Aby ludzie byli zdrowi

Schlafstörungen, Unruhezustände, Lernstörungen bei Kindern, beschleunigtes Krebswachstum, Blutbild- und Erbgutveränderungen, ist das für den Abbau der UMTS-Sender nicht ausreichend?

Es stimmt einfach nicht, daß es "keinen wissenschaftlichen Nachweis für gesundheitliche Gefahren" gibt. Es gibt unzählige seriöse Studien aus dem In- und Ausland, die die Schädlichkeit des gepulsten Mobilfunks beweisen.


"..In this respect, any statement by industry or official sources that claims (or suggests) that:

(a) There is no evidence of ill-health effects from masts; or
(b) The overwhelming evidence is that masts do not cause ill-health effects;
is completely and blatantly untrue."

exDr Grahame Blackwell

see Taddyfone

Prof. Guido Zimmer, Arzt u. Biochemiker, Berater der Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main)

"Was unser aller Gesundheit belastet und bedroht, kann unmöglich dem Gemeinwohl dienen"

Scientific research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of phone masts.

This is an overview of all epidemiologic and provocative research concerning human well-being and health in the vicinity of masts for GSM and UMTS (3G) mobile communication. The object of the research are living humans. This overview does not contain in vitro or in vivo (animals) laboratory research, because they do not give a consistent picture of what happens to people who are exposed permanently to pulsed radiofrequency radiation.


see also "Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender"
and (ex) Research Studies done on Microwave Radiation

Google News Alerts for: Electrical fields, cell phone masts cancer

Electromagnetic fields linked to cancers in railway workers Insider Medicine - Kingston, Ontario, Canada Electric and magnetic fields are areas of energy that surround any electrical device, and are produced by power lines, electrical wiring and appliances.

Martin Weatherall, weather (for)

siehe auch:

"Zur Verharmlosung der gesundheitsrelevanten Wirkung
von EMF auf die funktionellen und körperlichen Prozesse des Menschen"

wazne ! polecam tlumaczenie, wichtig ! important ! Prof. K. Hecht

Naila-Studie | Bamberger Appell | Helsinki Appeal 2005

Schädigungen des Menschen durch Hochfrequenzsender
sind seit Jahrzehnten "Stand des Wissens" (.pdf, ca.400 kB)-
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes

Elektrosmog kontrovers
(.pdf, ca.176 kB)- Der Umgang mit gesundheitlichen Risiken in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Markus Herrmann, Arzt und Wiss. Mitarbeiter am Institut für Allgemeinmedizin der Charité (Berlin)

Reizthema Mobil- und Kommunikationsfunk aus gesundheitlicher Sicht (.pdf, ca.240 kB)
Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes

Gesicherte Einflüsse EMF - Störung der zentralnervösen Regulation (.pdf, ca.160 kB)
Prof. Rainer Frentzel-Beyme, IGUMED (Bremen)

Gehirntumore und Leukämien im Umfeld von Rundfunk-/TV-Sendern und Radarstationen
dazu siehe auch Epidemiologie

Studien der Mobilfunksender siehe unten

Die Lehren aus der REFLEX-Studie:
Besitzen hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder ein genschädigendes Potential? (.pdf, ca.190 kB) Prof. Dr. Franz X. Adlkofer, Geschäftsführer der exStiftung VERUM (München),

Zusammenfassung des REFLEX-Abschlussberichtes (original, englisch) (.pdf, 19kB)

Zusammenfassung des REFLEX Abschlussberichtes (deutsch) (.pdf, 232kB

Nicht-thermaler Hitzeschock, Auswirkung von Mikrowellen (.pdf, ca.260 kB)

Final report on the REFLEX (.pdf, 12 MB!)

and project summary now available

6.6.2006, Zweiter Bericht der Bundesregierung über die Forschungsergebnisse in Bezug auf die Emissionsminderungsmöglichkeiten der gesamten Mobilfunktechnologie und in Bezug auf gesundheitliche Auswirkungen, Deutscher Bundestag Drucksache 16/1791, 16. Wahlperiode, 06. 06. 2006, .pdf, 275,7 KB

20.10.2006, Stellungnahme zur Darstellung der REFLEX-Studie in der Bundesdrucksache 16/1791 vom 06.06.2006, Prof. Franz Adlkofer, .pdf, 24,3 KB

siehe auch
die Stellungnahme von Prof. Franz Adlhofer zu Argumenten des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz


Bisherige Studien zu Schädigungen durch Mobilfunk-Sender (Basisstationen)
Stand April 2007

1 "Universität Gießen und München-Rinderstudie" 2000 (Wenzel et al.) Deutlicher Zusammenhang zwischen EMF und der Gesundheit der Tiere
2 "Santini-Studie" 2002 (Santini et al.)-.pdf, 40 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
3 "Universität Wien-Studie" 2002 (Kundi)- .pdf, 116 KB, First Edition
"Universität Wien-Studie" 2006 (Kundi)- .pdf, 218 KB, Second Edition
Herz-Kreislauf-Probleme im Umkreis von Basisstationen, Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
4 "Universität Valencia-Studie" 2002
(Navarro et al.)- .doc, 134 KB
Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
5 "Niederländische Regierungs-Studie" 2003 (TNO Laboratory, The Hague, NL)- .pdf, 438 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
6 "Landesregierung Salzburg-Studie" 2005 (Oberfeld, Schimke, Bernatzky, Gernot) Signifikante Veränderungen unterschiedlicher EEG-Parameter, verschiedene vegetative und zentralnervöse Störungen
7 "La Nora, Murcia-Studie" 2004 (Oberfeld et al.)- .pdf, 980 KB Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
8 "Naila-Mobilfunk-Senderstudie" 2004 (Eger et al.) .pdf, 96,5 KB; in english .pdf, 371 KB Dreifache Zunahme von Krebsfällen
9 "Usfie, Hebrew-University-Studie" 2004 (AbuRuken et al.): Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen, Zunahme Krebsfälle
10 "Tel-Aviv-University, Medical Center-Studie" 2004 (Wolf et al.)- .pdf, 111 KB in deutsch .pdf, 46 KB Vierfache Zunahme von Krebsfällen
11 Menoufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt, "Neurobehavioral effects among inhabitants around mobile phone base stations", 2006 (G. Abdel-Rassoul et al.), the full document, .pdf, 306 KB, in deutsch Psycho-Neuro-Vegetative Störungen
12 "Auswirkungen von GSM - Mobilfunkbasisstationen auf die Lebenszeit einer Bevölkerung", 2007 (Dr. F. Ruzicka) in deutsch -.doc, 149,8 KB, po polsku, .pdf, 279 KB Zunahme der Sterblichkeit bei geringer Mobilfunkdauerbestrahlung

more index | PL-DE-EN | neu hinzu | Ärzte | Interphone | sperms and mobiles | 60 Krebscluster | 60 Krebscluster2,old | 60 Krebscluster3,old | 60 Krebscluster4,old | 60 Krebscluster5,old | 60 Krebscluster6,old | 60 Krebscluster7,old | 60 Krebscluster8,old | 60 Krebscluster9,old | 60 Krebscluster10,old | 60 Krebscluster11,old | 60 Krebscluster12,old | Umrechner | Grenzwerte | Professor Anders Ahlbom - Swedish Tobacco Company | The WiFi Blues by Jeffrey Fawcet | A killer of an article | The height of absurdity; for U.S. reades -cancer statistics | The Danish Health Council on WiFi | The findings, from a team Wdowiak et al. of the Medical University of Lublin in Poland, indicate that the EMFs generated by mobile phones damage male fertility. | Professor Franz Adlkofer, Verum - Stiftung: Kein Zweifel mehr - UMTS zehnmal mehr genschädigender wie GSM - Handystrahlung | Bioinitiative: European Environment Agency calls for new guidelines | Lucas: Health concerns over exposure to electromagnetic fields- response to BioInitiative Report | Innocent riders or radiation between the legs | Interphone, the exclusive article in Yedioth Ahronot | Mobile phones 'cancer link': Mouth tumours 50% more likely after heavy us | Israel, Interphone: the association between cellular phone use and development of parotid gland tumors (PGTs) | Cell phone users tie up traffic: study | EHS in the Netherlands | Cancer cluster hits school !
Main Page

more index | suchen | Prof. S. Kwee: Danish Study, it is based on the old study | Industry paid top cancer expert | More on the Danish study | Magnetic Fields and Acute Leukemia in Children With Down Syndrome | Case-control study: Hardell, Use of cellular and cordless telephones and risk of testicular cancer | The Moss report | Sindrome de down y leucemia asociada a la exposicion a cem | Electrohypersensitivity in the clear with Prof. Olle Johansson | Altered cortical excitability in subjectively electrosensitive patients, results of a pilot study | Significant EMR research to 1973 | Dr. Ruzicka: Auswirkungen von GSM - Mobilfunkbasisstationen auf die Lebenszeit einer Bevölkerung | Publikationen zur Bienenstudie der Universität Landau | Professor Adlkofer of the Verband der Cigarettenindustrie (VdC), the leader of the project REFLEX funded by the European Union | VdC - die Tabak-Lobbyisten, Brief an Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer | A new study from Israel, a scientific breakthrough | A new study - Again link AM radio and leukemia | AM Radio Transmitters and Childhood Leukemia Update | Mobile Phone Base Stations -like signals and Well-being | Testung der Elektrosensibilität, Testing Procedure for Electrosensitivity and testing at Essex University | Stephen J.Genuis, Fielding a current idea: exploring the public health impact of electromagnetic radiation | BioInitiative, US-Report, University of Albany | Mobile phone use and cancer linked | Only ten minutes on a mobile could trigger cancer, scientists believe | Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance | MTHR report (from Mona Nilsson) | HPA defends ICNIRP against BioInitiative | Dose-Dependent DNA Damaging Effects of Exposure To Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (UMTS; 1950 MHz) In Human Fibroblasts In Vitro, Prof. Adlkofer et al. | Adlkofer suggests connection between ERK-cascade and DNA-damage by EMF | Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma | Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Cell Phone Units Produce Elevated Extremely-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Emissions | Microwave cooking reduces health- promoting compounds found in Broccoli | Leukämiegefahr in der Nähe von deutschen Kernkraftwerken | BioInitiative Report Video to watch! | Wie Frau Dr. Blettner und Frau Dr. Kaatsch mal wieder alles verharmlosen.

Häufungen von Krebs

BioInitiative Report Video to watch!



Diesen Hinweis sowie täglich die neusten Meldungen zum Thema EMF/Mobilfunk finden Sie im Allgemeinen Forum

You Tube Video to watch!

Das beigefügte Video ist von Cindy Sage, Mitherausgeberin des letzten BioInitiative Berichts. Dieser Bericht wurde vorbereitet von 16 weltweit führenden Wissenschaftlern, welche über 2000 Studien bearbeiteten um auszuwerten, was wir tatsächlich über die Wirkung elektromagnetischer Strahlung wissen.

Der Bericht handelte von den bekannten gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen dieser Technologien, von Krebs bis ADHS, Schlaflosigkeit, Depressionen, Nervenstörungen, Alzheimer, Lou Gehrigs etc., und er hat in vielen Ländern Erwähnung in Nachrichtensendungen gefunden, allerdings nur sehr wenig in den USA. Bitte nehmen Sie sich die Zeit Cindy Sage zuzuhören, wenn sie über wissenschaftliche Tatsachen spricht und darüber, wie die Sicherheitsbestimmungen von den Regierungen neu gesetzt werden müssen, um dieser Gefahr für die öffentlichen Gesundheit vorzubeugen. Ignorieren Sie dies nicht.

Es handelt sich um ein ernstes Problem der öffentlichen Gesundheit und sollten Sie Verbindung zu politischen Abgeordneten haben, verpassen Sie es nicht, ihnen dieses Video zukommen zu lassen. Aktivistengruppen haben weltweit großen Zulauf, da so viele Menschen erkranken und dies elektromagnetischen Strahlungen zuschreiben. Die Wahrheit über diese Gefahr anzusprechen und sich für die öffentliche Gesundheit einzusetzen, könnte eine entscheidende Rolle im Wahlkampf spielen. Bitte schicken Sie das Video ebenfalls an Firmen, die um die menschliche Gesundheit und Produktivität besorgt sind. Sinngemäße Übersetzung des unten stehenden Textes

Alexandra Malz

You Tube Video to watch!

The attached is a video of Cindy Sage, co-editor of the recent BioInitiative Report. This report was prepared by 16 leading scientists around the world who reviewed over 2,000 studies to assess what we actually know about the biological effects of EMF/RF. It reviewed the known health effects of these technologies, ranging from cancers to ADD, insomnia, depression, neurological disorders, Alzheimers, Lou Gehrigs, etc., and it has been getting news coverage in many countries but very little in the U.S. Please take the time to listen to Cindy Sage talk about what the science shows and how safety standards need to be reset by our government to avert a very significant public health issue.

Take note. This is a very critical public health issueIf you have links to political candidates, make sure to send the YouTube video their way, as well. Activist groups are mushrooming globally because so many people are getting sick and tracing it to electromagnetic factors. Addressing the facts on this issue, and truly taking a stand for health, could be a meaningful competitive advantage for a candidate. Also please send deeply into the business community to those concerned with human health and productivity.

Leukämiegefahr in der Nähe von deutschen Kernkraftwerken aus KiKK-Studie

Kaatsch P, Spix C, Schulze-Rath R, Schmiedel S, Blettner M.
Leukaemia in young children living in the vicinity of German,
nuclear power plants. Int J Cancer. 2008 Feb 15;122(4):721-6.

Stellungnahme des externen Expertengremiums des BfS zur KiKK-Studie

Kernkraft und Kinderkrebs

Studie im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz

Man hat es geahnt, gefühlt, gewusst, aber noch nicht beweisen können. Eine neue Studie des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz, die der Süddeutschen Zeitung vorliegt, legt es jetzt offen: Im Umkreis der 16 deutschen Reaktor-Standorte erkranken Kleinkinder überdurchschnittlich häufig an Leukämie.

Süddeutsche Zeitung


Von Werner Bartens und Michael Bauchmüller

Kleinkinder, die in der Nähe von Kernkraftwerken leben, erkranken offenbar häufiger an Krebs. Das geht aus einer Studie im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz hervor, die der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" vorliegt. Demnach steigt die Zahl krebskranker Kinder, je näher ihr Wohnort an einem der 16 deutschen Reaktorstandorte liegt. Dieser Zusammenhang sei "statistisch signifikant".

Forscher der Universität Mainz stellten fest, dass im Fünf-Kilometer-Umkreis der Reaktoren 37 Kinder neu an Leukämie erkrankt sind. Im statistischen Durchschnitt wären im Untersuchungszeitraum zwischen 1980 und 2003 aber lediglich 17 Fälle zu erwarten gewesen. Daher stünden 20 zusätzliche Leukämiefälle laut Analyse der Forscher im Zusammenhang damit, dass die Kinder so nah an den Kernkraftwerken wohnten.

"Unsere Studie hat bestätigt, dass in Deutschland ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Nähe der Wohnung zum nächstgelegenen Kernkraftwerk zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose und dem Risiko, vor dem fünften Geburtstag an Krebs (bzw. Leukämie) zu erkranken, beobachtet wird", schreiben die Forscher.
Ein Mitglied* des Expertengremiums, das die Studie betreut hat, hält die Schlussfolgerungen sogar für untertrieben. Ihm zufolge weisen die Daten sogar auf ein erhöhtes Krebsrisiko für Kinder im Umkreis von 50 Kilometern hin.

