two individuals who also supposedly have lost an eye due to cell phone usage.

(Reporter: Caroline Hougner, Aftonbladet, Stockholm).

Comment: We must be observant on the possible effects from microwaves from cellphones. It is in Sweden Norway and Finland one should be most observant. That is where we have most cellphones per person int he world and where they have been in use over a longer period than elsewhere. We in Scandinavia are apparently only too happy to be guineapigs for the rest of the world! We shall keep you informed !

Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists

By Peter Zimonjic
July 2, 1998 (Filed: 07/08/2005)

Prolonged use of mobile phones can lead to permanent eye damage including cataracts, scientists believe.

Medical researchers have found that microwave radiation of the type emitted by mobile phones causes eye tissue to "bubble" - a precursor to the formation of cataracts - and can also interfere with the ability to focus.

The risk of permanent eye damage from mobile phone use has been revealed by radiation tests on calves' eyes

Professor Levi Schächter, who led the Israeli team which conducted the study, warned: "Our results show that microwaves can cause irreparable damage. Our advice to people with mobile phones is not to use them if they have the option of using a land line until we can conduct more research."

The new findings will reignite the debate into the safety of mobile phones, after warnings from a Government minister earlier this year that parents should be "very careful" about how much time children spend talking on their handsets. More than 50 million mobiles are in use in Britain.

The new study, conducted by the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, found clear risk to eyesight.

Scientists exposed lenses taken from male calves - whose eyes, until they are two years old, have close similarities to humans' - to mild heat, comparable to the raised temperature caused by extended mobile phone use, and to microwave radiation no greater than emissions from mobile phones. After two weeks the lenses, kept in a culture medium, were compared with others which had not been similarly exposed, to identify biological changes.

Prof Schächter's team found that the exposed lenses were less able to focus clearly on a beam of light, which would cause an eye to record a blurred image - but found that over time, when exposure stopped, the damage healed. However the exposure also caused bubbles to form within the tissue of the lens, which did not disappear over time - an indication of development of cataracts, or permanent eye damage.

Prof Schächter said: "There has been much research to determine whether mobile phones cause cancer or brain damage, but until now very little on their effects on vision."

Shortly after the study was published in the Journal of Bioelectromagnetics the authors were invited to present their findings to the Israeli parliamentary health committee. The country's health advisory body subsequently urged the Israeli government to fund more such studies.

Last year a major review by the International Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation of all published research concluded that there was "no consistent or convincing evidence of a causal relation" between mobile phone use and any adverse health effects.

However, the new findings have provoked consternation in Britain. Dr Michael Clark, a spokesman for the Health Protection Agency, said British researchers should broaden the range of possible dangers being investigated.

"This is a good piece of work that is properly published and we are looking at it carefully," he said. "If future research delivers the same or similar results then public health practices may need to be re-examined."

see hier Cell phones and eyesight

Dear Colleagues:

Chinese scientists have joined the growing number of researchers who have
found that relatively low-power RF radiation can lead to DNA breaks.

Check out the latest posting on the Microwave News Web site.
Go to:

Louis Slesin

Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons

Dr Igor Belyaev who is one of the researchers of this study below

also participates in the WHO EMF project, but he clearly
states that there are non- thermal effects, in contrast to the manager of the WHO project, and in this study one can read the criticism of the researchers on the ICNIRP standards that ignore effects below the standard.

Hopefully they will publish soon their study on 3G genetic effects
that was presented in two conferences (in Prague and Russia). .

Sat, 10 Sep 2005
From: "Iris Atzmon"

Persons with impairments are NOT "a medical condition"

(From Olle Johansson)
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2005

Dear All,

In the recent Press Statement (see below) from the Health Protection Agency
(HPA) of England and Wales, a serious mistake can be found (see below at [***]).


HPA Press Statement on the HPA Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity

(From Alasdair Philips)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005

Message With regard to the below, According to the Israeli news they will write a full list of symptoms in the report, and the medical community will have to study this more in order to find drugs. Just today I read that 40 companies are trying to find the magic bullets for memmory loss. They want to create "a better brain", they don't care that cell phones can create "a worse brain". It's in the new issue of "popular science" Sep. 2005, there are pills for concentration, sleep, cognitive performance etc


Do radiofrequency energy fields cause cancer?

27 Sep 2005, By Dr. Ralph Moss
(from Iris Atzmon)

  1. Here at the moss reports
  2. Part one
  3. Effects on Melatonin
  4. Part 2:
  5. What the Science Shows
  6. Part 3: Some Studies Find a Link
  7. What To Do


    A new study
    10 Sep 2005

    see hier

    My hypothesis on TETRA and esophagus cancer

    In a book that documents the distribution and mortality of cancer from the geographical (geology and hydrology) perspective, I learnt that consistenly - esophagus cancer appears in areas that are deficient in calcium.

    I didn't read the book with relation to the radiation, but it immediately rang a bell: TETRA and esophagus cancer in British policemen----> TETRA and calcium efflux ------> TETRA and esophagus cancer. Can the calcium efflux be the explanation to esophagus cancer that Bary Trower predicted several years ago among British policemen?

    I wrote him asking him what he thinks about it, and this is what he wrote me: "I think you are correct in your hypotheses concerning calcium/ oesophagus. I think notes on calcium efflux appear in
    ... if you affect one part of a body- all others are involved"..

    From: "Iris Atzmon"

    Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:15:18 +0200

    see more about -Tetra-

    From Dr John Walker

    There is now very self sustaining and well agreeing information over several countries:-

    To answer question 1 Is there any effect of mobile telephone base station radiation on living beings e.g. human and animal health?

    There are results of ill people in houses in beam patches (7 patches) so far tested (120 ill people by 2005) There is about 3 times the average rate of Cancer. in the beam patches.
    Ill people in flats in mast beams in Midlands (600 ill people)
    Ill people in a school near mast (75 ill pupils and teachers)

    To answer question 2 How is the incidence of ill health related to the strength of the radiation?

    In Spain Navarro & Oldfield 0.13 volts/metre for an Odds ratio of 39 for increased depressive tendency.
    In UK Beam patches about 1,5 volts/metre outside correspond to about 0.5 volts/metre inside buildings
    In Germany Bamberger <0.06 volts/metre give 30% illness, 0.06 -0.2 volts/metre gives 60% illness

    These values are relatively close compared to ICNRP 41 volts/metre!

    "An Unofficial View" of Health v Mobile phone Mast Non Ionizing Radiation September 2005


    Newspaper cuttings were collected a few years ago, of illness near mobile telephone base station masts around this country and some from Europe. The worst case was 4 cancers in 5 adjacent houses by an old mast; this seemed to be too much of a coincidence.[Evening Standard 20 February 2002] Most of the articles were followed up by a visit, to find the extent of the illnesses at each location.
    A more scientific approach was needed.
    It was found that three pole mast beams, 120 degrees apart, often hit the ground at a distance away from the mast equal to 10 times the height of the mast and it is here, at the area of highest field intensity, that the illness patches occur.


    New Italian study: Cell phone and brain function

    from: "Sylvie"

    Is the brain influenced by a phone call?
    An EEG study of resting wakefulness

    G. Curcioa, M. Ferrarab, F. Moronia, G. D’Inzeoc, M. Bertinia and L. De Gennaroa

    a Department of Psychology, "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Via dei Marsi 78, I-00185 Rome, Italy
    b Department of Internal Medicine and Public Health, University of L’Aquila, Via Vetoio, I-67100 L’Aquila, Italy
    c Department of Electronic Engineering, "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Via Eudossiana 18, I-00184 Rome, Italy

    Received 17 March 2005;  accepted 7 July 2005.  Available online 15 August 2005.


    We recorded the resting electroencephalogram of 20 healthy subjects in order to investigate the effect of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure on EEG waking activity and its temporal development. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups and exposed, in double-blind conditions, to a typical mobile phone signal (902.40 MHz, modulated at 217 Hz, with an average power of 0.25 W) before or during the EEG recording session. The results show that, under real exposure as compared to baseline and sham conditions, EEG spectral power was influenced in some bins of the alpha band. This effect was greater when the EMF was on during the EEG recording session than before it. The present data lend further support to the idea that pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields can affect normal brain functioning, also if no conclusions can be drawn about the possible health effects.

    Keywords: GSM; EEG; Spectral analysis; Electromagnetic fields; Mobile phones; Resting wakefulness; Radio-frequency radiation
    Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 06 49917508; fax: +39 06 4451667.

    Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain)

    From: "Sylvie"

    Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain).

    Paniagua JM, Jimenez A, Rufo M, Antolin A.

    Departamento de Fisica, Escuela Politecnica,
    Universidad de Extremadura, Caceres, Spain.

    We present the results of a study of the extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields in urban environments of the Extremadura region (Spain). The study included a spectral analysis, an analysis of the temporal variation, and spot measurements in the streets of four cities. The spectral analysis showed that the main source of magnetic field exposure was that corresponding to the principal power frequency (50 Hz) and its third harmonic. The magnetic flux density measured at one point over 24 h presented rapid fluctuations in short time periods. Smoothing the time series eliminated these fluctuations, showing a temporal evolution associated with the differing levels of power consumption over the course of the day. The values of the spot measurements taken in the streets were all below the ICNIRP reference level, although 30% surpassed 0.2 microT, the value that some epidemiological studies take as the threshold above which there exist risks of effects that could be harmful to health.

    The values found for the magnetic flux density in these urban settings were generally greater than values reported in the literature for residential areas, and similar to, although in some cases less than those in workplace environments.

    Publication Types:

    Evaluation Studies

    Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients Diagnosed 2000-2003

    L. Hardell a, M. Carlberg b, K. H. Mild c, M. Eriksson d
    , C. Sundström e

    a Department of Oncology, University Hospital, and Department of Natural Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
    b Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
    c National Institute for Working Life, Umeå and Department of Natural Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
    d Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
    e Department of Pathology, Akademiska Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden


    We performed a case-control study on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for brain tumors. We report the results for benign brain tumors with data from 413 cases (89% response rate), 305 with meningioma, 84 with acoustic neuroma, 24 with other types and 692 controls (84% response rate). For meningioma, analogue phones yielded odds ratio (OR) = 1.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.97-3.0, increasing to OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.1-4.3 with a >10-year latency period. Also digital cellular phones and cordless phones increased the risk to some extent. For acoustic neuroma, analogue phones gave OR = 4.2, 95% CI = 1.8-10 increasing to OR = 8.4, 95% CI = 1.6-45 with a >15-year latency period, but based on low numbers. Digital phones yielded OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.05-3.8, whereas for cordless phones OR was not significantly increased. In the multivariate analysis, analogue phones represented a significant risk factor for acoustic neuroma.

    exNeuroepidemiology 2005;25:120-128

    Original Article (.pdf, 190 KB) 

    Dr. Lennart Hardell
    University Hospital
    SE-701 85 Örebro (Sweden)
    Tel. +46 19 602 10 00, Fax +46 19 10 17 68

    Cell phones and eyesight

    A new Israeli study is presented in the Israeli media as strong evidence for damage in the eyes by cellular phones, a mainstream journalist in a very mainstream newspaper writes "the findings were conclusive", the lens (of calves) exposed to the radiation lost focus.



    A novel experimental system was used to investigate the localized effects of microwave radiation on bovine eye lenses in culture for over 2 weeks.

    Using this setup, we found clear evidence that this radiation has a significant impact on the eye lens. At the macroscopic level, it is demonstrated that exposure to a few mW at 1 GHz for over 36 h affects the optical function of the lens.

    Most importantly, self-recovery occurs if the exposure is interrupted. At the microscopic level, close examination of the lens indicates that the interaction mechanism is completely different from the mechanism-causing cataract via temperature increase.

    Contrary to the latters effect, that is particularly pronounced in the vicinity of the sutures and it is assumed to be a result of local friction between the edges of the fibers consisting the lens. Even if macroscopically the lens has recovered from the irradiation, microscopically the indicators of radiation impact remain.

    Bioelectromagnetics 26:398-405, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

    Received: 15 July 2004; Revised: 18 January 2005

    From: Iris Atzmon,
    Sat, 2 Jul 2005

    How the study on power lines was presented on TV

    Still about power lines. What is the meaning of the results of the new study
    on power lines?

    The meaning was explained on TV to the viewers (former Friday night),
    by Dr. Sigal Sadezki, who leads the Israeli Interphone study.
    I saw it slowly on video to write the exact words:

    Sadezki:"This study joins to a line of other studies, that already supported
    the existence of connection between power lines and risk for childhood

    On the other hand, it is very important, as always, to understand that one
    single study, even if it's a big study, and even if it's relatively a good
    study, of course doesn't prove the connection, and certainly doesn't prove
    the causality of the connection".

    No wonder there is so much confusion among the public about health effects
    from power lines!


    The issue of power lines

    In The Netherlands the policy of the government now is not to build where the magnetic field is more than 400 nT. TenneT (the Transmission System Operator (TSO) in the Netherlands) has introduced a new high voltage system:

    The magnetic fields by the Wintrack powerline system are decreased, because the lines are always six in a perfect circle (before, they were in triangles). The magnetic fields neutralize each other extensively. Moreover there are conductors in the ground, I don't understand exactly how, I think they take stray fields away. Ask them:

    Regards, Frans

    Israeli experts committee on power lines
    About a week ago, in a famous israeli TV programme called "Popolitics", which deals with everything that concerns the public, the issue of power lines was discussed, after the publication of the new study about power lines was reported widely in the newspapers and TV.


    Iris Atzmon
    Tue, 14 Jun 2005

    Notice umtsno: see advices to Governments from Repacholi-WHO

    Von Krampfanfällen bei Kleinkindern und von Belastungen durch Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon

    Immer wieder wird erreichen mich Berichte über Säuglinge und Kleinkinder, bei denen unvermittelt Krampfanfälle auftreten. Relativ häufig handelt es sich dabei um Fälle atypischer Epilepsien, die mit üblichen Antikonsulfiva nur schwer oder ungenügend einstellbar sind. Ebenso auffällig ist, dass die übliche EEG-Diagnostik oft leer ausgeht oder atypische Befunde liefert.

    Fraglos gibt es Fälle erblich bedingter oder durch Geburtsvorgänge ausgelöster Säuglings und Kleinkinder-Epilepsien, und die betroffenen Kinder bedürfen einer qualifizierten konsequenten antiepileptischen Führung. Auch fieberhafte Infekte mit jähem Temperaturanstieg können einen (als Fieberkrampf bezeichneten) Krampfanfall auslösen (der situativ bleibt, meist keine eigenständige Erkrankung darstellt und eher harmlos ist). Diese beiden Ursachen stehen hier nicht zur Diskussion. Es geht um die auffällige in den letzten Jahren zu beobachtende Vermehrung dieser Fälle.

    Die Häufung frühkindlicher Krampfanfälle etwa in den letzten zehn Jahren ist auffällig kongruent zur weiteren Verbreitung der Mobilfunk- und DECT-Schnurlos-Telefonie.


    Motorola Funded Counter Research on Microwave DNA Damage

    Dr Neil Cherry

    Associate Professor of Environmental Health, Lincoln University
    9th December 2002


    Dr Henry Lai and Dr Narendra Singh used a DNA Comet Assay developed by Dr
    Singh to determine the microwaves damaged DNA-strands. They found that nonthermal
    microwave exposures significantly caused single and double DNA stranded
    breakage in living mice brains. The cellphone company Motorola wanted to prove
    that these studies were wrong and that microwaves and cell phone radiation do not
    cause DNA strand breakage. They funded Dr Roti Roti at Washington University, St
    Louis to replicate the Lai and Singh studies to try to show that they do not produce
    these effects. Dr Roti Roti used a different, much less sensitive assessment
    method and used a cell-line not living mice. Hence it is not a replicate study. They
    claimed not to show any DNA strand breakage from radiation exposures. The
    analysis of their own published data shows that they actually did show that
    microwaves and cellphone non-thermal radiation significantly damages DNAstrands
    and enhances significant repair rates in human cells.

    more .pdf, 191 KB

    Please consider my research on this subject.