*siehe Bericht unten das ist ein Beweis wie diskret SZ manipuliert.

Wie Frau Dr. Blettner und Frau Dr. Kaatsch mal wieder alles verharmlosen.

auf seit 12.02.2009
die Stellungnahme wurde der amtlichen Seite des BfS entnommen.
Die Leukämiefälle mit natürlicher Radioaktivität zu erklären, ist lächerlich.

Stellungnahme des externen Expertengremiums des BfS zur KiKK-Studie

Dr. I. Brüske-Hohlfeld , Prof. Dr. E. Greiser, Prof. Dr. W. Hoffmann, Dr. A. Körblein , Prof. Dr. K.H. Jöckel, PD Dr. H. Küchenhoff , Dr. S. Pflugbeil, Dr. H. Scherb, Dr. K. Straif , Prof., Dr. J.U. Walther , Prof. Dr. S. Wirth , K. Wurzbacher

Nach einer internen Diskussion des Abschlußberichtes zur KiKK-Studie am 9. und 10.12.2007 kommt das externe Expertengremium zu folgenden Bewertungen

A. Analysen im Rahmen des Studienauftrages

1)    Hauptergebnis der Studie ist eine kontinuierliche Zunahme des Erkrankungsrisikos für Krebserkrankungen und Leukämie bei unter 5jährigen Kindern mit zunehmender Wohnnähe zum nächstgelegenen Atomkraftwerksstandort.

2)    Das abgestimmte Design entspricht dem Stand der epidemiologischen Wissenschaft.

3)    Die Methodik der Modellierung der kontinuierlichen Entfernungsvariablen ist adäquat. Beide in der Studie verwendeten Modelle zeigen eine gute Anpassung an die erhobenen Daten. Die Modelle erlauben eine Schätzung der Erkrankungsrisiken in Abhängigkeit von der Entfernung des Wohnortes vom nächstgelegenen Atomkraftwerksstandort.

4)    Die Anregungen des externen Expertengremiums hinsichtlich Analysen zur Daten- und Ergebnisqualität wurden mehrheitlich umgesetzt. Aus diesen Analysen ergeben sich keine Hinweise auf bedeutsame Verzerrungen der Ergebnisse.

5)    Die Autoren konstatieren zu Recht, dass das Erkrankungsrisiko an kindlichen Krebserkrankungen und Leukämie mit zunehmender Wohnnähe zu einem Atomkraftwerk signifikant und stetig zunimmt. Die Studie ist weltweit die methodisch aufwendigste und umfassendste Untersuchung dieses Zusammenhanges. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Wohnnähe und Erkrankungsrisiko ist damit für Deutschland hinreichend belegt.

6)    Die Qualität der Datenerhebung, -aufarbeitung und -analyse kann derzeit nicht abschließend beurteilt werden, weil die dafür erforderlichen Informationen dem externen Expertengremium nicht zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Diese Fragen hätten durch das vom externen Expertengremium vorgeschlagene Audit geklärt werden können. Das Expertengremium empfiehlt, die Frage des Audits weiter zu verfolgen.

B. Weitere Analysen durch die Auftragnehmer

7)    Die Berechnungen zum Attributivrisiko waren im Auswerteplan nicht vorgesehen. Für die Kommunikation der Ergebnisse an die Politik und Öffentlichkeit ist eine Angabe des der Wohnortnähe zum Reaktor zuzuschreibenden Risikos und zum bevölkerungsbezogenen Risiko unverzichtbar.

8)    Im vorliegenden Fall wurden die Berechnungen nicht korrekt durchgeführt.

-    Es wurde lediglich die 0-5 km-Region um die Atomstandorte berücksichtigt, während die übrigen Anteile des Untersuchungsgebietes außer acht blieben, obwohl auch dort signifikant erhöhte Risiken berechnet wurden.

-    Die Bezugspopulation für die Berechung des Anteiles aller Krebs- und Leukämiefälle bei Kindern unter 5 Jahren ist nicht korrekt bestimmt. In der Konsequenz wurde der tatsächlich auf die Wohnnähe zu Atomstandorten zurückzuführende Anteil der Krebsfälle unterschätzt.

-    Statt der von den Autoren allein für die 0-5 km Region angegebenen zusätzlichen 29 Krebsfälle bei Kindern unter 5 Jahren muss von mindestens 121-275 zusätzlichen Neuerkrankungen im Umkreis von 50 km um alle westdeutschen Atomstandorte im Zeitraum zwischen 1980-2003 ausgegangen werden. Dies entspricht 8-18 % aller im 50 km Umkreis um Atomanlagen aufgetretenen Krebserkrankungen bei unter 5jährigen Kindern.

-    Bezogen auf alle im Deutschen Kinderkrebsregister gespeicherten Erkrankungsfälle im gleichen Zeitraum entspricht dies einem Anteil von 1,03 - 2,35 %. Bei dieser Zahl muss davon ausgegangen werden, dass es sich hierbei um eine Unterschätzung handelt, weil designbedingt nicht alle betroffenen Kinder erfasst werden konnten. Dieses Risiko liegt erheblich über dem von den Autoren berichteten 0,22%.

9)    Die Autoren schreiben, dass "… aufgrund des aktuellen strahlenbiologischen und strahlenepidemiologischen Wissens die von deutschen Kernkraftwerken im Normalbetrieb emittierte ionisierende Strahlung grundsätzlich nicht als Ursache interpretiert werden kann."

Im Gegensatz zu den Autoren ist das externe Expertengremium einhellig der Überzeugung, dass aufgrund des besonders hohen Strahlenrisikos für Kleinkinder sowie der unzureichenden Daten zur Emissionen von Leistungsreaktoren dieser Zusammenhang keinesfalls ausgeschlossen werden kann. Darüber hinaus sprechen mehrere epidemiologische Kausalitätskriterien für einen solchen Zusammenhang. Es ist jetzt Aufgabe der Wissenschaft, einen Erklärungsansatz für die Differenz zwischen epidemiologischer und strahlenbiologischer Evidenz zu finden.

10)    Die Autoren der Studie führen zur Erklärung des von ihnen nachgewiesenen Risikos um Atomkraftwerke noch unbekannte Faktoren (sog. Confounder), nicht näher beschriebene Selektionsmechanismen oder den statistischen Zufall an. Alle drei Erklärungsansätze hält das externe Gremium angesichts der Studienergebnisse für unwahrscheinlich.

Frankfurt/Main, am 10.12.2007

Für das Expertengremium:

E. Greiser
K-H. Jöckel
W. Hoffmann

Microwave cooking reduces health- promoting compounds found in Broccoli

27.11.2007, from Iris Atzmon

J. Agric. Food Chem., 55 (24), 10001-10007 10.1021/jf071680t
Web Release Date: November 3, 2007

American Chemical Society

Effects of Microwave Cooking Conditions on Bioactive Compounds Present in Broccoli Inflorescences

Carmen López-Berenguer,†‡ Micaela Carvajal,‡ Diego A. Moreno,† and Cristina García-Viguera*†

Food Science and Technology Department and Plant Nutrition Department, CEBAS-CSIC, P.O. Box 164, Espinardo, Murcia, Spain

Received June 8, 2007


Cooking as a domestic processing method has a great impact on food nutrients. Most Brassica (Brassicaceae, Cruciferae) vegetables are mainly consumed after being cooked, and cooking considerably affects their health-promoting compounds (specifically, glucosinolates, phenolic compunds, minerals, and vitamin C studied here).

The microwave cooking process presents controversial results in the literature due to the different conditions that are employed (time, power, and added water). Therefore, the aim of this work was to study the influence of these conditions during microwave cooking on the human bioactive compounds of broccoli.

The results show a general decrease in the levels of all the studied compounds except for mineral nutrients which were stable under all cooking conditions. Vitamin C showed the greatest losses mainly because of degradation and leaching, whereas losses for phenolic compounds and glucosinolates were mainly due to leaching into water. In general, the longest microwave cooking time and the higher volume of cooking water should be avoided to minimize losses of nutrients.

Keywords: Brassica oleracea; microwave; domestic; cooking; glucosinolates; phenolic compounds; ascorbic acid; minerals.

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Cell Phone Units Produce Elevated Extremely-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Emissions

From: Martin Weatherall, weather on
Subject: Fw: Mobile under the pillow
Wed, 14 Nov 2007

Hi All

This series of e-mail messages and the attached scientific document, illustrate the dangers of sleeping close to a cell phone or PDA device, or carrying this type of device close to the body. Please warn others about this danger.


The original Report on, 21.11.2007, .pdf. 188,4 KB

Cindy Sage,1 *Olle Johansson,2 and S.Amy Sage 1

1 1396 Danielson Road,Santa Barbara,California
2 The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute,Stockholm,

Sweden Initial tests indicate that personal and occupational use of personal digital assistants (PDAs or palm-held wireless units) produce high intensity bursts of extremely-low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF).

These emissions could result in comparatively high ELF-EMF exposure in persons that carry a PDA close to the body (i.e., in a pocket or on a belt); or held to the head for cell phone conversations.

ELF-EMF emissions of 10 mTwere recorded on PDAs during normal office use over a 24 h test period. Results of ELF-EMF measurements show that email transmit and receive functions produce rapid, short-duration ELF-EMF spikes in the 2-10 mikroT range, each lasting several seconds to over a minute apparently depending on file download size. Some units produced spikes as high as 30-60 mikroT during email activities.

Cell phone activity on PDAs produced continuously elevated ELF-EMF readings in the 0.5-1 mikroT range, as opposed to the rapid spiking pattern for email receipt and transmission. Switching the PDA unit from "OFF" to "ON" position resulted in single ELF-EMF pulses of over 90 mikroT on two units.

Email downloads into the PDA can occur randomly throughout the day and night when the unit is "ON"; thus the user whowears the PDAmay be receiving high-intensity ELF-EMF pulses throughout the day and night.

The frequency of email traffic on the PDA, and the power switching unit (battery unit) may affect the frequency and intensity of ELF-EMF emissions. Bioelectromagnetics 28:386-392, 2007.

Key words: wireless communication devices; emissions; extremely-low frequency electro-magnetic fields; precautionary principle

Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma

From: "Iris Atzmon"
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, November 9, 2007
Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma

(OMNS Nov 9 2007) The most common form of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, often responds to a remarkably simple, safe, at-home treatment: vitamin C. Physicians and patients report that vitamin C, applied directly to basal cell skin cancers, causes them to scab over and drop off. [1] Successful use involves a highly-concentrated vitamin C solution, directly applied to the blemish two or three times a day. Vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells, but does not harm healthy skin cells. This is also the basis for high-dose intravenous vitamin therapy for cancer. [2] Even higher concentrations of vitamin C can be obtained by direct application. The use of topical vitamin C to kill basal cell carcinoma has been known at least since 1971. Frederick R. Klenner, MD, wrote: "We have removed several small basal cell epithelioma with a 30 percent ointment" of vitamin C. [3]

One person, who reported that a 2mm diameter spot on the nose would not heal for months, had it disappear within a week with twice-daily concentrated vitamin C applications. Another patient reported that after dermatologist-diagnosed multiple spots of basal cell carcinoma were coated with vitamin C, the spots fell off within two weeks. [4]

Basal cell carcinomas are slow growing and it is rare for them to metastasize. This provides an opportunity for a therapeutic trial of vitamin C, provided one has proper medical diagnosis and follow-up.

Preparation of a water-saturated vitamin C solution is simple. Slowly add a small amount of water to about half a teaspoon of vitamin C powder or crystals. Use just enough water to dissolve the vitamin C. Using less water will make a paste. Either way, application with the fingertip or a cotton swab, several times daily, is easy. The water will evaporate in a few minutes and leave a plainly visible coat of vitamin C crystals on the skin.

Consult your doctor before employing this or any other self-care treatment. A physician's diagnosis is especially important, since other forms of skin cancer, such as melanoma, are faster growing and more dangerous. If the vitamin C treated area is not improved after a few weeks, a doctor should be consulted once again.


[1] William Wassell, MD: Skin cancer and vitamin C. Cancer Tutor,

[2] Riordan NH, Riordan HD, Meng X, Li Y, Jackson JA: Intravenous ascorbate as a tumor cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agent. Med Hypotheses 1995; 44: 207-2 13. and and also

[3] Fredrick R. Klenner, MD: Observations on the dose and administration of ascorbic acid when employed beyond the range of a vitamin in human pathology. Journal of Applied Nutrition Vol. 23, Nos 3 & 4, Winter 1971. and

[4] Age spots, basal cell carcinoma and solar keratosis.
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Adlkofer suggests connection between ERK-cascade and DNA-damage by EMF

Thu, 8 Nov 2007
sent by Frans van Velden

And what does Xu, the ICNIRP member who found non-thermal DNA damage, have to say about the thermal ICNIRP standard which he represents?

Iris Atzmon

'Genes damaged by radiation'

'Connection between ERK-cascade and DNA-damage'
Prof. Franz Adlkofer suggests a connection between the ERK-cascade found by Rony Seger and his team and the damage to DNA by high frequency electromagnetic fields, as found by scientific research. The DNA-damage might develop because the weak signal of the high frequency radiation is detected and amplified.

Adlkofer suggested the connection at a meeting of the Open University at Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Adlkofer of the Verum Foundation in München, Germany, was the leader of the European Reflex Study. A significant increase of damage to DNA by high frequency fields was found in part of the research. The Rony Seger team of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, found that the so-calles ERK-cascade is activitated by high frequency electromagnetic fields, at a 'non thermal' density.

The ERK-cascade is a relatively fast reaction to a signal detected by a cell, working like a biological amplifier by transcription of proteins. ERK is short for 'extracellular signal regulated kinase', a signal activated enzym. The findings of the team were published by Friedman in the peer-reviewed magazine Biochemical Journal.

was the leader of the Reflex-project ('Risk evaluation of potential environmental hazards from low energy electromagnetic fields exposure using sensitive in vitro methods'). The research found a significant increase of DNA-breaking and micro-nuclei in certain cells influenced by non-thermal high frequency fields.

The Chinese researcher Xu (a member of a committee of ICNIRP) had found the same before in 2005. The observations were confirmed by Schär of the University of Basel, Switzerland, but could not be confirmed by Speit of the University of Ulm, Germany. Why not, is unclear. As a matter of fact, many more scientists foudn a significant increase of DNA-breaking, among them Gandhi in India, who tested in vivo (living people with and without mobile phone)

Adlkofer said that epidemiological studies, like the most recent research of the Interphone studies, show that the chance of a brain tumor increases after ten years. It is well known, that the time between DNA-damage and the development of a tumor can be long. Adlkofer emphasized that it the suggestion, that only thermal high frequency fields would have negative consequences for health, is wrong. It is a fact without doubt that DNA-damage and the amount of micro-nuclei can increase siginificantly, though according to him it has not been confirmed in vivo sufficiently yet. He said possibly the use of electromagnetic fields is a high risk for public health.

6 november 2007


- original sheets by Adlkofer, Open University, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, version 27 09 07
- Friedman et al. (2007), Mechanisms of short-term ERK activation by electromagnetic fields at mobile phone frequencies, Biochem J. 405: 559-568.