    We need absolute proof positive of the harmful effects of EM radiation on living systems.
    We have it. The key is that the effects of radiation are CUMULATIVE - I repeat CUMULATIVE !!! IT CAN TAKE 10 - 20 - 30 or even more years for the damage to become apparent. It can even be handed down through generations.

    These things we know.

    Das Verhältnis zwischen Leukämie-Risiko bei Kindern und Hochspannungsleitungen


    Kinder, die in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen aufwachsen, erkranken häufiger an Leukämie als Kinder, deren Zuhause weit von Starkstromleitungen entfernt liegt.

    Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen Wissenschaftler der Universität Oxford in der Studie "Childhood cancer in relation to distance from high voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study". Die Wissenschaftler hatten dazu die Wohnorte von 29.000 krebskranken Kindern - 9700 mit Leukämie auf der Insel untersucht und festgestellt, daß überdurchschnittlich viele an Leukämie erkrankte Kinder in der Nähe von Überlandleitungen leben.

    Kinder, die weniger als 200 Meter entfernt von einer Hochspannungsleitung auf die Welt kommen, haben demnach ein 69 Prozent höheres Risiko an Leukämie zu erkranken als Kinder, die mehr als 600 Meter entfernt von einem Starkstrommasten geboren wurden.

    Leben Kinder in einer räumlichen Entfernung von 200 bis 600 Metern zu den Überlandleitungen, ist das Risiko einer Leukämie-Erkrankung gegenüber der weiter entfernt wohnenden Vergleichsgruppe laut Studie um 23 Prozent größer. Für andere Krebsformen wurde kein erhöhtes Risiko gefunden.

    Die Autoren, die ihre epidemiologischen Erkenntnisse jetzt in der Fachzeitschrift British Medical Journal veröffentlicht haben, weisen allerdings darauf hin, daß es für die statistischen Daten derzeit keine akzeptierten biologischen Wirkmechanismen gebe.

    9.6.05, Anm. von Krzysztof Puzyna (umtsno)

    Es gibt verschiedene Theorien über die Wirkung der elektromagnetischen Felder auf Lebewesen: Manczarski - Plasma-Theorie, die Tesla-Resonanz-Theorie oder die Studie von Bo Sernelius. siehe auch die Erklärung von Dr. Hyland während der Konferenz der Whistleblower am 07.09.2003 in Starnbek

    Ihrer gemeinsame Nenner ist, daß die elektromagnetischen Felder in der Milliarden mal kleineren Stärke als die Grenzwerte der ICNIRP-Maffia ( und durch diese Maffia unterwanderte WHO-Organisation in Genf) die lebenden Organismen schädigen. Keine dieser Theorien hat jemals eine Chance auf Anerkennung solange die Verbrecher und Lobbyisten von Vodafone bei WHO in Genf ihr Unwesen treiben dürfen. Übrigens der von Dr Hyland zitierte Direktor von WHO hat einen Namen- er heißt Repacholi

    siehe dazu Gebote für Regierungen von WHO-Repacholi und Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs

    Association between childhood leukaemia and high voltage power lines


    Childhood cancer in relation to distance from high voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study Gerald Draper, honorary senior research fellow1, Tim Vincent, research officer1, Mary E Kroll, statistician1, John Swanson, scientific adviser2

    1 Childhood Cancer Research Group, University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6HJ, 2 National Grid Transco plc, London WC2N 5EH

    Correspondence to: G J Draper

    Objective To determine whether there is an association between distance of home address at birth from high voltage power lines and the incidence of leukaemia and other cancers in children in England and Wales.

    Design Case-control study.

    Setting Cancer registry and National Grid records.

    Subjects Records of 29 081 children with cancer, including 9700 with leukaemia. Children were aged 0-14 years and born in England and Wales, 1962-95. Controls were individually matched for sex, approximate date of birth, and birth registration district. No active participation was required.

    Main outcome measures Distance from home address at birth to the nearest high voltage overhead power line in existence at the time.

    Results Compared with those who lived > 600 m from a line at birth, children who lived within 200 m had a relative risk of leukaemia of 1.69 (95% confidence interval 1.13 to 2.53); those born between 200 and 600 m had a relative risk of 1.23 (1.02 to 1.49). There was a significant (P < 0.01) trend in risk in relation to the reciprocal of distance from the line. No excess risk in relation to proximity to lines was found for other childhood cancers.

    Conclusions There is an association between childhood leukaemia and proximity of home address at birth to high voltage power lines, and the apparent risk extends to a greater distance than would have been expected from previous studies. About 4% of children in England and Wales live within 600 m of high voltage lines at birth. If the association is causal, about 1% of childhood leukaemia in England and Wales would be attributable to these lines, though this estimate has considerable statistical uncertainty. There is no accepted biological mechanism to explain the epidemiological results; indeed, the relation may be due to chance or confounding.

    ex more
    see also ex Residential and Occupational Exposures to 50-Hz Magnetic Fields and Breast Cancer in Women

    see Advice to Governments from Repacholi-WHO

    Prof.Trzaska: SAR ? the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable.



    The paper discusses several aspects of the practical application of the SAR. It is shown that the unit is an ideal solution for basic research and laboratory experiments. SAR is directly nonmeasurable unit. Although methods and devices based upon indirect SAR measurements may widen our knowledge about EM energy distribution and absorption within a body. It is shown that for practical applications the temperature SAR measurement methods are not sensitive enough while methods based upon E (H) measurement are less accurate than traditional approaches. As a result of assumption SAR = 4 W/kg as a basic restriction the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable. A return to traditional units (E,H,S) in the standards and surveying metrology is suggested.


    Prof. Szmigielski ex1, 2, 3, 4, Prof. Trzaska 1, 2, 3, Dr. van Velden 1, 2, Dipl.-Ing. Puzyna 1, 2, 3.

    watch !

    with reference to the article published hier

    Mrs. Sianette Kwee: "...Poland, as one of the countries that recently has joined the EU, has now to change their safety limits. Their original safety limits were much stricter than EU’s ICNIRP limits, so for them it is also a step backwards."

    Mr. Hubert Trzaska /Poland provides completely different evidence please see his letter from 23.5.05

    "Dear Sirs:
    With no regard to my opinion on the Polish Protection Standards My presentation during meeting in Greece last year has nothing common with the standards and it was devoted to the sense of the Western World protection standards at all and to the sense of the SAR applications in particular.
    With the best regards:

    Hubert Trzaska

    PS: a copy of my paper is enclosed herewith"

    According to Mr. Stanislaw Szmigielski, see mail from 19 Nov 2004, Prof. Trzaska is only partially right describing entire situation. Prof. Szmigielski says that things look slightly different
    "...this work has been taken over by special commission of Polish experts.

    For sure this commission of Polish bioelectromagnetism will not vote for adaptation of polish standards to ICNIRP-values and will propose much lower safety limits."

    Krzysztof Puzyna


    I forward your letter to Professor Szmigielski and to Professor Trzaska. Please
    concentrate at differences between results of Prof. Szmigielski long term
    research and results made in his summary.

    Krzysztof Puzyna

    25 May 2005
    Dear Olle Johansson,
    from: Krzysztof Puzyna

    Exisiting standards you will be able to find here
    (or Grenzwerte)
    see also below of this site:
    A comparison of new EMF public safety regulations in Poland with ICNIRP recommendations

    The public limits are not based on INCIRP however its been told in Poland that they
    originate from it..
    in polish, perhaps in english:
    A. Bortkiewicz, M. Zmyslony, A. Szyjkowska, E. Gadzicka from Zaklad Zagrozen Fizycznych
    Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera w Lodzi:
    "Subjective symptoms reported by people living in the vicinity of cellular phone base
    stations: a review of the studies"

    Standards to be recommended to the government are currently constructed
    by commission consisting of following members: see

    Krzysztof Puzyna

    30 May 2005

    From: Stanislaw Szmigielski, Szmigielski(przy)
    Subject: Johansson to Szmigielski, Trzaska versus Kwee

    Dear Professor Johansson;

    Thank you for interest in EMF safety guidelines and limits being in force in Poland. In fact, we follow from 1972 an original form of EMF safety guidelines with separate permissible exposure levels (PEL) for workers and for general public.


    24 May 2005
    From: Frans van Velden

    Dear Krzysztof Puzyna

    What is the stand of Mr. S. Szmigielski about radiofrequency radiation by
    send masts (GSM and UMTS/3G, TETRA, DECT, WLAN, WIFI)?

    In my view 100 mikro Watt/m2 is the maximum limit. That is 0,2 V/m.
    What does he propose?

    kind regards

    Frans van Velden

    30 May 2005
    From: Stanislaw Szmigielski

    Dear Dr van Velden;

    In Poland we have a permissible exposure level to microwave radiation (300 MHz - 300 GHz) for general public set at 0.1 W/sq.m. (mean power density), being equivalent of 6 V/m for electric field component. In our opinion this level provides adequate protection for continous exposures, in fact the real exposure levels for majority of the population are considerably lower.

    Concerning the exposures from mobile phone base stations, being well below the permissible level of 0.1 W/sq.m., it is our strong feeling that, in view of the present state of art, no health risks of effects could be related to these exposures.

    Best wishes and regards.

    Professor dr med. Stanislaw Szmigielski,
    Department of Microwave Safety,
    Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland.

    31 May 2005
    From: Hubert Trzaska

    Dear Mr. van Velden:
    Than you so much for your question. I'll try to comment it as I'm unable to answer it.
    I can't answer your question as I'm not a biologists nor a doctor. To tell you the truth an answer of such a nation would be unclear and within range from absolute zero to infinity, depending upon point of setting (point of view) of a person.


    31 May 2005
    From: Frans van Velden

    Dear Krzysztof Puzyna,

    I do not agree with Professor dr med. Stanislaw Szmigielski. He writes it is 'their strong feeling', so not scientifically based. Epidemiology shows effects around 100 mikroWatt/m2, some in vitro research even at 1 mikroWatt/m2. I attach some things.


    Frans van Velden

    Original documents (.doc)

    The report of the Jülich Institute has been ordered and financed by T-Mobile
    Two single blind experiences
    Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts.

    Tumour risk for rural mobile users

    By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent

    Mobile phone users who live in the countryside are more likely to develop brain tumours than those in towns and cities, a study published today shows.

    Researchers found that people from rural areas who had used a digital mobile for five years or more were up to four times more likely to be diagnosed with a tumour.

    They claimed the finding was due to handsets operating at greater power levels when they are further away from transmitters.

    Mobile phone manufacturers rejected the findings, pointing out that all mobile phones operate at power levels that are within international safety limits.


    Adlkofer's study from REFLEX

    Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro.

    Diem E, Schwarz C, Adlkofer F, Jahn O, Rudiger H.

    Division of Occupational Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna 1090, Austria.

    Cultured human diploid fibroblasts and cultured rat granulosa cells were exposed to intermittent and continuous radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) used in mobile phones, with different specific absorption rates (SAR) and different mobile-phone modulations. DNA strand breaks were determined by means of the alkaline and neutral comet assay. RF-EMF exposure (1800MHz; SAR 1.2 or 2W/kg; different modulations; during 4, 16 and 24h; intermittent 5min on/10min off or continuous wave) induced DNA single- and double-strand breaks. Effects occurred after 16h exposure in both cell types and after different mobile-phone modulations. The intermittent exposure showed a stronger effect in the comet assay than continuous exposure. Therefore we conclude that the induced DNA damage cannot be based on thermal effects.


    Weitere Teilstudie im Rahmen des Europäischen REFLEX-Projekts.

    Nicht-thermische DNA-Brüche durch Mobilfunkstrahlung (1800 MHz) in
    menschlichen Fibroblasten und in veränderten GFSH-R17 Granulosazellen
    von Ratten in vitro


    Abstract: Rattenkulturzellen (diploide Fibroblasten und Granulosazellen) wurden in intermittierender und kontinuierlicher hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung (RF-EMF) mit verschiedenen spezifischen Absorptionsraten (SAR) und unterschiedlichen mobilfunktypischen Modulationen exponiert. Die Brüche der DNA-Stränge wurden mit Hilfe der
    alkalischen und neutralen Comet Assay-Methode bestimmt. Die RF-EMF Exposition (1800MHz; SAR 1,2 oder 2W/kg; unterschiedliche Modulationen; während 4, 16 und 24 Stunden; intermittierend 5 min an / 10 min aus oder kontinuierliche Wellen) bewirkte DNA Einzel- und Doppelstrangbrüche.

    Diese Wirkungen traten nach einer Exposition von 16 Stunden in beiden Zelltypen auf und nach unterschiedlichen Mobilfunkmodulationen. Die intermittierende Exposition zeigte stärkere Auswirkungen beim Comet Assay als die kontinuierliche Exposition, woraus die Autoren schließen,daß die Schädigung der DNA nicht durch thermische Effekte verursacht wird.

    Bibliographische Angaben: Diem E, Schwarz C, Adlkofer F, Jahn O, RudigerH., Mutat Res. 2005 Apr 30;

    A preliminary study on ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields effect on black locust chlorophylls.

    Sandu DD, Goiceanu IC, Ispas A, Creanga I, Miclaus S, Creanga DE.

    Faculty of Physics, "Al I Cuza" University, 6600 lasi.

    Chlorophylls were quantitatively studied in the leaves of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) seedlings exposed to electromagnetic fields of high frequency. Exposure system was designed and built up to make possible simultaneous exposure of seedling lots (3 months old) to low power density electromagnetic fields corresponding to a frequency of 400 MHz. After three weeks of daily exposures (1, 2, 3 and 8 hours), chlorophyll levels were measured using adequate spectral device. Statistical analysis of experimental results was performed by means of t-test to identify significant modifications induced by electromagnetic treatment in exposed samples in comparison to the control. Chlorophyll-a as well as chlorophyll-b level was found to decrease except the exposure time of two hours, where a considerable enhancement was noticed.

    It was revealed that the ratio of the two main types of chlorophyll was decreasing logarithmically to the increase of daily exposure time.


    Voruntersuchung zur Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder sehr hoher Frequenzen auf das Chlorophyll der Robinie


    Aus dem Abstract: Die Chlorophylle der Blätter von Robiniensämlingen (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wurden nach Exposition in hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern (400 MHz) quantitativ untersucht. Nach dreiwöchiger täglicher Exposition (1, 2, 3 und 8 Stunden) wurde die Menge des Chlorophylls gemessen. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß die Menge an Chlorophyll-a als auch die an Chlorophyll-b gesunken war, außer bei einer Expositionszeit von zwei Stunden, bei der eine beträchtliche Steigerung zu verzeichnen war.

    Der Versuch zeigte, daß das Verhältnis der beiden Haupttypen des Chlorophylls logarithmisch abnahm in dem Maße wie die tägliche Exposition andauerte.

    Bibliographische Angaben: Sandu DD, Goiceanu IC, Ispas A, Creanga I,
    Miclaus S, Creanga DE., Acta Biol Hung. 2005;56(1-2):109-17.


    Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness
    Research in Austria

    The radiation of a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 metres causes significant changes of the electrical currents in the brains of testees (measured by electroencefalogram, EEG). All the testees said they felt unwell during the radiation, some of them seriously.