Elisabeth Kratohvil, Claudia Schwarz, Alexander Pilger, Franz Adlkofer, Niels Kuster, Hugo W.Rüdiger

The original Report on, 14.10.2007, .pdf. 41,7 KB

The Bioelectromagnetics Society | 29 th Annual Meeting | Abstract Collection | Kanazawa-shi Bunka Hall | Kanazawa, Japan | June 10 - 15, 2007

HPA springs into ICNIRP defence following EU support for BioInitiative United Kingdom

on at 27. Sep. 2007

From: Iris Atzmon

Fw: HPA defends ICNIRP against BioInitiative Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007

Oh ! now it's getting more interesting. We see a clear reaction of a threat from the side of the "establishment" threatened by the press release of Bioinitiative, now they need to deal with a contra force they succeeded in ignoring till now. But it's getting harder when the force becomes stronger. That is what is needed to stregnthen. They need to explain to the public how they ignore clear existing scientific data. They need to explain their selective glasses. "We checked it and the WHO/ICNIRP is OK" is not good enough. But they try it until they will get the next hit. To be continued....

From: "Sylvie" <sylvie_hsem von Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Subject: HPA springs into ICNIRP defence following EU support for BioInitiative

HPA springs into ICNIRP defence following EU support for BioInitiative United Kingdom Created: 18 Sep 2007 Yesterday the HPA issued a press release about a symposium held at the HPA fifth annual conference that will "consider what is an acceptable level of exposure to these radio waves without them being a risk to our health". The press release (below) states that, quote: "although there are some remaining uncertainties, there is a sound scientific basis already used for restricting our exposure to them".

Apparently the HPA conference is to become a panic platform for convincing people that current ICNIRP guidlines have a "sound scientific basis" but the funny thing is that if you look at the schedule for the conference, there seems to be no mention of such a symposium at all:

(page retrieved 18.09.2007 13:50) So apparently this "symposium" is a last-minute change following the European Union support for the BioInitiative report that calls for a rejection of ICNIRP guidelines. The really interesting thing is that the presenter of this sudden symposium, Dr Simon Mann from the HPA's Centre for Radiation, also happens to be a new recruit of ICNIRP. See here:

HPA Press Statement 17 September 2007

New technology and radio waves - how much is too much? Our desire for new technology grows every year but new innovations can also lead to concerns about possible health effects. In the 1970s microwave ovens were linked to health concerns, in the 1980s the debate turned to VDUs, then in the 1990s concern was voiced about mobile phones and their base stations. The debate is currently focused on concerns about exposure to radio signals from wireless computer networking (WiFi). Satellite navigation systems, broadcast radio and television, mobile phones and WiFi all use radio signals transmitted through the air.

The number of radio transmitters in the community and in homes has increased markedly over recent years. At the Health Protection Agency's (HPA) fifth annual conference in Warwick a symposium will consider what is an acceptable level of exposure to these radio waves without them being a risk to our health?

Dr Simon Mann, from the HPA's Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards will present 'Measuring Radiowaves in the Environment' on the first day of the conference. Dr Mann will explain how radio waves are measured to what use the results are put. He will show the different types of equipment that can be used to measure the strength of radio signals in the environment.

Typical results will be shown and a live demonstration of a spectrum analyser, used to measure the strength of radiowaves, will be given. Dr Mann will use the equipment to measure the signals from delegates' mobile phones. Dr Mann says: "The HPA, in conjunction with expert groups, has investigated and advised people on what impact radiowaves may have on their health. Internationally, health authorities such as the World Health Organization have done the same.

Extensive research has been carried out on the biological effects of exposure to radiowaves and, although there are some remaining uncertainties, there is a sound scientific basis already used for restricting our exposure to them." Advice provided by the Health Protection Agency has been used to develop health-related studies.

MTHR report


(from Mona Nilsson)


Hardell's studies excluded

Thu, 13 Sep 2007
on 18.9.2007

Iris Atzmon:

"We cannot rule out the possibility [of] an association for exposures for more than 10 years. The numbers appeared to show some slight hint ... it's a faint suggestion that needs to be followed up." (press release)

On mechanisms:

"stress could be produced by RF exposure at levels well below guidline values"

"although the power loss resulted in a rise in temperature of only about 0.2 C degrees, the reporter gene was sufficiently sensitive to detect this effect and this accounted for the stress response previously attributed to a non-thermal mechanism."
"it seems most unlikely that the interaction of the modulated RF fields with tissue could differ appreciately from that of the original wave, however...."

And another thing: the author of the attached meta-analysis won't tell me why he excluded Hardell's studies. (Cellular phone use and brain tumor: a meta-analysis Peter Kan; Sara E. Simonsen; Joseph L. Lyon; John R. W. Kestle, .pdf, 206 KB)

from Mona Nilsson:

Hint of cancer risk after 10 years mobile phone use, say researchers
- Study finds no danger for adults over shorter period
- Advice to ban mobiles for children under eight holds

a.. Alok Jha, science correspondent
b.. The Guardian
c.. Thursday September 13 2007

Mobile phones do not pose health problems to adults in the short term but there is a "slight hint" of a cancer risk for long-term users, according to the results of a study which could not rule out risks of brain or ear cancer for those who have used mobiles for more than 10 years.

"We found no association between incidence and exposure for people who have used their phones for less than 10 years," said Lawrie Challis, chair of the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research programme. "But we cannot rule out the possibility [of] an association for exposures for more than 10 years. The numbers appeared to show some slight hint ... it's a faint suggestion that needs to be followed up."

The researchers involved in the six-year study said they would further investigate in the next phase of their work, which would also examine the effects of mobile phones on children's health.

The £8.8m MTHR programme is a joint project funded by government and the mobile phone industry in response to Sir William Stewart's independent inquiry in 2000 into the safety of mobiles. He has concluded that mobile phones seem to pose no problems but has recommended further research.

The group's report, published yesterday, collates the work of 28 studies it has backed, as well as other research from around the world that has looked at the effects of mobile phones on health factors such as blood pressure, brain function and cancer. It concludes that there is no evidence of short-term effects from either GSM or 3G handsets or base stations.

There is also no evidence, the researchers say, of the phones causing the symptoms described as electrical hypersensitivity, a phenomenon affecting up to 4% of people in the UK who describe a sense of tingling or dizziness in the presence of electrical signals.

For the long term, however, there is less certainty. Paul Elliott, an epidemiologist at Imperial College London, said: "In some of the studies there was an excess of malignant brain tumours and acoustic neuromas [ear cancers]. But the excess is quite small and is at the borderline of statistical significance."

Regarding the question over the effects of mobiles on children, Professor Challis said: "At this stage we have no evidence at all that mobile phones or masts hurt children. But we do know that [regarding] a number of other environmental agents - lead, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet radiation, ionising radiation - children react differently to them and often more severely, than do adults."

The professor said that his group's findings did not contradict the advice from Sir William, who, in 2005, urged parents to limit their children's use of mobile phones as a precaution, and advised that under-eights should not use them at all.

Starting next year the MTHR researchers will begin a £6m health study on more than 200,000 mobile phone users from across Europe.


MTHRs pressrelease

Pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic fields: dose-dependent effects on sleep, the sleep EEG and cognitive performance

J Sleep Res. 2007 Sep;16(3):253-8.

Regel SJ, Tinguely G, Schuderer J, Adam M, Kuster N, Landolt HP, Achermann P.
Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

To establish a dose-response relationship between the strength of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and previously reported effects on the brain, we investigated the influence of EMF exposure by varying the signal intensity in three experimental sessions.

The head of 15 healthy male subjects was unilaterally exposed for 30 min prior to sleep to a pulse-modulated EMF (GSM handset like signal) with a 10 g-averaged peak spatial specific absorption rate of (1) 0.2 W kg(-1), (2) 5 W kg(-1), or (3) sham exposed in a double-blind, crossover design.

During exposure, subjects performed two series of three computerized cognitive tasks, each presented in a fixed order [simple reaction time task, two-choice reaction time task (CRT), 1-, 2-, 3-back task]. Immediately after exposure, night-time sleep was polysomnographically recorded for 8 h. Sleep architecture was not affected by EMF exposure. Analysis of the sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) revealed a dose-dependent increase of power in the spindle frequency range in non-REM sleep.

Reaction speed decelerated with increasing field intensity in the 1-back task, while accuracy in the CRT and N-back task were not affected in a dose-dependent manner.

In summary, this study reveals first indications of a dose-response relationship between EMF field intensity and its effects on brain physiology as demonstrated by changes in the sleep EEG and in cognitive performance.
PMID: 17716273 [PubMed - in process]

Mobile phone use and cancer linked

By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent
Last Updated: 2:11am BST 30/08/2007

Fresh fears over the health hazards linked to using mobile phones have been raised after scientists found that handset radiation could trigger cell division.
A study found that exposure to mobile phone signals for just five minutes stimulated human cells to split in two - a process that occurs naturally when tissue grows or rejuvenates, but that is also central to the development of cancer.
a.. Previous research on the safety of mobile use has led to conflicting conclusions, with some suggesting links with tumours in the nervous system and others finding no risks.

The six-year Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme, which provided £8.4 million of Government and industry funding for 25 studies, is expected to present its final report next month.

Official guidance that mobile phones were safe was based on the mainstream scientific assumption that electromagnetic radiation from such devices could damage cells and tissue only by heating them.

But the new research, reported in this week's New Scientist, supports the position of those researchers who argue that handsets can trigger potentially harmful changes to cells irrespective of temperature changes.

a.. Prof Rony Seger, a cancer researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and colleagues exposed rat and human cells to electromagnetic radiation at a similar frequency to that emitted by mobiles but at only about one tenth of the power.

After just five minutes the researchers identified the production of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) - natural chemicals that stimulate cell division and growth.
Cancers develop when the body is unable to prevent excessive growth and division of cells in the wrong place.

Prof Seger said yesterday: "The real significance of our findings is that cells are not inert to non-thermal mobile phone radiation. We used radiation power levels that were around one tenth of those produced by a normal mobile. The changes we observed were clearly not caused by heating."

The UK has adopted international safety standards for electromagnetic radiation. These state that the amount of energy absorbed from an electric field or radio wave cannot exceed two watts per kilogram (W/kg) when averaged over 10 grams of tissue. Almost all mobile phones emit less that than one W/kg.

Graham Philips, of Powerwatch, a lobby group that campaigns on mobile phones, masts and powerlines, said: "Current safety guidelines assume health effects from mobiles can occur only when significant heating of body tissue occurs.

"This study shows biological changes in response to low-level mobile phone radiation - something that could have implications for health. Further research is required. However, guidance based purely on thermal effects is clearly out of date."

Other scientists pointed out that cell division occurred naturally as tissue grew or rejuvenated within the body, and that the preliminary study did not prove any health effects.

Simon Cook, a biochemist at the Babraham Institute near Cambridge, said: "The reason people are intrigued is that this pathway is frequently activated in cancer.
"The research is certainly interesting. However, they saw a very transient activation of this pathway, which we know is not sufficient to promote cell division. In cancer you see a much stronger, persistent and sustained activation and even this is just one of many changes required for cancer development."

Simon Arthur, from the University of Dundee, said: "The ERK1/2 pathway can be turned on by a huge variety of different things such as natural compounds produced by the body that regulate cell growth, and various forms of environmental and chemical stress.

"The research shows the effect on cells in culture in tightly-controlled laboratory conditions. In a living person there are lots of different processes occurring at the same time, so we do not know whether the signal from radio waves would produce a similar measureable effect."

The health debate

- May 2000: Parents left confused after an official report, chaired by Sir William Stewart, then chairman of the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), concluded that there were no proven health risks associated with mobile phones but that children should minimise their use as a precaution.
- Feb 2001: The Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme (MTHR) set up to encourage further research into potential health hazards of handsets and masts.
- May 2001: Research in America suggested children's brains absorbed 50-70 per cent more radiation from handsets than adults because their skulls were smaller.
- Oct 2004: Swedish research concluded that those who used mobiles for 10 years were almost twice as likely to develop an acoustic neuroma - a tumour on a nerve connecting the ear to the brain.
- Jan 2005: Chairman of the Health Protection Agency advised parents not to allow children under nine to use mobiles because of potential but unproven risks.
- Dec 2006: A Danish study of people with brain tumours concluded there were no increased risks for heavy users.
- Jan 2007: A study in Finland of people with nervous system tumours called gliomas found no link with mobile use until it separated out long-term, regular users. It was concluded that they were 39 per cent more likely to get a glioma on the side of their head where they held their handset.
- Sept 2007: MTHR expected to present final report, including results of several unpublished studies. Prof Lawrie Challis, the chairman, expected to say there are no proven risks from short-term use, but to announce large-scale monitoring of health of handset users over 10 years.

Only ten minutes on a mobile could trigger cancer, scientists believe

By DAVID DERBYSHIRE - Last updated at 19:35pm on 30th August 2007

It only takes ten minutes on the phone to trigger dangerous brain chemical changes, scientists say

Mobile phones can take as little as ten minutes to trigger changes in the brain associated with cancer, scientists claimed yesterday.

They found even low levels of radiation from handsets interfere with the way brain cells divide. Cell division encourages the growth of tumours.

Although the researchers did not come up with evidence that mobile phone signals are harmful, the findings suggest they could be.

Several major studies have also found no link between mobile use and brain tumours, nor a dramatic rise in cancer rates.

But campaigners insist the discovery undermines official advice that the devices are safe. The guidance is based on the assumption that the phones emit too little radiation to heat the brain dangerously.

However, the new study by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel suggests "nonthermal" radiation could pose a risk.

The Israeli scientists exposed human and rat cells in a laboratory to low-level radiation at 875 megahertz - a similar frequency to the one used in many mobile phones.

Although the radiation was far weaker than emissions from a typical handset, it began to switch on a chemical signal inside the cells within ten minutes, the researchers report in the Biochemical Journal.

The chemical signals they detected were involved in the division of cells. The researchers say the reaction was not caused by heating and claim they have found a separate way in which mobile phones could damage health.

Dr Rony Seger, a co-author of the study, told the magazine New Scientist: "The significance lies in showing cells do react to cellphone radiation in a non-thermal way."
Although changes in the chemical pathway seen by the Israeli scientists have been linked to several cancers, the researchers say there was no sign of a cancer-causing effect.
Dr Simon Arthur, a health expert at Dundee University, said the effect was 'unlikely to cause cancer'.

Dr Dariusz Leszczynski, of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Helsinki, said: "If cell-phone radiation cannot induce biological effects then there will never be any health effects.

"On the other hand if we can show this radiation is able to induce biological effects then we have a different story."

A major review of mobile phone safety is due to be published by the Health Protection Agency next month.

The agency's last major report, in 2004, found no evidence mobiles were a serious health risk. It did, however, caution against excessive use, especially by the young.

Dr Michael Clark, a spokesman for the agency, said: "Because of findings like this that pop up from time to time, a precautionary approach is justified."

Graham Philips, of campaign group Powerwatch, said: "Safety guidelines assume health effects from mobiles can only occur when significant heating of body tissue occurs.

"This study shows biological changes in response to low-level mobile phone radiation - something that could potentially have implications for health.
"Further research is required, however guidance based purely on thermal effects is clearly out of date."

Mobile Phones 'May Cause Brain Damage'
Wednesday, 29th August 2007, 19:25
Category: Healthy Living

Mobile phone radiation may cause serious damage to the brain by triggering a chemical reaction that causes cells to divide, say scientists.

The finding could be the key to claims that mobiles cause cancer and other health problems.