    That is the result of an investigation by a team of Austrian scientists. They measured alpha 1 (8 to 10 Hz), alpha 2 (10 to 12 Hz) and beta waves (13 to 20 Hz). A small density of GSM 900 and GSM 1800 radiation already caused several significant changes in these three frequency ranges. This means the body is stressed - temporarily this may have some positive
    effect, in the long run however stress certainly reduces the quality of life, capacity for work and state of health.


    Strahlung von Mobilfunksende-Anlagen beeinflussen Gehirnströme

    [Land Salzburg] Salzburger Umweltmediziner Oberfeld stellt Ergebnisse einer neuen Studie vor

    (LK) "Die Ergebnisse einer neuen Studie zeigen weltweit erstmals, daß die Einstrahlung einer Mobilfunksendeanlage (GSM 900/1800 MHz) in etwa 80 Metern Entfernung zu signifikanten Veränderungen unterschiedlicher EEG-Parameter führt. Die gemessenen Veränderungen der Gehirnströme sind mit verschiedenen vegetativen und zentralnervösen Störungen, über die die Probanden berichteten, in Zusammenhang zu bringen."

    Dies teilte heute, Mittwoch, 27. April, der Salzburger Umweltmediziner Dr. Gerd Oberfeld vom Referat "Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin" des Landes mit.


    REFLEX Studie - aktuelle Situation (19.03.05)

    - lt. Prof Adlkofer sind die Ergebnisse der Studie für den Hochfrequenzbereich bereits innerhalb der REFLEX-Studie von verschiedenen Laboratorien reproduziert worden; damit ist das letzte Kriterium für den "wissenschaftlichen Nachweis" erfüllt. Wir sollten das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz jetzt auffordern, zu begründen, warum dieser "wissenschaftliche Nachweis" nicht akzeptiert wird.


    Prof. Dr. Adlkofer schrieb:

    Sehr geehrter Herr Schmidt,

    haben Sie vielen Dank für die Überlassung Ihres Briefwechsels mit dem Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, das sich - wenn ich dies richtig deute - bei der Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Studien offensichtlich auch der Hilfe der Industrie bedient.


    Studie: Handymast stört Schlaf

    Pilotstudie der Grazer TU beweist: Handymasten können Schlafstörungen verursachen – nun wird österreichweit geforscht.

    Wer nachts durchs Klingeln seines Handys im Schlaf gestört wird, ist selbst schuld. Handymasten dagegen kann man nicht ausschalten – und auch sie können für Schlafstörungen sorgen. Das ist zumindest das Ergebnis einer weltweit einzigartigen Pilotstudie der Grazer Technischen Universität, welche nun mit der Unterstützung des Lebens- und des Wirtschaftsministeriums österreichweit weitergeführt wird.

    Durchgeführt wird die Studie über die Auswirkungen des sogenannten Elektrosmog bzw. dessen Einwirken auf unsere Gesundheit vom „Institut für Krankenhaustechnik" der TU, dessen Leiter Norbert Leitgeb ist.

    vom 18.1.2005
    siehe auch: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht


    WHO reagiert auf Forderungen nach epidemiologischen Studien und der Anwendung des Vorsorgeprinzips

    Quelle: Webseite der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO

    WHO kündigt erneut epidemiologische Untersuchungen HF-belasteter Bevölkerungsgruppen an - wann erfolgt die Umsetzung?


    Die WHO fordert alle interessierten Kreise weiter dazu auf, aktiv an diesem Prozess teilzunehmen

    Alle beteiligten und interessierten Kreise (Bürgergruppen, Umweltverbände, Industrie, Kommunen etc.) werden gebeten, ihre Vorstellungen von der Umsetzung des Vorsorgeprinzips an die WHO zu mailen, und zwar an:

    Telefon: 0041 22 791 49 76, Fax: 0041 22 791 41 23, Postanschrift: World Health Organization (WHO), Radiation Program Radiation and Environmental Health, 20 Avenue Appia , CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland/Schweiz/Suisse


    Europaparlament will mehr Schutz vor Elektrosmog

    BRÜSSEL (taf). Präventive ärztliche Kontrollen zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmern vor elektromagnetischen Feldern sollen verstärkt werden. Dies hat das Europäische Parlament (EP) gefordert und damit grünes Licht für eine geplante Richtlinie gegeben.

    Das Regelwerk setzt Expositionsgrenzwerte zum Schutz von Arbeitnehmern fest. Wird ein Grenzwert überschritten, muss der Mitarbeiter ärztlich untersucht werden. Die Richtlinie zielt vor allem auf Beschäftigte in der Stahlindustrie, Metallbearbeitung oder auf Personen, die in der Nähe von Fernseh- oder Radioübertragungsmasten, Radargeräten sowie Mobilfunkantennen arbeiten.

    Copyright © 1997-2004 by Ärzte Zeitung

    Ärzte warnen vor Kopfschmerz, Depressionen und Unfruchtbarkeit

    Wird Elektrosmog verharmlost?

    von Ann Hörath

    Schlaflos, unfruchtbar, krank durch elektromagnetische Strahlung? "Durchaus möglich!", meinen Kollegen vom Zentralverband der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren (ZÄN).


    Verdachtsfälle: Häufungen von Krebs und schweren Erkrankungen in der Nähe von Funkantennen

    Österreich, Krebserkrankungen in Wernstein

    Polen, Slupsk/ Stolp 75 Tote, 53 Erkrankte, bekannt geworden November 2004

    Stadtratsbeschluss auf Grund der Nailaer Studie

    Deutschland, Naila, beunruhigende Studie zur Belastung von Anwohnern durch Mobilfunkstationen bekannt geworden Juli 2004

    Polen, Polanica Zdrój, bekannt geworden Juni 2003

    Polen, Rybnik, bekannt geworden Juli 2003

    Deutschland, Geisenheim, Hessen, bekannt geworden Mai 2003:

    Deutschland, Heroldsberg, Bayern, bekannt geworden Januar 2002:

    Deutschland, Haaren, NRW, bekannt geworden Januar 2002:

    Großbritannien, 15 Krebshäufungen, bekannt geworden im Juli 2002:

    Großbritannien, London, bekannt geworden im Januar 2002:

    Großbritannien, Wishaw, Warnwicks, bekannt geworden im April 2003:

    Großbritannien, Manchester, Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen, März 2004

    Italien, Volturino, Immer mehr mißgebildete Tiere in bestrahltem Dorf, März 2003

    Gehirntumore und Leukämien im Umfeld von Rundfunk-/TV-Sendern und Radarstationen


    Spanien, Villaverde del Río 23 Tote in der Nähe von Sevilla, September 2005

    Der Tod von 43 Einwohnern von Majadahonda durch elektromagnetische Strahlung , wird zur Anzeige gebracht, August 2005

    Spanien/Barcelona: Leukämietote und Leukozytose bei Mobilfunkantenne

    Spanien, Navarro, Das Mikrowellensyndrom: Eine vorläufige Studie in Spanien
    Unter Anwohnern von Basisstationen wurden signifikante Zusammenhänge
    zwischen berichteten Symptomen und gemessenen Feldstärken gefunden.