Fears over their use has centred on "brain heating" but Dr Joseph Friedman and colleagues say
the real risk is low intensity radiation - known as non-thermal radiation.

The Israeli researchers have now identified a mechanism through which the radiation may affect the differentiation and division of cells.

There have been suggestions mobile phones can cause brain tumours and Alzheimer's disease but research has been inconclusive and manufacturers take great care to ensure their gadgets don't overheat your brain.

No clear mechanism is yet known by which radiation at mobile frequencies and power levels could harm living cells.

The frequencies are too low to damage DNA directly and the power of the signal is well below the level that could overheat cells.

Previous evidence of non-thermal effects on cells is mixed because it is very difficult to expose cells to radiation without heating them to some degree.

So researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot exposed rat and human cell cultures - and also isolated cell membranes - to low-level electromagnetic radiation at 875 megahertz - a similar frequency to those of GSM phone signals.

The power of the signal was far lower than the intensity of the typical mobile but after only 10 minutes of exposure the team identified activation of the pathway for ERK1/2 - an enzyme, or protein, that regulates cell differentiation and division.

The researchers then inhibited various stages in the pathway upstream of ERK1/2 and concluded the chemical trigger for the enzyme is the release of reactive oxygen species [[FREE RADICALS I.A]]- very small molecules which damage DNA - in the cell membrane.

The team, whose findings are published in Biochemical Journal and reported by New Scientist, is confident the effect was not caused by heating.
Team member Dr Rony Seger said: "The radiation we used was very low-energy and our sensitive thermostats did not register a change in the temperature of the cell medium. The significance lies in showing that
cells do react to cellphone radiation in a non-thermal way."

While mutations in ERK pathways have been linked to several cancers experts caution this is not necessarily evidence of a cancer-causing effect.

Dr Simon Arthur, of Dundee University, said: "Transient and reversible activation such as this is unlikely to cause cancer."

In fact, he says, "transient activation of ERK1/2 occurs frequently in response to a huge variety of signals and is an essential component of many aspects of cellular physiology."

Dr Dariusz Leszczynski, of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Helsinki, Finland, also cautions against making the leap between cells and health effects but says they cannot be ruled out.

He said: "If cellphone radiation cannot induce biological effects then there will never be any health effects. On the other hand if we can show this radiation is able to induce biological effects then we have a different story. It doesn't automatically mean it will be harmful but we will need to study it further."

In 2002 Dr Leszczynski reported cellphone radiation stimulated a stress-related pathway downstream of ERK1/2, but did not investigate what could be triggering it.

BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF)

Info from "Iris Atzmon" atzmonh < at > 30.08.2007, (on August 30, 2007)

Report: available at

Summary for the public, .pdf, 409,5 KB

Antennas harming citizens BC Canada

english text, EN

Albany, New York, BioInitiative, US-Raport: miedzynarodowe limity PEM nie sa bezpieczne, Krzysztof Puzyna, art. po polsku

Info von: Claus Scheingraber Datum: 31.08.2007 11:57:59

Renommierte Wissenschaftler schlagen bezüglich EMF- und HF-Emissionsgefahren Alarm; deutsche Grenzwerte sind nicht sicher!

Albany, New York (ots/PRNewswire) - Eine internationale Arbeitsgruppe renommierter Wissenschaftler, Forscher und Gesundheitspolitik-Experten (The BioInitiative Working Group) hat ihren Bericht über den Einfluss elektromagnetischer Felder (EMFs) auf die Gesundheit veröffentlicht.

Der Bericht äussert schwere Bedenken zur Sicherheit von existierenden öffentlichen Grenzwerten, die regulieren, wie viel EMF von Stromleitungen, Handys und vielen anderen Quellen der EMF-Belastung im täglichen Leben zulässig ist.

Der Bericht trägt die wissenschaftlichen Beweise zusammen, die Bedenken über den Einfluss auf die Gesundheit von Menschen erheben, einschliesslich Kinderleukämie (von Stromleitungen und anderen elektrischen Emissionen), Gehirntumoren und Akustikusneurinomen (von Handys und schnurlosen Telefonen) sowie Alzheimerkrankheit. Es liegen Beweise vor, dass EMFs ein Risikofaktor für Krebs sowohl bei Kindern als auch bei Erwachsenen sind. EMFs von Quellen wie Starkstromleitungen, elektrischen Gebäudeverdrahtungen sowie Erdungsvorrichtungen von Gebäuden und Geräten werden mit erhöhten Risiken von Kinderleukämie in Zusammenhang gebracht und können später im Leben die Weichen für Krebs bei Erwachsenen stellen. Der Bericht der BioInitiative, der am Freitag, den 31. August 2007 veröffentlicht werden wird, dokumentiert die wissenschaftlichen Beweise dafür, dass EMF-Emissionen von Stromleitungen jedes Jahr für Hunderte neuer Fälle von Kinderleukämie in den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen Ländern der Welt verantwortlich sind.

Wireless-Technologien, die Hochfrequenzstrahlung (HF) zum Versenden von E-Mail-Nachrichten und Sprachkommunikation verwenden, sind tausende Male stärker als die Pegel, die Berichten zufolge Schlafstörungen, Kopfschmerzen, Gedächtnis- und Konzentrationsprobleme sowie andere gesundheitsschädigende Symptome verursachen. Der Gesundheitspolitik Experte und Mitherausgeber des Berichts, Dr. David O. Carpenter, Direktor am Institute for Health and the Environment der University of Albany im US-Bundesstaat New York, erklärte: Dieser Bericht sendet eine Warnung, dass die langfristige Belastung durch bestimmte Arten von EMFs starke negative Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit haben kann.

Daher ist nun eine sorgfältige Planung der öffentlichen Gesundheit gefordert, um Krebs und neurologische Erkrankungen zu verhindern, die mit den Emissionen von Stromleitungen und anderen EMF-Quellen in Zusammenhang gebracht werden. Wir müssen die Öffentlichkeit und unsere Entscheidungsträger darüber aufklären, dass es nicht wie gewohnt weitergehen kann. Mitherausgeber Cindy Sage von Sage Associates bestätigte: Experten für Gesundheitspolitik und EMF-Richtlinien haben nun ihre Einschätzung der Beweislast vorgelegt. Die existierenden FCC- und internationalen Emissionsgrenzwerte für EMF- und HF-Strahlung in der Öffentlichkeit und im Arbeitsumfeld schützen die öffentliche Gesundheit nicht in ausreichendem Masse. Basierend auf der Gesamtlast der Beweise sind neue Grenzwerte für die öffentliche Sicherheit und Beschränkungen der weiteren Entwicklung von risikoreichen Technologien angebracht.

University of Albany, New York- August 31 / Serious Public Health Concerns Raised Over Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Power Lines and Cell Phones An international working group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals (The BioInitiative Working Group) has released its report on electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health.

It raises serious concern about the safety of existing public limits that regulate how much EMF is allowable from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of EMF exposure in daily life.

Electromagnetic radiation from such sources as electric power lines, interior wiring and grounding of buildings and appliances are linked to increased risks for childhood leukemia and may set the stage for adult cancers later in life. A report from the BioInitiative Working Group ( released on Friday, August 31st documents the scientific evidence that power line EMF exposure is responsible for hundreds of new cases of childhood leukemia every year in the United States and around the world.

The report provides detailed scientific information on health impacts when people are exposed to electromagnetic radiation hundreds or even thousands of times below limits currently established by the Federal Communications Commission (US FCC) and International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection in Europe (ICNIRP). The authors reviewed more than 2000 scientific studies and reviews, and concluded that the existing public safety limits are inadequate to protect public health. From a public health policy standpoint, new public safety limits, and limits on further deployment of risky technologies are warranted based on the total weigh of evidence.

The report documents scientific evidence raising worries about childhood leukemia (from power lines and other electrical exposures), brain tumors and acoustic neuromas (from cell and cordless phones) and Alzheimer's disease. There is evidence that EMF is a risk factor for both childhood and adult cancers. Public health expert and co-editor of the Report Dr. David Carpenter, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany, New York says

"this report stands as a wake-up call that long-term exposure to some kinds of EMF may cause serious health effects. Good public health planning is needed now to prevent cancers and neurological diseases linked to exposure to power lines and other sources of EMF. We need to educate people and our decisionmakers that "business as usual" is unacceptable."

List of BioInitiative Participants

Organizing Committee Members

Carl F. Blackman*, Ph.D.
Founder, Former President and
Full Member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society
Raleigh, NC USA
*opinions expressed are not necessarily those of his employer,
the US Environmental Protection Agency

Martin Blank, PhD Associate Professor
Former President and Full Member of Bioelectromagnetics Society
Dept. of Physiology. College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University
New York, NY USA

Prof. Michael Kundi, PhD
Full Member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society
Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria

Cindy Sage, MA, Owner
Full Member. Bioelectromagnetics Society
Sage Associates
Santa Barbara, CA USA


David O. Carpenter
, MD
Director, Institute for Health and the Environment
University at Albany East Campus
Rensselaer, NY USA

Zoreh Davanipour. DVM, PhD
Friends Research Institute
Los Angeles, CA USA

David Gee, Program Chair
Coordinator Emerging Issues and Scientific Liaison
Strategic Knowledge and Innovation
European Environmental Agency
Copenhagen, Denmark

Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Prof.
Department of Oncology
University Hospital
Orebro, Sweden

Olle Johansson, PhD, Associate Professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit.
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
Stockholm, Sweden

Henry Lai, PhD
Department of Bioengineering
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington USA

Kjell Hansson Mild, PhD, Prof.
Former President and Full Member of Bioelectromagnetics Society
Board Member, European Bioelectromagnetics Society (EBEA)
Umea University, Department of Radiation Physics
Umeå, Sweden

Amy Sage, Research Associate
Sage Associates
Santa Barbara, CA USA

Eugene L. Sobel, PhD
Friends Research Institute
Los Angeles, CA USA

Zhengping Xu, PhD
Bioelectromagnetics Laboratory,
Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Hangzhou . People's Republic of China

Reviewers (partial)

James B. Burch
, PhD
Arnold School of Public Health
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC USA

Nancy Evans
Health Science Consultant
San Francisco, CA USA

Stanton Glanz, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education
Cardiovascular Research Institute, Institute for Health Policy Studies
San Francisco, CA USA

Denis Henshaw, PhD
Professor of Physics
Human Radiation Effects Group
Wills Physics Laboratory
Bristol University, Bristol, UK

Samuel Milham, MD
Washington State Department of Health (retired)
Olympia, Washington

Louis Slesin, PhD
Microwave News
New York, NY USA

Ana M. Soto, MD
Professor of Anatomy and Cellular Biology
Cell, Molecular & Developmental Biology
Boston, MA USA

I. Summary for the Public
A. Introduction
B. Purpose of the Report
C. Problems with Existing Public Health Standards (Safety Limits)
II. Summary of the Science
A. Evidence for Cancer (Childhood Leukemia and Adult Cancers)
B. Changes in the Nervous System and Brain Function
C. Effect on Genes (DNA)
D. Effects on Stress Proteins (Heat Shock Proteins)
E. Effects on the Immune System
F. Plausible Biological Mechanisms
G. Another Way of Looking at EMFs: Therapeutic Uses
III. EMF Exposure and Prudent Public Health Planning
IV. Recommended Actions
A. Defining new exposure standards for ELF
B. Defining preventative actions for reduction in RF exposures
V. Conclusions

This report has been written by 14 (fourteen) scientists, public health and public policy experts to document the scientific evidence on electromagnetic fields. Another dozen outside reviewers have looked at and refined the Report.

The purpose of this report is to assess scientific evidence on health impacts from
electromagnetic radiation below current public exposure limits and evaluate what changes in these limits are warranted now to reduce possible public health risks in the future.

Not everything is known yet about this subject; but what is clear is that the existing public safety standards limiting these radiation levels in nearly every country of the world look to be thousands of times too lenient. Changes are needed.

New approaches are needed to educate decision-makers and the public about sources of exposure and to find alternatives that do not pose the same level of possible health risks, while there is still time to make changes.
The clear consensus of the BioInitiative Working Group members is that the existing public safety limits are inadequate for both ELF and RF.

These proposals reflect the evidence that a positive assertion of safety with respect to chronic exposure to low-intensity levels of ELF and RF cannot be made. As with many other standards for environmental exposures, these proposed limits may not be totally protective, but more stringent standards are not realistic at the present time.

Even a small increased risk for cancer and neurodegenerative diseases translates into an enormous public health consequence. Regulatory action for ELF and preventative actions for RF are warranted at this time to reduce exposures and inform the public of the potential for increased risk; at what levels of chronic exposure these risks may be present; and what measures may be taken to reduce risks.

It appears it is the INFORMATION conveyed by electromagnetic radiation (rather than heat) that causes biological changes - some of these biological changes may lead to loss of wellbeing, disease and even death.
There may be no lower limit at which exposures do not affect us. Until we know if there is a lower limit below which bioeffects and adverse health impacts do not occur, it is unwise from a public health perspective to continue "business-as-usual" deploying new technologies that increase ELF and RF exposures, particularly involuntary exposures.
There is little doubt that exposure to ELF causes childhood leukemia.
There is some evidence that other childhood cancers may be related to ELF exposure but not enough studies have been done.
Children who have leukemia and are in recovery have poorer survival rates if their ELF exposure at home (or where they are recovering) is between 1mG and 2 mG in one study; over 3 mG in another study.
New ELF public exposure limits are warranted at this time, given the existing scientific evidence and need for public health policy intervention and prevention.
People who have used a cell phone for ten years or more have higher rates of malignant brain tumor and acoustic neuromas. It is worse if the cell phone has been used primarily on one side of the head.
People who have used a cordless phone for ten years or more have higher rates of malignant brain tumor and acoustic neuromas. It is worse if the cordless phone has been used primarily on one side of the head.
The current standard for exposure to the emissions of cell phones and cordless phones is not safe considering studies reporting long-term brain tumor and acoustic neuroma risks.
The evidence from studies on women in the workplace rather strongly suggests that ELF is a risk factor for breast cancer for women with long-term exposures of 10 mG and higher.
Given the very high lifetime risks for developing breast cancer, and the critical importance of prevention; ELF exposures should be reduced for all people who are in high ELF environments for prolonged periods of time.
Studies of human breast cancer cells and some animal studies show that ELF is likely to be a risk factor for breast cancer. There is supporting evidence for a link between breast cancer and exposure to ELF that comes from cell and animal studies, as well as studies of human breast cancers.
Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the nervous system. There is strong evidence that longterm exposure to ELF is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.
There is little doubt that electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones and cell phone use affect electrical activity of the brain.
Changes in the way in which the brain and nervous system react depend very much on the specific exposures. Most studies only look at short-term effects, so the long-term consequences of exposures are not known.
The consequence of prolonged exposures to children, whose nervous systems continue to develop until late adolescence, is unknown at this time. This could have serious implications to adult health and functioning in society if years of exposure of the young to both ELF and RF result in diminished capacity for thinking, judgment, memory, learning, and control over behavior.
The effects of long-term exposure to wireless technologies including emissions from cell phones and other personal devices, and from whole-body exposure to RF transmissions from cell towers and antennas is simply not known yet with certainty. However, the body of evidence at hand suggests that bioeffects and health impacts can and do occur at exquisitely low exposure levels: levels that can be thousands of times below public safety limits.
Both ELF and RF exposures can be considered genotoxic (will damage DNA) under certain conditions of exposure, including exposure levels that are lower than existing safety limits.
Very low-level ELF and RF exposures can cause cells to produce stress proteins, meaning that the cell recognizes ELF and RF exposures as harmful. This is another important way in which scientists have documented that ELF and RF exposures can be harmful, and it happens at levels far below the existing public safety standards.
There is substantial evidence that ELF and RF can cause inflammatory reactions, allergy reactions and change normal immune function at levels allowed by current public safety standards.
Oxidative stress through the action of free radical damage to DNA is a plausible biological mechanism for cancer and diseases that involve damage from ELF to the central nervous system.
Medical conditions are successfully treated using EMFs at levels below current public safety standards, proving another way that the body recognizes and responds to low-intensity EMF signals. Otherwise, these medical treatments could not work. The FDA has approved EMFs medical treatment devices, so is clearly aware of this paradox.
No one would recommend that drugs used in medical treatments and prevention of disease be randomly given to the public, especially to children. Yet, random and involuntary exposures to EMFs occur all the time in daily life.
- The scientific evidence is sufficient to warrant regulatory action for ELF; and it is substantial enough to warrant preventative actions for RF.
- The standard of evidence for judging the emerging scientific evidence necessary to take action should be proportionate to the impacts on health and well-being
- The exposures are widespread.
- Widely accepted standards for judging the science are used in this assessment.


- We cannot afford ‘business as usual” any longer. It is time that planning for new power lines and for new homes, schools and other habitable spaces around them is done with routine provision for low-ELF environments . The business-as-usual deployment of new wireless technologies is likely to be risky and harder to change if society does not make some educated decisions about limits soon. Research must continue to define what levels of RF related to new wireless technologies are acceptable; but more research should not prevent or delay substantive changes today that might save money, lives and societal disruption tomorrow.

- New regulatory limits for ELF are warranted. ELF limits should be set below those exposure levels that have been linked in childhood leukemia studies to increased risk of disease, plus an additional safety factor. It is no longer acceptable to build new power lines and electrical facilities that place people in ELF environments that have been determined to be risky (at levels generally at 2 mG and above).

- While new ELF limits are being developed and implemented, a reasonable approach would be a 1 mG planning limit for habitable space adjacent to all new or upgraded power lines and a 2 mG Summary for the Public Ms. Sage limit for all other new construction, It is also recommended for that a 1 mG limit be established for existing habitable space for children and/or women who are pregnant . This recommendation is based on the assumption that a higher burden of protection is required for children who cannot protect themselves, and who are at risk for childhood leukemia at rates that are traditionally high enough to trigger regulatory action. This situation in particular warrants extending the 1 mG limit to existing occupied space. "Establish" in this case probably means formal public advisories from relevant health agencies.

- While it is not realistic to reconstruct all existing electrical distributions systems, in the short term; steps to reduce exposure from these existing systems need to be initiated, especially in places where children spend time, and should be encouraged.

- A precautionary limit of 1000 (µW/m2 (which is also 0.614 Volts per meter) should be adopted for outdoor, cumulative RF exposure. This reflects the current RF science and prudent public health response that would reasonably be set for pulsed RF (ambient) exposures where people live, work and go to school. This level of RF is experienced as whole-body exposure, and can be a chronic exposure where there is wireless coverage present for voice and data transmission for cell phones, pagers and PDAs and other sources of radiofrequency radiation. Some studies and many anecdotal reports on ill health have been reported at lower levels than this; however, for the present time, it could prevent some of the most disproportionate burdens placed on the public nearest to such installations. Although this RF target level does not preclude further rollout of WI-FI technologies, we also recommend that wired alternatives to WI-FI be implemented, particularly in schools and libraries so that children are not subjected to elevated RF levels until more is understood about possible health impacts. This recommendation should be seen as an interim precautionary limit that is intended to guide preventative actions; and more conservative limits may be needed in the future.

Fielding a current idea: exploring the public health impact of electromagnetic radiation


from "Iris Atzmon" atzmonh < am >

Stephen J.Genuis

Faculty of Medicine,University of Alberta,2935 - Street,Edmonton,AB,Canada T6K 4C1
The full Report .pdf. 245,7 KB

Testung der Elektrosensibilität, Testing Procedure for Electrosensitivity and testing at Essex University

Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing

from "Martin Weatherall" weather <im>
26 Jul 2007

Hi All

The link below is to the British Daily Telegraph newspaper. Unfortunately the Telegraph have made a serious error with their title, because that is not what the story is about and it simply, is not true.

The story is about electro hypersensitivity and testing at Essex University. EHS volunteers failed to identify exposure to cell phone emissions, but there are good reasons why this happened.

If you look at the readers comments below the newspaper article you will find at least five people who have given good reasons why the testing failed. You will also find ignorant comments from stupid people who either do not know what they are talking about or they are deliberately trying to confuse the true situation.

The e-mail attachment above - Essex EHS Study.eml, will show you very good reasons why the testing was a failure.

The other document that is attached is about the EHS testing that is done at a clinic in Wiesenthal, Germany. I have no reports as to the effectiveness of the clinic's testing procedure.


Mobile phone masts 'do not damage health' - United Kingdom

However campaigners and individuals who claim sources of electrical fields including masts can cause a syndrome called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EH) ...

Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing
Tel.: + 49 (0) 451 - 8 80 57 58
Fax : + 49 (0) 451 - 8 80 57 61

Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Günther
Tel.: + 49 (0) 36964 - 8 32 07
Fax : + 49 (0) 451 - 8 80 57 61


The full EHS-file on, 31.07.2007, .doc. 997,2 KB
Testing Procedure for Electosensitivity


Mobile Phone Base Stations -like signals and Well-being

Does Short-Term Exosure to Mobile Phone Base Station Signals Increase Symptos in Individuals who Reort Senstivity to Electromagnetic Fields?

from Iris Atzmon, 24 Juli 2007

The full Report on, 27.07.2007, .pdf. 314,3 KB

Stacy Eltiti, Denise Wallace, Anna Ridgewell, Konstantina Zougkou, Riccardo Russo, Francisco Sepulveda, Dariush Mirshekar-Syahkal, Paul Rasor, Roger Deeble, and Elaine Fox

University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom
Correspondence to:
Dr. Stacy Eltiti
Department of Psychology, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex,
CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1206873784
Fax: +44 (0) 1206873801


Individuals with Idiopathic Environmental Illness with attribution to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF) believe they suffer negative health effects when exposed to electromagnetic fields from everyday objects, such as mobile phone base stations.

This study utilized both open provocation and double-blind tests to determine if sensitive and control individuals experience more negative health effects when exposed to base station-like signals compared to sham.

56 self-reported sensitive and 120 control participants were tested in an open provocation test. Of these, 12 sensitive and 6 controls withdrew after the first session. The remainder completed a series of double-blind tests. Subjective measures of well-being and symptoms, as well as physiological measures of blood volume pulse, heart rate and skin conductance were obtained.

During the open provocation, sensitive individuals reported lower levels of well-being in both the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) compared to sham exposure, while controls reported more symptoms during the UMTS exposure. During doubleblind tests the GSM signal did not have any effect on either group. Sensitive participants did report elevated levels of arousal during the UMTS condition, while number or severity of symptoms experienced did not increase. Physiological measures did not differ across the three exposure conditions for either group.

Short-term exposure to a typical GSM base station-like signal did not affect well-being or physiological functions in sensitive or control individuals. Sensitive individuals reported elevated levels of arousal when exposed to a UMTS signal. Further analysis, however, indicated that this difference was likely to be due to the effect of order of exposure rather than the exposure itself.


AM Radio Transmitters and Childhood Leukemia Update

from Martin, Wed, 18 Jul 2007

The Korean scientific paper below, by Mina Ha was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, Oxford Journals.

American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access originally published online on June 7, 2007 American Journal of Epidemiology 2007 166(3):270-279;doi:10.1093/aje/kwm083


Radio-Frequency Radiation Exposure from AM Radio Transmitters and Childhood Leukemia and Brain Cancer
Mina Ha1, Hyoungjune Im2, Mihye Lee3, Hyun Joo Kim4, Byung-Chan Kim5, Yoon-Myoung Gimm6 and Jeong-Ki Pack7

1 Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheonan, South Korea
2 Department of Occupational Medicine, Hallym University Hospital, Anyang, South Korea
3 Department of Geography, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
4 Department of Occupational Medicine, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheonan, South Korea
5 Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute, Taejon, South Korea
6 School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Dankook University, Seoul, South Korea
7 Department of Radio Sciences and Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungnam National University, Taejon, South Korea

Correspondence to Dr. Mina Ha, Department of Preventive Medicine, Dankook University College of Medicine, San 29, Anseo-dong, Cheonan, Chungnam, South Korea 330-714 (e-mail:

Received for publication August 2, 2006. Accepted for publication February 2, 2007.

Leukemia and brain cancer patients under age 15 years, along with controls with respiratory illnesses who were matched to cases on age, sex, and year of diagnosis (1993-1999), were selected from 14 South Korean hospitals using the South Korean Medical Insurance Data System.

Diagnoses were confirmed through the South Korean National Cancer Registry. Residential addresses were obtained from medical records. A newly developed prediction program incorporating a geographic information system that was modified by the results of actual measurements was used to estimate radio-frequency radiation (RFR) exposure from 31 amplitude modulation (AM) radio transmitters with a power of 20 kW or more. A total of 1,928 leukemia patients, 956 brain cancer patients, and 3,082 controls were analyzed.

Cancer risks were estimated using conditional logistic regression adjusted for residential area, socioeconomic status, and community population density. The odds ratio for all types of leukemia was 2.15 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.00, 4.67) among children who resided within 2 km of the nearest AM radio transmitter as compared with those resided more than 20 km from it.

For total RFR exposure from all transmitters, odds ratios for lymphocytic leukemia were 1.39 (95% CI: 1.04, 1.86) and 1.59 (95% CI: 1.19, 2.11) for children in the second and third quartiles, respectively, versus the lowest quartile. Brain cancer and infantile cancer were not associated with AM RFR.

brain neoplasms; child; environmental exposure; leukemia; radiation; radio

Abbreviations: AM, amplitude modulation; CI, confidence interval; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; RFR, radio-frequency radiation; SES, socioeconomic status

A new study - Again Link AM radio and Childhood leukemia

from Iris, Sat, 14 Jul 2007 (

RFI Tops Health in U.S. Tower Siting Battle

Download a pdf of this news and comment

When the residents of the Oak Hill Park community in the Boston suburb of Newton fought the expansion of a local 5kW AM station, WNUR, they complained about radiofrequency interference (RFI)-to their telephones, stereos, VCRs, wheelchairs and baby monitors. They also objected to the possible effects on local wildlife, particularly to the blue-spotted salamander. And they worried about the visual blight posed by the towers.

What community activists hardly mentioned were the possible impacts on their health.

Bob Sklar, who has a doctorate in molecular biology, was one of the few exceptions. Even with WNUR's power at 5 kW, he and his family had trouble sleeping and suffered from severe headaches. Fighting the plan to increase the total AM power output to up to 150kW, Sklar warned that the proposed higher power levels "will produce serious health effects in the area."

When asked by Microwave News why the others had left the health issue on the back burner, Sklar replied, "We were told it's not a winning issue. The consensus was to not raise it."

That may now change.

In the largest and most detailed study of AM radio radiation to date, a team led by Mina Ha of South Korea's Dankook University in South Korea has found that
children living within 2 km of an AM transmitter had more than twice the risk of developing leukemia, compared to those living more than 20 km away. The study, which included 36 cases of children with leukemia living within 2 km of an AM station, will appear in the August 1 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology and is already available on the journal's Web site.

"The results of this study suggest a possible carcinogenic effect of AM RF [radiation] exposure on children, particularly with regard to lymphocytic leukemia," Ha concludes. This is Ha's third epidemiological study of cancer in the vicinity of AM radio stations. The other two, published in 2003 and 2004,
also pointed to a cancer risk. (See also MWN, S/O02, p.16.)

Ha told Microwave News that while the observed risk was significant, she would like to see it replicated in another study. Ha's study included 31 AM stations operating at 20kW or more.

Five years ago, a group of Italian researchers headed by Paola Michelozzi found higher rates of childhood leukemia around the Radio Vatican transmitters in Cesano outside Rome (see MWN, M/A01, p.6; S/O01 p.9; M/J02 p.4; J/A02 p.14). Radio Vatican operates at a number of different frequencies, in both the AM and shortwave (4-21MHz) bands.

umtsno: see also Adult and Childhood Leukemia near a High-Power Radio Station in Rome, .pdf, 91,4 KB)

When Ha compared cases and controls relative to estimated RF exposures, she found that the risk was significantly higher for those in the second and third exposure quartiles, but not in the 25% most exposed children. Nevertheless there was a trend of increased risk of lymphocytic leukemia with increased RF exposure, which was of borderline significance. (There was no parallel trend with distance from a transmitter.)

Regarding the lack of an association among those who are most exposed to RF, Ha suggested that it might be due to "decreasing statistical power" or to a "bystander effect."

Ha estimates that the electric field at 2km from the AM transmitters ranged from 1V/m to 3V/m - approximately 2653 microW/m2 to 23873 microW/m2.

Oak Hill Park Is Within 2Km of AM Tower

The entire Oak Hill Park community in Newton, outside Boston, lies within 2 km of WNUR's 5kW transmitter. Approximately 1,000 to 1,500 people live there.

About 45 of the homes in the neighborhood are exposed to RF levels of 6.1 V/m (98 700.26 microW/m2) or more, with some 400 homes above 1.9 V/m (9 575.59 microW/m2), according to an analysis by Richard Temkin, a research physicist at MIT and, like Sklar, a former long-time resident of Oak Hill Park. Temkin estimated that if the power output were to be increased to 150kW, thousands of homes in Newton would be exposed to 1.9V/m or more.

Temkin's case against the power upgrade was based almost exclusively on RFI. He was one of those who argued against basing the community's appeal on health concerns, according to Sklar. Temkin did not respond to repeated requests for an interview.

The power output of the AM broadcasts in Newton will soon jump from 5kW to 95kW, and possibly even higher. Yet, even at 5kW, Oak Hill residents could hear music from the radio station coming from all sorts of electronic equipment as well as water pipes, heaters and toilets. "We're all fearful that all the interference problems will increase exponentially," one resident told the Boston Globe in the fall of 2005, after a court ruled that the plan to upgrade the AM station could move forward.

In an August 17, 2005 decision, Charles Trombly Jr of the Massachusetts Land Court had ruled against all the objections raised by the town of Newton on the basis that the FCC has the "sole power" to regulate radio stations and any RFI. A month earlier the town aldermen had voted unanimously to deny the three broadcasterrs a permit to expand.

While the residents hardly raised the health issue, the radio stations brought in two consulting firms that help corporations mired in EMF and RF health disputes: Gradient Corp and Exponent. A report prepared by Gradient's Peter Valberg concluded that "careful review of the whole body of literature… have [sic] not identified reasons to believe that the current RF safety standards are not protective of public health." Exponent's Linda Erdreich also prepared a report that sought to reassure the town that there was little to worry about.