    Spanien, Meta-Liste, zusammengetragen von Bürgerverbänden aus Girona und Zaragoza, Mai 2003:

    Spanien, Barcelona, bekannt geworden Juni 2003, Leukämie

    Spanien, Cartagena, bekannt geworden Mai 2003, Kinderkrebsfälle:

    Spanien, Alicante, bekannt geworden Mai 2003:

    Spanien, Valladolid, bekannt geworden Januar 2002:

    Spanien, Figueres, bekannt geworden Februar 2002:

    Spanien, L Escala, bekannt geworden Juni 2002:

    Spanien, L Escala2, bekannt geworden Juni 2002:

    Spanien, Torrevieja, bekannt geworden im März 2002:

    Frankreich, Saint Cyr, bekannt geworden im März 2002:
    (mindestens 8 offiziell als "verdächtig" eingestufte Kinderkrebsfälle, darunter mehrere tödliche Gehirntumore bei Kindern, Krebsfälle bei Jugendlichen, Hirnschäden bei Kleinkind, 42440,32 Mikrowatt/ Qm (4 V/m) siehe Grenzwerte, mehrere Mobilfunkantennen von 3 Betreibern seit 1992 bzw.1997 auf dem Dach einer Schule, Antennen wurden 2003 abgebaut)

    Israel, Osfie, bekannt geworden im März 2000

    Israel, Porat, Zoran u.a., bekannt geworden im März 2003

    Israel, 165 Krebsfälle in einer Nachbarschaft in Osfie, Maariv 20.1.2004

    Israel, Osfie, by November 2004 already 85 are dead


    Elektrosensibilisierung und magnetische Kontrastmittel

    Elektrosensibilisierung, Dispositionen zu Allergien und anderen Gesundheitsstörungen einschließlich Krebs durch magnetisierende Kontrastmittel + Elektrosmog

    Bitte geben Sie diese Informationen an Selbsthilfegruppen und an Initiativen gegen Elektrosmog weiter. Es besteht der begründete Verdacht, daß magnetische Kontrastmittel, die wegen einer (besseren) Resonanz bei bildgebenden Diagnoseverfahren gespritzt werden, Elektrosensibilisierungen auslösen können. Zudem ist zu befürchten, daß hierdurch die bioelektrischen Systeme einschließlich Nervensystem beeinträchtigt werden können.
    siehe auch Der elektrosensible Mensch


    It’s Genetics, Stupid
    Nachricht von Klaus Peter Schneider

    Es geht hierbei um EMF und Brustkrebs in einer neuen Dokumentation von Prof. Wolfgang Löscher.


    Volksleiden: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht

    Hamburg (dpa) - 38 Prozent der Bundesbürger leiden häufig unter Schlaflosigkeit. Das ergab eine repräsentative Umfrage des Magazins «Young Nurse», das von der Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege (BGW) herausgegeben wird. Frauen (41 Prozent) seien davon deutlich stärker betroffen als Männer (34 Prozent), teilte die Zeitschrift am Dienstag in Hamburg mit. Müdigkeit spielt nach Angaben der BGW bei mehr als der Hälfte aller Arbeitsunfällen eine Rolle. Im Auftrag von «Young Nurse» hatte das Stuttgarter Institut für Rationelle Psychologie 4123 Männer und Frauen zum Thema Schlaflosigkeit befragt. Die BWG empfiehlt ein gut gelüftetes Schlafzimmer, eine Zimmertemperatur von 16 Grad Celsius sowie ein warmes Bad oder warme Milch vor dem Schlafengehen.


    Müde? Handy-Strahlung hypnotisiert das Gehirn

    Funktelefone verdummen

    von Ulrike Ostler

    Ein 20-minütiges Gespräch mit dem Handy hat etwa die Wirkung einer Hypnose. Diesen Zusammenhang wollen Forscher am Zentrum für Neuropsychopharmakologie der australischen University of Technology in Swinburne jetzt belegen können.


    Alarm im Ohr: Hörsturz oft schwer zu behandeln

    "Die Zahl der Hörstürze in Deutschland nimmt zu", sagt Knör.

    zu dieser Meldung folgender Beitrag im Auszug:

    Tinnitus und Mobilfunk

    Hallo Leute,

    auch ich hab hin und wieder Geräusche, wie Summen und Pfeifen im Ohr, was ist wohl die Ursache?

    Eins kann man nicht ausschließen, siehe Artikel ...

    Ist der Mann im Ohr ein Mobilfunk-Empfänger ?


    Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung durch Mobilfunk

    von Dr. med. Dietrich Grün

    Die von der Bundesregierung und der SSK wiederholt vertretene Behauptung, unterhalb der gesetzlichen Grenzwerte gäbe es keine gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen ist schlicht falsch. mehr

    German company called G-Hanz introduced a new type of mobile phone

    I have read somewhere that the industry in Germany tried to block the publication of the REFLEX project, the below explains why.


    Bemerkungen zur Adlkofer REFLEX-STUDIE

    Wie es der chinesische Wissenschaftler Changlin Zhang darstellt [Lit.), zeigt sich der elektromagnetische Körper eines lebenden Organismus im System der Chakren, Meridiane und Akupunkturpunkte. Dieses System wird durch stehende Wellen gebildet, die aber nicht statisch sind, sondern zeitliche Zyklen durchlaufen. [Dissipative Structure of Electromagnetic Field in Living Systems. Frontier Perspective, Vol 12.Nr.1, und 'Dichter Körper und elektromagnetischer Körper, Tattva Viveka 6, Kopie notfalls bei W. Wagner]


    Tag des Versuchstiers: Tierversuche sind Affenschande für Deutschland

    2,1 Millionen Versuchstiere weist die aktuelle Versuchstierstatistik in Deutschland aus - darunter rund 2000 Affen - mit steigender Tendenz. Darauf weist der Deutsche Tierschutzbund anlässlich des Internationalen Tags des Versuchstiers am 24. April hin. "Diese Situation ist zwei Jahre nach Verabschiedung des Staatsziels Tierschutz völlig inakzeptabel", erklärt Wolfgang Apel, Präsident des Deutschen Tierschutzbundes. "Wir erwarten von Bund und Ländern, daß diese endlich Maßnahmen ergreifen, um durchgreifende Änderungen zu bewirken."

    Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

    Omega: Menschenversuche sind auch eine Schande für Deutschland. Menschen werden als "Versuchskaninchen" für Mobilfunkversuche benutzt. Auch sie "wir erwarten von Bund und Ländern, daß diese endlich Maßnahmen ergreifen, um durchgreifende Änderungen zu bewirken."

    Siehe auch:

    WHO: Menschen als Versuchskaninchen?

    Mike Repacholi, der 'Beauftragte der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zur Untersuchung der Gefahren von elektromagnetischer Strahlung', sagte im Februar 2003 an der EMC-Konferenz in Zürich:

    - Repacholi weist diesen Einwand, die Telekommunikationsindustrie missbrauche die Bevölkerung als Versuchskaninchen für Technologien, deren gesundheitliche Auswirkungen nicht klar seien, nicht völlig von der Hand.

    - Repacholi bestätigt, daß bei der Zulassung neuer Medikamente viel strengere Maßstäbe gelten.

    - Repacholi gibt zu, daß der rasche technologische Fortschritt und der ungestillte Hunger der Mobilitätsgesellschaft nach Neuerungen eine Risikoprüfung vor der Einführung neuer drahtloser Technologien unpraktikabel macht.

    - Repacholi sagt, es sei nicht auszuschließen, daß elektromagnetische Strahlung von einigen Personen stärker wahrgenommen werde.

    Re: Tag des Versuchstiers: Tierversuche sind Affenschande für Deutschland

    in dem Beitrag sind einige wichtige Aussagen.


    Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen

    Eine stetig ansteigende Anzahl Jugendlicher sowie junger Leute erkranken an Krebs! Forscher der Universität Manchester berichteten dies auf einer Fachtagung. Bei Jugendlichen wird die Diagnose Krebs oft leider erst verspätet gestellt. Verständlicherweise geht man davon aus, daß solche Erkrankungen in dieser Altersgruppe nicht vermutet werden.


    Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen durch Elektrosmog

    Der Elektrobiologe Harald Moritz führt langjährig Statistik

    Jeder Mensch reagiert sehr spezifisch auf Umwelteinflüsse, zu denen auch die elektromagnetischen Felder zählen.

    Auf Grund meiner mehr als zehnjährigen Erfahrung als Elektrobiologe, sowie ähnlicher Auffassung in Fachkreisen, haben sich bei besonders exponierten Patienten jedoch ähnliche Abläufe entwickelt.