Valberg did his own RF measurements. He found that the RF levels were somewhat higher than those estimated by Temkin. Valberg's highest reading was 13.7 V/m (497 851.5 microW/m2) with average readings in Oak Park of 3.8 V/m (38 302.4 microW/m2) during the night and 4.9 V/m (63 687 microW/m2) during the day. Jim Hatfield of Hatfield and Dawson, a consulting firm in Seattle, also did an RF survey for the three AM stations [Hatfield's report is appended to Valberg's report].

(For comparison, the FCC and the IEEE/ANSI exposure standards for AM frequencies are both 614 V/m (1000 000 000 microW/m2). The ICNIRP standard is 87 V/m (20 076 923.1 microW/m2).

Valberg and Exponent's Bill Bailey are currenly involved in establishing siting policy for power lines in Connecticut (see our January 19, 2007 story).

Osepchuk Sides with the Residents

One ironic aspect of the Newton battle is that John Osepchuk, one of the chief architects of the IEEE/ANSI standard, argued against the AM upgrade, while the Silent Spring Institute, a local environmental group, offered no help, telling Bob Sklar that its focus was on chemical pollutants.

"Even at 5kW, you can hear sounds from baseboard heaters," Osepchuk told Microwave News. He stressed that the problem is not the ambient fields but the current in the wires and pipes. "The shocks and burns are annoying and people should not have to put up with them." In 1995, after spending most of his career at Raytheon, Osepchuk opened his own firm, Full Spectrum Consulting in Concord, MA.

Osepchuk expressed dismay at the FCC's refusal to address the side effects of AM radiation, such as the "tingles and sound generation" -pointing out that the commission had deferred setting limits on contacts and induced currents. But Osepchuk reserved the greatest contempt for the judge's decision overruling Newton's decision not to grant the AM stations a permit. "The judge says that those who are 'aggrieved' by his decision can always complain to the FCC -is he kidding?"

A new study from Israel, a scientific breakthrough

Mechanism of a short-term ERK activation by electromagnetic fields at mobile phone

From: "Iris Atzmon" <atzmonh <@>>
27 Apr 2007

Dear all,

I had the honour to speak with Joseph Friedman this morning. He is excited about his findings as he made a scientific breakthrough. I have yet to read the full paper but meanwhile he told me these findings are stable, they repeated 20 and 30 times and got the same result and the findings are especially strong because they occured at the level of the membrane and not only cells. They used fibroblasts and cells of the cervix. He said that one thing is clear and this is that "the cells are not indifferent to the radiation".

They checked different frequencies but especially 875MHz. This study lasted 8 (!) years. He would be glad to receive reactions from the scientific community.


Biochem J. 2007 Apr 25; [Epub ahead of print]

Mechanism of a short-term ERK activation by electromagnetic fields at mobile phone frequency.

a.. Friedman J,
b.. Kraus S,
c.. Hauptman Y,
d.. Schiff Y,
e.. Seger R.

The exposure to non-thermal microwave electromagnetic field generated by mobile phones affects the expression of many proteins. This effect on transcription and protein stability can be mediated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades, which serve as central signaling pathways, and govern essentially all stimulated cellular processes. Indeed, a long-term exposure of cells to mobile phone irradiation results in the activation of p38MAPKs as well as the ERK/MAPKs.

Here we studied the immediate effect of irradiation on the MAPK cascades, and found that ERKs, but not stress related MAPKs are rapidly activated in response to various frequencies and intensities. Using signaling inhibitors we delineated the mechanism that is involved in this activation.

We found that the first step is mediated in the plasma membrane by NADH oxidase, which rapidly generates reactive oxygen species (ROS). These ROS then directly stimulate matrix metalloproteinases and allow them to cleave and release heparin binding-EGF. This secreted factor, activates EGF receptor, which in turn further activates the ERK cascade.

Thus, this study demonstrates for the first time a detailed molecular mechanism by which electromagnetic irradiation by mobile phones induces the activation of the ERK cascade and thereby induces transcription and other cellular processes.

PMID: 17456048 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Professor Adlkofer of the Verband der Cigarettenindustrie (VdC), the leader of the project REFLEX funded by the European Union

on since 29.4.2007

in deutsch wichtiger Artikel

from old dokument, .doc, 62,2 KB

This document reveals a pivotal moment in 1988 when members of the global tobacco industry came together to talk about the difficulties they faced regarding the issue of envirnmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Thanks to a rare voice of reason from within their ranks, they had an opportunity at this moment to decide between staying their present course of global deception on ETS, or deciding to deal with the issue honestly and realistically. It isn't often you get to see a tobacco industry scientist stand up to the rest of the industry and urge them to deal with reality, but we see it in this document. These are privileged and confidential minutes of a joint industry meeting held in London in 1988. Representatives of the European, Japanese, Canadian, the American and United Kingdom tobacco companies were present. Of particular interest are the statements of German cigarette industry scientist, Dr Adlkofer, who questioned the industry's creation of it's own "marketable science." In a stunning departure from

Dr. Adlkofer further said that "real science" would be "essential if the industry was to prevail on the ETS issue." Admirably, Dr. Adlkofer proved to be a voice of honesty from within the industry.

According to these minutes, Dr. Adlkofer "refused to endorse a situation in which scientific research is guided by public relations needs." Moreover, Dr. Adlkofer questioned the wisdom of the industry's present course on ETS. He urged the industry instead to concentrate on identifying a threshold level for risk of ETS exposure. This controversial suggestion instantly caused a flurry of "widespread disagreement" among the meeting's participants.

VdC - die Tabak-Lobbyisten, Brief an Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer

auf seit 29.4.2007



Publikationen zur Bienenstudie der Universität Landau

Auf der Webseite der Universität Koblenz-Landau sind zwei weitere Dokumente zur sog. "Bienenstudie" publiziert worden, die unter der Leitung von Professor Jochen Kuhn durchgeführt wurde.

* Electromagnetic Radiation: Influences on Honeybees (Apis mellifera) Preprint (IIAS - InterSymp Conference, Baden-Baden 2007)

* Can Electromagnetic Exposure Cause a Change in Behaviour? Studying Possible Non-Thermal Influences on Honey Bees - An Approach within the Framework of Educational Informatics ACTA SYSTEMICA - IIAS International Journal, 2006, Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 1-6

Auswirkungen von GSM - Mobilfunkbasisstationen auf die Lebenszeit einer Bevölkerung

auf ab 19.4.07
über Frau Dr. Christine Aschermann, 13.4.2007
ganzes Dokument, .doc, 149,8 KB


Auswirkungen von GSM - Mobilfunkbasisstationen auf die Lebenszeit einer Bevölkerung

Univ.-Doz. Dr. Ferdinand Ruzicka
Zytophysikalische Grundlagenforschung - Wien
Montag, 9. April 2007

2007 konnte ich in Engelhartstetten (704 Einwohner) die negative Auswirkung des Mobilfunks auf das mittlere Sterbealter statistisch feststellen. In Engelhartstetten gibt es seit zehn Jahren GSM -Mobilfunksender, gegenwärtig mit einer maximalen Gesamtimmission von bis zu 4379 mikroW/m2 (April 2007). In Loimersdorf (464 Einwohner) ca. drei Kilometer entfernt gibt es keine Mobilfunksender - erst wieder im nächsten Ort Kopfstetten wo auch schon UMTS Einzug gehalten hat (Abb.1 und Abb.2). In Loimersdorf konnte ich eine Gesamtimmission von 0,6 mikroW/m2 (April 2007) messen. Ein Handyempfang ist nur im Freien mit zwei Anbietern möglich.


Significant EMR research to 1973


The full Report on, 22.02.2007, .pdf. 825,4 KB

Environmental Pollution by Microwave Radiation - A potential threat to human health (1973)

From: Martin Weatherall (weather [do]

This appears to be a very significant document relating to the danger of microwave exposure. It was produced by Canadian researchers from the Department of Anatomy, Queens University, Kinston, Ontario in April 1973. It was produced in collaboration with the Division of Mechanical Engineering, Government of Canada.

It is very clear from this report that researchers knew of the human health dangers from microwave radiation at least thirty four years ago and warned the Canadian Government about that danger. The researchers suggested detailed testing to determine safe exposure levels.

The document was written years before microwave antennas appeared on every major street corner, along every major highway and in the homes of most citizens. How could our the Canadian government and many other governments go so wrong, when information such as this was available?

The references are of special interest because show significant EMR research that was completed prior to 1973.


Electrosensitive patients showed reduced intracortical facilitation as compared to both control groups, while motor thresholds and intracortical inhibition were unaffected.


From Mona Nilsson
J Psychosom Res. 2007 Mar;62(3):283-8.

Altered cortical excitability in subjectively electrosensitive patients: Results of a pilot study.
Landgrebe M, Hauser S, Langguth B, Frick U, Hajak G, Eichhammer P.
Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics, and Psychotherapy, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany.

OBJECTIVE: Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields is frequently claimed to be linked to a variety of unspecific somatic and/or neuropsychological complaints. Whereas provocation studies often failed to demonstrate a causal relationship between electromagnetic field exposure and symptom formation, neurophysiological examinations highlight baseline deviations in people claiming to be electrosensitive.

METHODS: To elucidate a potential role of dysfunctional cortical regulations in mediating hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields, cortical excitability parameters were measured by transcranial magnetic stimulation in subjectively electrosensitive patients (n=23) and two control groups (n=49) differing in their level of unspecific health complaints.

RESULTS: Electrosensitive patients showed reduced intracortical facilitation as compared to both control groups, while motor thresholds and intracortical inhibition were unaffected.

CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study gives additional evidence that altered central nervous system function may account for symptom manifestation in subjectively electrosensitive patients as has been postulated for several chronic multisymptom illnesses sharing a similar clustering of symptoms.
PMID: 17324677 [PubMed - in process]

Electrohypersensitivity in the clear with Prof. Olle Johansson

The full text on, 22.01.07

Electrohypersensitivity: State-of-the-Art of a Functional Impairment


Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Recently, a new category of persons, claiming to suffer from exposure to electromagnetic fields, has been described in the literature. In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized functional impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease). Survey studies show that somewhere between 230,000- 290,000 Swedish men and women report a variety of symptoms when being in contact with electromagnetic field (EMF) sources.

The aim of our studies has been to investigate possible alterations, in the cellular and neuronal systems of these persons' skin. As controls, age- and sex-matched persons, without any subjective or clinical symptoms or dermatological history, served. Immunohistochemistry using antisera to the previously characterized marker substances of interest has been utilized.

In summary, it is evident from our preliminary data that various alterations are present in the electrohypersensitive persons' skin. In view of recent epidemiological studies, pointing to a correlation between long-term exposure from power-frequent magnetic fields or microwaves and cancer, our data ought to be taken seriously and further analyzed.

Keywords Dermatoscience; Electrohypersensitivity; Impairment; Immunohistochemistry; Neuroscience.


Sindrome de down y leucemia asociada a la exposicion a cem

den 22 december 2006, from Prof. Hardell


Use of cellular and cordless telephones and risk of testicular cancer

from Iris, 24.12.2006

Case-control study: Use of cellular and cordless telephones and risk of testicular cancer

L. Hardell,* M. Carlberg,* C.-G. Ohlson,** H. Westberg, M. Eriksson and K. Hansson Mild- *Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Örebro, Department of Natural Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital, Örebro, Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Lund, National Institute for Working Life, Umea , and **Institution of Clinical Medicine, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden

international journal of andrology ISSN 0105-6263

the full document, .pdf, 488,1 KB

A case-control study on testicular cancer included use of cellular and cordless telephones. The results were based on answers from 542 (92%) cases with seminoma, 346 (89%) with non-seminoma, and 870 (89%) controls. Regarding seminoma the use of analog cellular phones gave odds ratio (OR) 1/4 1.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1/4 0.9-1.6, digital phones OR 1/4 1.3, CI 1/4 0.9-1.8, and cordless phones OR 1/4 1.1, CI 1/4 0.8-1.5. The corresponding results for nonseminoma were OR 1/4 0.7, CI 1/4 0.5-1.1, OR 1/4 0.9, CI 1/4 0.6-1.4, and OR 1/4 1.0, CI 1/4 0.7-1.4, respectively.

There was no dose-response effect and OR did not increase with latency time. No association was found with place of keeping the mobile phone during standby, such as trousers pocket. Cryptorchidism was associated both with seminoma (OR 1/4 4.2, CI 1/4 2.7-6.5) and non-seminoma (OR 1/4 3.3, CI 1/4 2.0-5.6), but no interaction was found with the use of cellular or cordless telephones.

see more from Hardell:
Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones | Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003. | Pooled analysis Update | The paper by Hardell, Richter et al makes headlines: Industry 'paid top cancer expert'

Magnetic Fields and Acute Leukemia in Children With Down Syndrome

from Iris, 24.12.2006

Epidemiology. 2007 Jan;18(1):158-161.

Magnetic Fields and Acute Leukemia in Children With Down Syndrome.

RESULTS: The odds ratio for direct measurements of magnetic fields >/=6.00 mG was 3.7 (95% confidence interval = 1.05-13.1).

CONCLUSION: The association between magnetic fields and leukemia in children with Down syndrome suggests the possibility of a causal role for magnetic fields in the etiology of leukemia among a genetically susceptible subgroup of children.


More on the Danish study

(From Mast, 23.12.2006

The Moss report

Hardell, Richter et al - at The Moss report

27 Sep 2005, By Dr. Ralph Moss: Do adiofrequency energy fields cause cancer?, Part 1+2+3


from Iris, 17 Dec 2006

part 1 | part 2


Industry paid top cancer expert

After Doll's death- the truth is out, but the lies never stop

Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006, from: Iris Atzmon

The paper by Hardell, Richter et al makes headlines: Industry 'paid top cancer expert'

The abstract:

Background Recently it was reported that a Swedish professor in environmental health has for decades worked as a consultant for Philip Morris without reporting his employment to his academic employer or declaring conflicts of interest in his research. The potential for distorting the epidemiological assessments of hazard and risk through paid consultants, pretending to be independent, is not exclusive to the tobacco industry.

The shortfalls cited

in this article illustrate the need for improved transparency, regulations that will help curb abuses as well as instruments for control and enforcement against abuses. end quote. The Swedish professor mentioned in the abstract is Ragnar Rylander, whose case has been quite thoroughly investigated in Sweden and Geneva and is widely publicized on the Web in the main European languages.

The universities of Gothenburg and Geneva have been somewhat defensive during this process. As we know, cases of unethical behaviour in academia would often go unnoticed if it were not for the efforts of investigative journalists.


Cell phone can make you deaf


"This study shows that a higher degree of hearing loss is associated with long-term exposure to electromagnetic (EM) field generated by cellular phones"

Effects of intensive and moderate cellular phone use on hearing function.

Oktay MF, Dasdag S.

Department of Otolaryngology, Medical School of Dicle University, Diyarbakir, Turkey.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of radiation emitted by mobile phones on the hearing of users. The study was carried out on three groups:

This study shows that a higher degree of hearing loss is associated with long-term exposure to electromagnetic (EM) field generated by cellular phones.

PMID: 16595330 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


The Danish Cohort found that of the 420,095 people studied only 14,249 cancers were diagnosed (fewer than the 15,001 predicted from national cancer rates.); unethical



Cellular Telephone Use and Cancer Risk: Update of a Nationwide Danish Cohort

Joachim Schüz, Rune Jacobsen, Jørgen H. Olsen, John D. Boice Jr, Joseph K. McLaughlin, Christoffer Johansen

The Danish study, the full document, .pdf, 220 KB, from prof Lennart Hardell

Note from Iris Atzmon: unethical

6 Dec 2006

Note - it is written in the study that the funding came from the Danish Cancer Society (and the danish strategies research council) but the original study from 2001 was funded THROUGH the Danish cancer society and BY the 2 biggest cellular companies in Denmark, Teledenmark and Sonophone. (it cost them 1 millions koronas).