    Demnach reagiert der menschliche Organismus in drei Stufen auf Elektrosmog:

    1. Phase - Störungsphase

    Hierbei reagiert der Körper mit Befindlichkeitsstörungen und Stresssymptomen wie Schlafstörungen, Appetitlosigkeit, Nervosität, Konzentrationsschwäche sowie vegetativen Komponenten.

    2. Phase - Beeinträchtigungsphase

    Die Symptome der Störungen werden nun deutlicher wahrgenommen, z.B. als starke Kopfschmerzen bzw. Migräne, Verdauungsstörungen, Immunschwäche, stärkerer Infektanfälligkeit und weiteren organischen Störungen.

    3. Phase - Pathologische Phase (Krankheit)

    Die dritte Phase bedingt eine Erkrankung, die ohne Reduzierung der Elektrosmogbelastung, dann häufig zu einer irreversiblen Krankheit führt. Hier dokumentiert sich ein breites medizinisches Krankheitsspektrum.

    Anm. Webmaster: siehe in PDF-Datei, Langzeituntersuchungen profhecht.htm
    II Mensch 5-18 ; rus.htm und Krebsfälle in Spanien


    Wäre das Handy ein Lebensmittel oder ein Medikament, wäre es längst vom Markt genommen!

    Die biologischen Wirkungen weit unterhalb der gültigen Grenzwerte und der ausreichende Verdacht einer Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung sind gegeben!

    Einige Beispiele aus der Wissenschaft:

    - Hirnstromveränderungen

    - Nervenzellen reagieren falsch

    - Zellveränderungen durch Mobilfunkstrahlung schon bei sehr tiefen Levels

    - Einflüsse auf Melatoninproduktion

    - Einfluss auf die Spermienmotilität (-Beweglichkeit)

    Signifikante DNA-Schäden

    Vielen Dank Herr Dr. Kohl und Frau Merkel für die Baugesetze, die Sie vor Jahren unterzeichnet haben, über die die Gemeinden kein Mitspracherechte mehr haben. Danke auch an Herrn Schröder, der die Grenzwertdiskussion beendet und diese Angelegenheit zur Chefsache gemacht hatte.

    Heute aus dem Bayerischen Landtag – Anhörung Mobilfunk / Elektrosmog
    Veranstalter Dr. Martin Runge und Ruth Paulig, Die Grünen im Bayerischen Landtag.

    Als Sprecher waren geladen:

    Prof. Adlkofer

    Dipl. Ing. Schiedrich/ Fa. Schwille

    Dipl. Ing. Greger/Fa. enorm

    RA Sommer

    Hier eine Vorab-Information, das Wortprotokoll kann bei Dr. Martin Runge angefordert werden:

    Stichpunkte Prof. Adlkofer zur Reflex-Studie:

    Franz Adlkofer
    Executive Director and Member of the Board
    VERUM Foundation
    Pettenkoferstr. 33
    D-80336 München

    Ein Wissenschaftler der nicht marktgerechte Ergebnisse veröffentlicht wird oft mit dem zweifelhaften Ruf des "selbsternannten Experten" versehen, die Ergebnisse werden ignoriert, der Verfasser kritisiert und dann diffamiert.......

    Die Reflex-Studie wurde gemacht, weil nach langjähriger Forschungsarbeit bisher noch nicht geklärt werden konnte, ob EMF schädigt oder nicht. Die Reflex-Studie wurde von mehreren Forschungslabors gleichzeitig durchgeführt, z.B. in Berlin, Wien, Hannover, Helsinki.........

    Die Studie stellte sich einer genauen Aufgabenstellung um künftigen Untersuchungen über EMF den Weg zu weisen.

    Hier ging es um folgende Punkte:

    - Genmutation

    - Deregulation der Zellproliferation

    - Deregulation der Apoptose

    - Modifikation der Gen- und Proteinexpression

    Die Verfasser der Studie glaubten nicht, daß ihre Untersuchung Ergebnisse bringen würde, aber es kam anders wie alle dachten........

    Untersucht wurden alle Handy-Signale – gepulst sowie ungepulst – nicht aber die Auswirkungen von Sendeanlagen. Auffallend war, daß die gepulsten Frequenzen stets zu einer größeren Schädigung führten. Alle Tests ergaben aber eine signifikante Erhöhung der Micronucleine (Vorstufe zu Krebs – siehe auch Rinderstudie !!!), sowie die Abspaltung von DNA-Material, welches sich nicht mehr integrierte.

    Alle Untersuchungen fanden im Doppel-Blind-Verfahren statt (nur der Computer wusste wann eine Exposition stattfand). Stets wurden "scheinexponierte" Zellkulturen mit untersucht, wobei es dem Team nicht bekannt war, welche der Proben unter dem Einfluss von EMF standen. Dabei war eine signifikante Schädigung der bestrahlten Zellkulturen feststellbar.

    Die entsprechenden Expositionskammern wurden von Prof. Kuster (Wien) gebaut.

    Prof. Adlkofer
    weist darauf hin, daß man über Ergebnisse, die ein Doppel-Blind-Verfahren aufzeigt, nicht mehr diskutieren muss – diese sind nicht zu verwerfen, da man sie nicht willentlich beeinflussen kann.

    Je länger eine Exposition andauert, desto größer ist die Schädigung.


    siehe auch:

    Alle Reflex-Berichte

    Funk schädigt DNA

    EU-Studie weist Genmutationen durch Strahlung nach

    Millionen von Menschen fragen sich, ob ihr Mobiltelefon gefährlich ist. Eine EU-finanzierte Studie hat nun nachgewiesen, daß Mobilfunkstrahlen die DNA-Strukturen von Zellen angreifen.


    Frankfurt a. M. · 11. Juli · Wissenschaftler aus sieben Ländern haben im so genannten Reflex-Projekt vier Jahre lang untersucht, wie Zellkulturen - menschliche wie tierische - auf elektromagnetische Felder reagieren. Die Ergebnisse gelten unter Experten als spektakulär: Elektromagnetische Schwingungen, vergleichbar mit denen eines Mobilfunk-Telefons, können demnach DNA-Strukturen zerstören und damit Erbgut verändern.

    Die Studie unter der Leitung der Münchener Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt (Verum) zeigt, daß Zellen nach der Bestrahlung durch elektromagnetische Felder DNA-Strangbrüche sowie Veränderungen an den Chromosomen aufweisen. Solche Genmutationen werden, wenn sie im menschlichen Körper auftreten, allgemein als krebserregend angesehen.
    .... mehr

    Regierung kann nicht mehr länger wegsehen

    Schockierende EU Studie und Kommentar

    In der Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung erschien am 14-07-2004 der in der Anlage befindliche Artikel nebst dem dazugehörigen Kommentar.

    siehe unter: heißt es auf der Titelseite der GNZ:

    "Ergebnis ein Schock"

    Die von der EU in Auftrag gegebene größte unabhängige Untersuchung zum Thema Mobilfunk, die Reflex-Studie, endete nach vier Jahren mit einem schockierenden Ergebnis.

    Der Niedergründauer Mobilfunk-Experte Hans Kroth fordert die Regierung zum Handeln auf."

    Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs

    Eine norwegische Untersuchung Fall-Kontroll-Studie zeigt einen Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfelder und Brustkrebs: Die gefundenen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß Frauen, die in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen wohnen, ein erhöhtes Risiko zu haben an Brustkrebs zu erkranken.

    Kliukiene J, Tynes T, Andersen A.:
    Residential and Occupational Exposures to 50-Hz Magnetic Fields and Breast Cancer in Women: A Population-based Study, Am J Epidemiol. 2004 May 1;159(9):852-61.


    Einfluss der Mobilfunkbelastung auf die Retikulocytenreifung

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    anbei habe ich die vorläufige Version der Retikulocyten-Untersuchung, die bewusst knapp gefasst ist, damit das wesentliche herauskommt:

    Bewusst habe ich auch große Datenmengen nicht mitgeliefert, da im Herbst noch ungefähr 300 bis 400 Personen nach Einschalten des Senders dazukommen.