It was reported at the time by Sianette Kwee. So it is the same case here- but it is not reported.



see also:

The Danish study funded by the cellular companies

Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006
Subject: The Danish study

Only the media outside Denmark was informed about this study in the first place by???? industry. In Denmark it was not made public before Wednesday 12/6/2006.

Since it is based on the old study, it does not include information about cell phone use in industry, trades and crafts, governmental and other public institutions etc. In the television interview with J. Olsen it was said that now all craft-/tradesmen, who are so dependant in their work on the their cellphone can use it safely and unlimited.

Sianette Kwee


Things that kill cells


Thu, 30 Nov 2006, Iris Atzmon, Mutat Res. 2006 Oct 10; [Epub ahead of print]
Links Cell death induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz mobile telephony radiation.Panagopoulos DJ, Chavdoula ED, Nezis IP, Margaritis LH. Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, 15784 Athens, Greece.

Our present results suggest that the decrease in oviposition previously reported, is due to degeneration of large numbers of egg chambers after DNA fragmentation of their constituent cells, induced by both types of mobile telephony radiation. Induced cell death is recorded for the first time, in all types of cells constituting an egg chamber (follicle cells, nurse cells and the oocyte) and in all stages of the early and mid- oogenesis, from germarium to stage 10, during which programmed cell death does not physiologically occur.


Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones

the full document, .pdf, 280,6 KB

New review by Hardell

25.10.2006, from Iris Atzmon

Conclusion: We found for all studied phone types an increased risk for brain tumours, mainly acoustic neuroma and malignant brain tumours. OR increased with latency period, especially for astrocytoma grade III-IV. No consistent pattern of an increased risk was found for salivary gland tumours, NHL, or testicular cancer.


Funkturm-Umgebungsstudie aus Ägypten


Ergebnisse: Die Prävalenz von neuropsychiatrischen Beschwerden wie Kopfschmerzen (23.5%), Veränderungen im Gedächtnis (28.2%), Schwindel (18.8%), Zucken (9.4%), Depressionen (21.7%) und Schlafstörungen (23.5%) waren bei den in Reichweite des Funkturms lebenden Personen deutlich höher als bei den Kontrollpersonen (10%), (5%), (5%), (0%), (8.8%) und (10%), jeweils (P < 0.05). Die neuropsychologische Testbatterie ergab, dass die in der Nähe des Funkturms lebenden Personen eine deutlich niedrigere Leistungsfähigkeit in einem der Aufmerksamkeits- und auditiven Kurzzeitgedächtnistest [Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT)] aufwiesen als die Kontrollpersonen. Die Personen, die gegenüber der Anlage lebten, wiesen weiterhin eine niedrigere Leistungsfähigkeit im Problemlösungstest (Block Design) als die Bewohner unter der Anlage auf. Alle Bewohner erbrachten bessere Leistungen in den beiden Tests zur visuell-motorischen Geschwindigkeit (Digit Symbol und Trailmaking B) und in einem der Aufmerksamkeitstests (Trailmaking A) als die Kontrollpersonen. Die zuletzt gemessenen Werte der hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Strahlung des ersten Funkturms im Gouvernorat Menoufiya waren niedriger als die erlaubten Höchstwerte ('Digital Symbol' und 'Trailmaking' sind zwei spezielle Aufmerksamkeitsteste, d.Hrsg.).

Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen: Personen, die in der Nähe von Funktürmen leben, können neuropsychiatrische Probleme entwickeln und sowohl positive als auch negative Veränderungen in ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit hinsichtlich der neuropsychologischen Funktionen erfahren. Deswegen wird eine Überarbeitung der offiziellen Richtlinien zur Exposition der Öffentlichkeit von hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung von Funktürmen und die Benutzung einer neuropsychologischen Testbatterie zur regelmäßigen Bewertung und Früherkennung biologischer Effekte auf Bewohner rund um solcher Anlagen empfohlen.

Anm. umtsno: die o.g. Untersuchungen betreffen Werte von Leistungsflußdichte (Werte 67000 bis 1000 Mikrowatt/m2), die weit unter den Grenzwerten für die Schweiz oder Polen liegen und als sehr "niedrig und gesund" von Mobilfunkbetreiber angepriesen werden.


Neurobehavioral effects among inhabitants around mobile phone base stations

the full document, .pdf, 306 KB

G. Abdel-Rassoul *, O. Abou El-Fateh, M. Abou Salem, A. Michael, F. Farahat, M. El-Batanouny, E. Salem Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt

Received 20 October 2005; accepted 18 July 2006

Results: The prevalence of neuropsychiatric complaints as headache (23.5%), memory changes (28.2%), dizziness (18.8%), tremors (9.4%), depressive symptoms (21.7%), and sleep disturbance (23.5%) were significantly higher among exposed inhabitants than controls: (10%), (5%), (5%), (0%), (8.8%) and (10%), respectively (P < 0.05). The NBTB indicated that the exposed inhabitants exhibited a significantly lower performance than controls in one of the tests of attention and short-term auditory memory [Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT)]. Also, the inhabitants opposite the station exhibited a lower performance in the problem solving test (block design) than those under the station. All inhabitants exhibited a better performance in the two tests of visuomotor speed (Digit symbol and Trailmaking B) and one test of attention (Trailmaking A) than controls. The last available measures of RFR emitted from the first mobile phone base station antennas in Menoufiya governorate were less than the allowable standard level.

Conclusions and recommendations: Inhabitants living nearby mobile phone base stations are at risk for developing neuropsychiatric problems and some changes in the performance of neurobehavioral functions either by facilitation or inhibition.

So, revision of standard guidelines for public exposure to RER from mobile phone base station antennas and using of NBTB for regular assessment and early detection of biological effects among inhabitants around the stations are recommended.


umtsno: see also

Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population

Melatonin modulates 900 Mhz microwave-induced lipid peroxidation changes in rat brain.

Toxicol Ind Health. 2006 Jun;22(5):211-6.

We conclude that melatonin may prevent MW-induced oxidative changes in the hippocampus by strengthening the anti-oxidant defense system, by reducing oxidative stress products.

PMID: 16898263 [PubMed - in process]


Mobile phone effects on children's event-related oscillatory EEG during an auditory memory task.

RESULTS: During memory encoding, the active MP modulated the event-related desynchronization/synchronization (ERD/ERS) responses in the approximately 4 - 8 Hz EEG frequencies. During recognition, the active MP transformed these brain oscillatory responses in the approximately 4 - 8 Hz and approximately 15 Hz frequencies.

CONCLUSIONS: The current findings suggest that EMF emitted by mobile phones has effects on brain oscillatory responses during cognitive processing in children.

PMID: 16846979 [PubMed - in process]


Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect 53BP1 and gamma-H2AX Foci in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons

Eva Markovà,1,2 Lena Hillert,3,4 Lars Malmgren,5 Bertil R. R. Persson,6 and Igor Y. Belyaev1,7

We found that MWs from GSM mobile telephones affect chromatin conformation and 53BP1/gamma-H2AX foci similar to heat shock.


Zürcher UMTS-Studie - wissenschaftlich kritisch beleuchtet

von Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Frentzel-Beyme ,Bremen 20.6.06

(exthe full document, 6.06.06 UMTS Base Station-Like Exposure, Well Being and Cognitive Performance, .pdf, 2,22 MB)

Sog. Replikationsstudie zur TNO-Studie oder UMTS Base Station-like Exposure, Well Being and Cognitive Performance, von S.J. Regel, et al., EHP online doi: 10.1289/ehp.8934 6. Juni 2006

Die Studie könnte böswillig als eine Farce bezeichnet werden, denn sie hat die TNO-Studie nicht repliziert.

Doch sind Autoren mit gutem Willen an die Sache herangegangen. Was falsch war, denn sie hätten etwas anderes finden können, wenn sie die TNO-Studie exakt kopiert hätten.


Powerlines and childhood leukemia

20 Jun 2006

from "EMR and Health"- A new magazine, April-Jun 2006, Vol 2 No 2

Children exposed to 4 mG or more had nearly five times the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Japanese scientists have found a strong link between childhood leukemia and magnetic fields. Powerlines and childhood leukemia High magnetic fields in the bedroom may increase the risk of childhood leukemia by up to five times.

This is the finding of a new Japanese study published recently. The research was conducted in five urban areas in Japan, home to over ten million children and accounting for over half of the Japanese population below 15 years of age.


Well Being-Studie aus Zürich, Dringender Zeugenaufruf

Schwarzenburg, 12.6.06

Da es eigentlich keine Replikation der TNO-Studie, sondern eine neue Studie mit neuem Design und neuen Parametern war, sind die Untersuchungsergebnisse an der ETH/UNI-Zürich sehr unglaubwürdig ausgefallen. Dies bestätigen uns kritische Wissenschafter laufend.

Zum Beispiel wurde in Zürich behauptet, dass keine Auswirkungen kurzfristiger Mobilfunkstrahlung auf das Wohlbefinden und die kognitiven Fähigkeiten des Menschen gefunden wurden. Das ist schlichtweg unwahr.


Die Replikationsstudie TNO aus Zürich ist keine TNO Replikation!

(TNO replication from Zürich is not the TNO replication, UMTS Base Station-Like Exposure, Well Being and Cognitive Performance)


Bin ich ein Wahrsager !?

(exthe full document, 6.06.06 UMTS Base Station-Like Exposure, Well Being and Cognitive Performance, .pdf, 2,22 MB)

Am 22. April 2005 "Um Menschen die Gesundheit zu erhalten" habe ich einen Online-Ratgeber im Polnisch veröffentlicht. Dort unter Punkt 5.5

"Die Übereinstimmung der aktuellen Ergebnisse mit dem Wissensstand vor der Mobilfunkseuche" stand von mir:

.."Die Wiederholung durch die Mobilfunkkonzerne der TNO-Studie in der Schweiz wird bei anderen Ergebnissen die Manipulation und die Unwissenheit über das Wesen der Doppelblindstudie beweisen. Weder die TNO-Untersuchungen aus Holland noch die REFLEX-Studie muß man wiederholen. Diese Studien wurden schon überprüft !

Die Replikation der TNO-Studie in der Schweiz wird zum Teil durch die Konzerne der Mobilfunkindustrie (Swisscom Mobile, Orange i Sunrise) finanziert und ist nicht transparent. Die Ergebnisse werden den Wünschen der Geldgeber entsprechen. Die Studien die durch die Schweizer Fränkli der Mobilfunkkonzerne beeinflußt sind, kann man weder als neutrale Untersuchungen noch als Doppelblindstudien bezeichnen.

Das ist so, als würden die angeklagten Mörder die Arbeit der Staatsanwälte und Richter finanzieren. Wenn die Angeklagten sich durch die Bezahlung von Richter und Staatsanwälten freikaufen können, dann ist das nicht nur Korruption, sondern der Beweis für die Mafia im Staatswesen.

Der Pakt zur Finanzierung der TNO-Studie in der Schweiz zeigt diese mafiöse Struktur.


Rubins et al provocation study- further comments

April 21, 2006
From: "Clas Tegenfeldt" tegen von

A dual band GMSM telephone can have an transmitter power of 0,002 W up to 2 Watts. The SAR of some GSM telephones reach 2 W/kg, if we assume this happens when the phone transmitts 2 W then we would have 0,002 W/kg when the phone transmitts at its lowest level. Thus the sham exposure in the report is about the same as when someone is talking in a GSM telephone near a basestation (thus the lowest transmitted power).

This happens for indoor GSM systems as well as macro cells (if you are some hundred meters from the basestation). The difference reported in the study is 1,4 W/kg and 0,002 W/kg for exposure and sham respectively, that is less than a factor of thousand I used above. It is therefore HIGHLY questionable that the SHAM exposure can be regarded as such! If there would be a clear cut threshold for symptoms provoked by the exposure that happened to be between the 0,002 and 2 W/kg exposures then - maybe - the study would have given some information.


More Kundi against Vodafone-WHO


Michael Kundi

exfrom Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 113, Number 3, March 2005

"Epidemiology of Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure"

In a recently published review (Kundi et al. 2004) on mobile phone use and cancer, we concluded that

Epidemiological studies that approached reasonable latencies [time period between first exposure and diagnosis] consistently observed elevated risk for the development of neoplastic diseases.

This assessment is distinctly different from the main message of the review from the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP; Ahlbom et al. 2004). The authors stated that

Results of these studies to date give no consistent or convincing evidence of a causal relation between RF [radiofrequency field] exposure and any adverse health effect.



Effects that occur independently of the fear of the subjects about the bases station affecting their health: headaches, cold hands or feet and difficulties in concentrating, for example.

Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjects living near mobile phone base stations

H-P Hutter, H Moshammer, P Wallner, M Kundi
New Edition, .pdf, 218 KB, Second Edition, compare First Edition

Frans van Velden, comment to 'Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals?'

I thought it would be only fair to let the author know about these comments,
regards Iris.

(the full document, 15.04.06 by Rubin, .pdf, 183,3 KB)
to compare with: WHO fact sheet "EHS" research papers from 17 Dec 2005
Rubin, et al, 17.12.05, the full document .pdf, 78 KB

----- Original Message -----
From: Frans van Velden
April 16, 2006 1:49 PM
Comment to article by Rubin,

press release

The article 'Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals?'
by Rubin c.s. was published recently in British Medical Journal (15 April 2006 in BMJ 2006;332:886-891, doi:10.1136/bmj.38765.519850.55)
(to be found exhere)

Frans van Velden's response is also published in the BMJ

Frans van Velden MSc

Rubin et al. define electromagnetic sensitivity as a condition in which symptoms are reported AFTER perceived exposure. This is not the definition of electromagnetic (hyper)sensitivity (EHS). EHS is a condition in which symptoms are reported as related to and attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (WHO factsheet 296, to be found exhere.)

The afflicted persons perceive symptoms and not exposure. The latter is impossible, since EHS and non-EHS individuals cannot detect exposure.


Be careful, studies from Vodafone and Co.
Like a powerful light bulb or bad easter eggs..

from Christine Doyle

Commenting on a separate protest earlier this month, a Vodafone spokeswoman, said it did not matter whether the masts were 1m or 1,000m away from residents - it was "all about power levels".

Vodafone spokeswoman on masts:
"We're talking about a power level of 150 watts, which is a bit like a powerful light bulb," she said.

Prof. Dr. Peter Semm : Jeder sollte sich ansehen, wer Auftraggeber dieser Forschungen ist. Eine gesunde Skepsis ist angebracht, weil eben so viele Fehler gemacht werden. Und auch, weil das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz keinen - wie von mir vorgeschlagen - öffentlichen Versuch haben wollte, der die athermischen Reaktionen hätte belegen können.(Interview vom 13.4.06)

jointly funded by the mobile telecommunications industry:


Are the experts lying?

7 Apr 2006
from: Iris Atzmon

Maria Feychting from the ICNIRP said to the Swedish major morning newspaper about prof' Hardell's study: "Several studies have been published with long-term users, but so far, no other have observed an increased risk"

"- Det har publicerats flera studier med långtidsanvändare, men det är ingen annan som ser en ökad risk, säger Maria Feychting, professor i epidemiologi vid Karolinska Institutet."