    Die große Inhomogenität der Fragebögen, der Labors und der Situationen führte aber zu einer recht konstanten Bewertung.

    In Gruppen ist der Vorher-Nachher-Effekt sehr ähnlich, bei dem MCHC finden sich mindestens nach einem Jahr deutliche Veränderungen, der LFR ist bei aller Variation anderer Parameter im intraindividuellen Vergleich sehr zuverlässig verringert bei 2/3 der Personen, bei einem Drittel erhöht.

    Bei Kindern findet sich gegenüber Rentnern eine deutlich Beeinflussbarkeit dieser Felder, hier reagieren die Kleinen sogar zu 80% mit Verringerung der LFR.

    In Verbindung mit den neuen Untersuchungen aus Naila also insgesamt wieder schwerwiegende Argumente gegen die sorglose Verbreitung der Technologie.

    Auf jeden Fall wird es Ende des Jahres eine vollständigere Version geben.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Dr. Peter Germann

    Vorläufige Ergebnisse der 2. Blutreihenuntersuchung in Neustadt - deutliche Blutbildveränderungen festgestellt


    Neustadt, den 26. 7. 2004

    Vorläufige Ergebnisse der 2. Blutreihenuntersuchung in Neustadt - deutliche Blutbildveränderungen festgestellt!


    Neuer Ansatz zur Untersuchung des Phänomens Elektrosensibilität

    Das Wittener Zentrum für Elektropathologie sucht nach einem neuen Forschungs-Ansatz
    zur Erklärung des Phänomens der Elektrosensibilität und nimmt dafür die Mikrozirkulation der Haut unter die Lupe.

    Pressemitteilung der Universität Witten vom 10.08.04

    Ein ähnliches Verfahren wurde bereits bei den "Elektrosensibilitätstestungen" von
    Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing eingesetzt, bei denen er neben der Herzraten-Variabilität
    und Hirnströmen auch die periphere Hautdurchblutung (Mikrozirkulation) sowie elektrische Hautpotenziale gemessen hat.

    Gefunden bei:

    Kommentar der Elektrosmognews:

    Es ist schon verwunderlich, daß von einer Universität wie Witten-Herdecke eine Untersuchung gemacht wird, die sich nach Vorgaben Dr. Leberecht von Klitzing richtet. Vor allem deswegen, weil der Leiter der Abteilung EMF, Prof. Dr. David, zu den bekanntesten Verharmlosern und Beschönigern der Branche gehört. Sollte sich hier was geändert haben?

    Sollte der vielgeschmähte Prof. Dr. Leberecht von Klitzing am Ende doch Recht gehabt haben? Oder will man der Industrie wieder einen neuen Persilschein ausstellen? Wir werden diese Untersuchung auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten.

    Mitteilung von Prof. Dr. Klitzing:

    Betr.: Elektrosensibilität

    Liebe Interessenten,

    nachdem über die Reformen im Krankenhauswesen wir unsere Testungen der Elektrosensibilität derzeit im Klinikbereich nicht durchführen können, praktizieren wir dieses interimsweise privat. Getestet wird unter kontrollierten Feldbedingungen das vegetative Nervensystem, und hier insbesondere die Herzratenvariabilität, die uns Auskunft darüber gibt, wieweit die bioregulatorischen Prozesse eingeschränkt sind. Dieses korreliert mit der (echten) Elektrosensibilität. Erkannt wird dabei, ob Primärschäden (MCS, Polyneuropathien) vorliegen, die sekundär eine Elektrosensibilität zur Folge haben können.

    Weitere Infos (Testzeit, Kosten) und sehr praktikable Therapieansätze sind zu erhalten über:
    Ansprechpartner: Frau Dipl. Ing. Susanne Günther.
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Lebrecht von Klitzing, PhD, visit. Prof. (CN)
    -Medical Physicist-
    Lohstr. 170 A, D-23617 Stockelsdorf
    Tel. 0451-49 62 92

    Es darf nicht sein
    Person von Klitzing
    Mitteilung von Klitzing
    Wer's glaubt, wird selig
    Der elektrosensible Mensch
    Elektrosensibilität ist messbar
    Rat: TÜV-Gutachten in Auftrag
    Brief von Klitzing zu Gabriel-Chip
    Auch mit Mobbing nicht zu bremsen
    Wieviel Mobilfunk verträgt der Mensch ?
    Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Salzburg: Notwehr
    Time-slot modulated electromagnetic fields
    of wireless communication systems: Is there a health risk for man?

    Neuer Zündstoff für Diskussion über Handy-Gefahr

    Elektromagnetische Wellen mit Handy-Intensität verursachten DNA-Veränderungen / Daten einer in-vitro-Studie
    Dabei gelangten die Arbeitsgruppen trotz unterschiedlicher Nachweismethoden zum weitgehend gleichen Ergebnis: Je nach Expositionsdauer und Expositionsintensität kam es unterhalb des für Handys geltenden SAR (Spezifische Absorptionsrate)-Grenzwertes von zwei Watt pro Kilogramm zu einem signifikanten Anstieg von Einfach- und gefährlicheren - weil mit mehr Reparaturkomplikationen behafteten - Doppel-DNA-Strangbrüchen.


    Mobilphone industry wants to stop publication of the REFLEX-Study

    I have just talked to Adlkofer in Greece. He is very pessimistic now, because the Mobilphone industry wants to stop publication of the REFLEX report.

    Die Mobilfunkindustrie will die Veröffentlichung der REFLEX-Studie verhindern

    Ich habe gerade mit Adlkofer in Griechenland gesprochen. Er ist jetzt sehr pessimistisch, weil die Mobilfunkindustrie die Veröffentlichung der REFLEX-Studie verhindern will.

    Sianette Kwee
    siehe auch Prof. Kwee


    Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos, Greece

    Poland, as one of the countries that recently has joined the EU, has now to change their safety limits. Their original safety limits were much stricter than EU’s ICNIRP limits, so for them it is also a step backwards.

    SAR is getting a growing number og opponents and is considered as useless by many. Actually it is based on electrical fields and not on magnetic fields. Proposals for other ways to measure and express exposure were proposed e.g. Poland (#A7:1-Trzaska H.).

    Anm. von UMTSNO:
    Prof. dr Szmigielski: Die Grenzwerte-Empfehlungen der Strahlenschutzkommission in Polen
    werden erheblich niedriger ausfallen als die von ICNIRP

    see also Prof. Szmigielski response


    Sianette Kwee

    siehe auch Prof. Kwee
    siehe auch Does GSM 1800 MHz affect the public health in Sweden? (.pdf, ca.136 kB)

    Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population
    Thamir   Al-Khlaiwi,  Sultan  A.  Meo
    Objectives: The widespread use of mobile phones has been increased over the past decade; they are now an essential part of business, commerce and society. The use of mobile phones can cause health problems. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate the association of using mobile phones with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in the Saudi population and provide health and social awareness in using these devices.
    This study was conducted in the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the year 2002 to 2003. In the present study, a total of 437 subjects (55.1% male and 39.9% female) were invited, they have and had been using mobile phones. A questionnaire was distributed regarding detailed history and association of mobile phones with health hazards.
    The results of the present study showed an association between the use of mobile phones and health hazards. The overall mean percentage for these clinical findings in all groups were headache (21.6%), sleep disturbance (4.%), tension (3.9%), fatigue (3%) and dizziness (2.4%).
    Based on the results of the present study, we conclude that the use of mobile phones is a risk factor for health hazards and suggest that long term or excessive use of mobile phones should be avoided by health promotion activities such as group discussions, public presentations and through electronic and print media sources.


    Microwaves can damage DNA and increase risk of tumours, study shows

    MOBILE phone users were last night advised to cut their use of handsets - particularly in areas with poor reception - after new research found evidence they can cause cell damage.

    Researchers exposed cells in glass dishes to mobile phone signals and discovered that the low-power microwaves they emit can damage DNA, potentially causing cancer and other illnesses.