But she herself found in her own study: "our data suggest an increased risk of acoustic neuroma associated with mobile phone use of at least 10 years' duration"

Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P, Feychting M. Related Articles, Links
Mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma.
Epidemiology. 2004 Nov;15(6):653-9.
PMID: 15475713 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

umtsno: see also "First Evidence Of Brain Abnormalities Found In Pathological Liars"

Dr. Sadezki separate the Swedish study from the INTERPHONE

Iris Atzmon
Sun, 2 Apr 2006

Yediot Ahronot (the most distributed newspaper in Israel, p. 14, on 1/3 page) and the radio interviewed Dr. Sigal Sadezki (Israeli INTERPHONE representative) about the new study from Sweden. It is expected to see her interviewed about it also in the evening news today on TV stations.


Dr. Anthony Barker said


Sianette Kwee: radiation damage in norwegian children - satisfaction at last

19 Jan 2006

The risk to be a father to a stillborn or deformed baby is four times higher for men in the Norwegian Navy serving on vessels that are involved in electronic warfare as compared to other men.


Iris Atzmon: wouldn't it be interesting to add the cell phone variable into this study:

Recurrent headache and migraine as a public health problem - a population-based study in Sweden.

Headache. 2006 Jan;46(1):73-81.
Molarius A, Tegelberg A.


Who funds this psychiatry -mobile phone unit??...

A new study...from London

who funds this psychiatry -mobile phone unit??... Mobile Phones Research Unit, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, King's College London, London , UK The Jounal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics from the study: "the best currently available evidence suggests that CBT is the most appropriate therapy"..."Treatments focused on altering the electromagnetic environment of the patient received no support from this review....suggesting them to be no better than placebos"...

Info from Sibylle
15 Jan 2006


Free access, prof. Johansson's new papers

From: "Olle Johansson",
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:50 PM


Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003.

Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K.

Department of Oncology, University Hospital, SE-701 85 Orebro, Sweden.


16 Mar 2006, Update

Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours diagnosed in 1997-2003.

To study the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours.

Two case-control studies on malignant brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003 included answers from 905 (90%) cases and 2,162 (89%) controls aged 20-80 years. We present pooled analysis of the results in the two studies.

Increased risk was obtained for both cellular and cordless phones, highest in the group with >10 years latency period.


Anti-aging care: do not use mobile telephon!

Mobile phone over-use leads to premature aging - study

Use your mobile phone too much and you would risk health problems associated with old age, a bio-physics and radio-physics study indicated, reports Kuwait News Agency.

"The 15-year study, conducted by researchers at Cairo University headed by Professor of bio-physics and radio-physics Dr. Fadhil Mohammad Ali, said much of today's technology that uses short and micro waves poses threats to the human biology and bodily functions".


Effect of Short-Wave (6-22 MHz) Magnetic Fields on Sleep Quality and Melatonin Cycle in Humans: The Schwarzenburg Shut-Down Study

Ekkehardt-Siegfried Altpeter, Martin Röösli, Markus Battaglia, Dominik Pfluger, Christoph E. Minder, and Theodor Abelin


ICNIRP responds to an Israeli journalist

From: Iris Atzmon
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005

This is sent to you with the approval of the journalist, I asked him to send it to scientists. He wrote a good article about the REFLEX findings and asked for ICNIRP response but they got back to him only after his article had been already published, this is the answer he received (questions are at the bottom).


 Prof. Adlkofer response with regard to the ICNIRP position on REFLEX

Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005

See prof. Adlkofer response with regard to the ICNIRP position on REFLEX which I sent several weeks ago.

From: Prof. Dr. Adlkofer
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Subject: REFLEX

Dear Mrs Atzmon,

thank you very much for informing me on the opinion ICNIRP has adopted in its dealing with the REFLEX project. It is true, that only part of the REFLEX findings have been published in peer-reviewed journals so far.


 WHO is the Myths Manufacturer?
Chernobyl, WHO and Utteridge's mice: Is there a connection?

17 Dec 2005

from Iris Atzmon, atzmonh am

Part I

A new UN study that is defined as "the most authoritive study to date of the effects of the explosions that ripped apart Chernobyl reactor number 4 on 26 april 1986. It was compiled by the Chernobyl Forum, which involves more than 100 scientists, eight UN agencies and the governments of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine".

According to the study, the number who will die from long-term cancers caused by radiation will be 3490.

The deaths will be among almost 600,000 most contaminated by the accident 50 workers died from acute radiation poisoning or linked causes. 9 of 4000 children who have contracted thyroid cancer since the disaster have also died. The precise number of death is "unlikely ever to be known". The study suggests that alongside radiation, mental illness has been the biggest public health problem caused by the accident.


 WHO fact sheet "EHS" research papers
17 Dec 2005

Please fine enclosed two pdf files that the WHO fact sheet cited.
Eileen O'Connor, eileen zum

1. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Systematic Review of Provocation Studies


EHS electromagnetic hypersensitivity; EMF electromagnetic field; SMD standardized mean difference; UMTS universal mobile telecommunications system (a "third-generation" mobile phone signal); VDU visual display unit.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess whether people who report hypersensitivity to weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are better at detecting EMF under blind or double-blind conditions than nonhypersensitive individuals, and to test whether they respond to the presence of EMF with increased symptom reporting.


 Teddyfone - Babyfone
Friday, December 16, 2005
From Grahame Blackwell

Dear All

NRPB non-response re concerns over mobile phones for under-5s

You may be interested in the email below that I sent to Dr. Mike Clark of the HPA-RPD (formerly the NRPB) two weeks ago. As you'll see, this is in response to his reply to an email from a member of the public in which they expressed concern about the marketing of mobile phones to children as young as 4 years old.


 Can mobiles cause depression?

22 Nov 2005
Posted: Sylvie, Atzmon I., 13.12.2005

An electromagnetic 'smog' from mobile phones and electronic goods could be contributing to depression, according to a new study.The study, carried out on nearly 68000 people in Australia between 1968 and 2002, supports the hypothesis that a person's mood can be influenced by disturbances in the electromagnetic field in our environment and that this can affect our mental health.


Nonthermal microwave radiations affect the hypersensitive response of tobacco to tobacco mosaic virus.

J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Dec;10(6):947-57
Betti L, Trebbi G, Lazzarato L, Brizzi M, Calzoni GL, Marinelli F, Nani D, Borghini F.

Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bologna University, Italy.


When Enough Is Never Enough

25 Nov 2005

Dear Colleagues:

How often have you been told that there are no biological effects of weak EMFs that can be replicated in more than one lab?

Like much of what you hear about EMFs, this is propaganda that seeks to cut off further research.

In past commentaries, we have described how WHO and industry officials refuse to acknowledge that EMFs can cause DNA breaks. Here is another example:


Definition, Epidemiology and Management of Electrical Sensitivity

03 Nov 2005

Report for the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency
N Irvine, Regional Epidemiologist, CDSC Northern Ireland, HPA Belfast

The full document (PDF, 156 KB, 42 pages)

This review considers electrical sensitivity (ES) in terms of the subjective attribution of symptoms to electric and magnetic fields and radiations (EMFs), at levels below those shown to cause adverse health effects. The use of the term ES in this review does not imply the acceptance of a causal relationship between symptoms and attributed exposure, however.

A Review of Electrical Sensitivity

press release

3 November 2005


29 Oct 2005
Localized Effects of Microwave Radiation on the Intact Eye Lens in Culture Conditions
.pdf, 228 KB


see hier Cell phones and eyesight

Dear Colleagues:

Chinese scientists have joined the growing number of researchers who have
found that relatively low-power RF radiation can lead to DNA breaks.

Check out the latest posting on the Microwave News Web site.
Go to:

Louis Slesin

Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons

Dr. Igor Belyaev who is one of the researchers of this study below

also participates in the WHO EMF project, but he clearly
states that there are non- thermal effects, in contrast to the manager of the WHO project, and in this study one can read the criticism of the researchers on the ICNIRP standards that ignore effects below the standard.

Hopefully they will publish soon their study on 3G genetic effects
that was presented in two conferences (in Prague and Russia). .

Sat, 10 Sep 2005
From: "Iris Atzmon"
see also here

Persons with impairments are NOT "a medical condition"

(From Olle Johansson)
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2005

Dear All,

In the recent Press Statement (see below) from the Health Protection Agency
(HPA) of England and Wales, a serious mistake can be found (see below at [***]).


HPA Press Statement on the HPA Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity

(From Alasdair Philips)
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005

Message With regard to the below, According to the Israeli news they will write a full list of symptoms in the report, and the medical community will have to study this more in order to find drugs. Just today I read that 40 companies are trying to find the magic bullets for memmory loss. They want to create "a better brain", they don't care that cell phones can create "a worse brain". It's in the new issue of "popular science" Sep. 2005, there are pills for concentration, sleep, cognitive performance etc


Do radiofrequency energy fields cause cancer?

27 Sep 2005, By Dr. Ralph Moss
(from Iris Atzmon)

  1. Here at the moss reports
  2. Part one
  3. Effects on Melatonin
  4. Part 2:
  5. What the Science Shows
  6. Part 3: Some Studies Find a Link
  7. What To Do


A new study
10 Sep 2005

see hier

My hypothesis on TETRA and esophagus cancer


see more about -Tetra-

From Dr. John Walker

There is now very self sustaining and well agreeing information over several countries:-

To answer question 1 Is there any effect of mobile telephone base station radiation on living beings e.g. human and animal health?

There are results of ill people in houses in beam patches (7 patches) so far tested (120 ill people by 2005) There is about 3 times the average rate of Cancer. in the beam patches.
Ill people in flats in mast beams in Midlands (600 ill people)
Ill people in a school near mast (75 ill pupils and teachers)


New Italian study: Cell phone and brain function

from: "Sylvie"

Is the brain influenced by a phone call?
An EEG study of resting wakefulness


Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain)


Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients Diagnosed 2000-2003


Cell phones and eyesight

A new Israeli study is presented in the Israeli media as strong evidence for damage in the eyes by cellular phones, a mainstream journalist in a very mainstream newspaper writes "the findings were conclusive", the lens (of calves) exposed to the radiation lost focus.


How the study on power lines was presented on TV

Still about power lines. What is the meaning of the results of the new study
on power lines?


The issue of power lines

In The Netherlands the policy of the government now is not to build where the magnetic field is more than 400 nT. TenneT (the Transmission System Operator (TSO) in the Netherlands) has introduced a new high voltage system:

The magnetic fields by the Wintrack powerline system are decreased, because the lines are always six in a perfect circle (before, they were in triangles). The magnetic fields neutralize each other extensively. Moreover there are conductors in the ground, I don't understand exactly how, I think they take stray fields away. Ask them:

Regards, Frans

Israeli experts committee on power lines
About a week ago, in a famous israeli TV programme called "Popolitics", which deals with everything that concerns the public, the issue of power lines was discussed, after the publication of the new study about power lines was reported widely in the newspapers and TV.


Iris Atzmon
Tue, 14 Jun 2005

Notice umtsno: see advices to Governments from Repacholi-WHO

Von Krampfanfällen bei Kleinkindern und von Belastungen durch Mobilfunk und Schnurlostelefon

Die Häufung frühkindlicher Krampfanfälle etwa in den letzten zehn Jahren ist auffällig kongruent zur weiteren Verbreitung der Mobilfunk- und DECT-Schnurlos-Telefonie.



Motorola Funded Counter Research on Microwave DNA Damage

more .pdf, 191 KB

Please consider my research on this subject.

We need absolute proof positive of the harmful effects of EM radiation on living systems.
We have it. The key is that the effects of radiation are CUMULATIVE - I repeat CUMULATIVE !!! IT CAN TAKE 10 - 20 - 30 or even more years for the damage to become apparent. It can even be handed down through generations.

These things we know.

Das Verhältnis zwischen Leukämie-Risiko bei Kindern und Hochspannungsleitungen


Kinder, die in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen aufwachsen, erkranken häufiger an Leukämie als Kinder, deren Zuhause weit von Starkstromleitungen entfernt liegt.

Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen Wissenschaftler der Universität Oxford in der Studie "Childhood cancer in relation to distance from high voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study". Die Wissenschaftler hatten dazu die Wohnorte von 29.000 krebskranken Kindern - 9700 mit Leukämie auf der Insel untersucht und festgestellt, daß überdurchschnittlich viele an Leukämie erkrankte Kinder in der Nähe von Überlandleitungen leben.

Kinder, die weniger als 200 Meter entfernt von einer Hochspannungsleitung auf die Welt kommen, haben demnach ein 69 Prozent höheres Risiko an Leukämie zu erkranken als Kinder, die mehr als 600 Meter entfernt von einem Starkstrommasten geboren wurden.

Leben Kinder in einer räumlichen Entfernung von 200 bis 600 Metern zu den Überlandleitungen, ist das Risiko einer Leukämie-Erkrankung gegenüber der weiter entfernt wohnenden Vergleichsgruppe laut Studie um 23 Prozent größer. Für andere Krebsformen wurde kein erhöhtes Risiko gefunden.

Die Autoren, die ihre epidemiologischen Erkenntnisse jetzt in der Fachzeitschrift British Medical Journal veröffentlicht haben, weisen allerdings darauf hin, daß es für die statistischen Daten derzeit keine akzeptierten biologischen Wirkmechanismen gebe.

9.6.05, Anm. von Krzysztof Puzyna (umtsno)

Es gibt verschiedene Theorien über die Wirkung der elektromagnetischen Felder auf Lebewesen: Manczarski - Plasma-Theorie, die Tesla-Resonanz-Theorie oder die Studie von Bo Sernelius. siehe auch die Erklärung von Dr. Hyland während der Konferenz der Whistleblower am 07.09.2003 in Starnbek

Ihrer gemeinsame Nenner ist, daß die elektromagnetischen Felder in der Milliarden mal kleineren Stärke als die Grenzwerte der ICNIRP-Maffia ( und durch diese Maffia unterwanderte WHO-Organisation in Genf) die lebenden Organismen schädigen. Keine dieser Theorien hat jemals eine Chance auf Anerkennung solange die Verbrecher und Lobbyisten von Vodafone bei WHO in Genf ihr Unwesen treiben dürfen. Übrigens der von Dr. Hyland zitierte Direktor von WHO hat einen Namen- er heißt Repacholi

siehe dazu Gebote für Regierungen von WHO-Repacholi und Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs

Association between childhood leukaemia and high voltage power lines


Conclusions There is an association between childhood leukaemia and proximity of home address at birth to high voltage power lines, and the apparent risk extends to a greater distance than would have been expected from previous studies. About 4% of children in England and Wales live within 600 m of high voltage lines at birth. If the association is causal, about 1% of childhood leukaemia in England and Wales would be attributable to these lines, though this estimate has considerable statistical uncertainty. There is no accepted biological mechanism to explain the epidemiological results; indeed, the relation may be due to chance or confounding.

ex more

see also ex Residential and Occupational Exposures to 50-Hz Magnetic Fields and Breast Cancer in Women

see Advice to Governments from Repacholi-WHO

Prof.Trzaska: SAR ? the present protection standards are illogical and nonrealiazable.



Prof. Szmigielski / Prof. Trzaska / Dr. van Velden / Dipl.-Ing. Puzyna

Tumour risk for rural mobile users

By Nic Fleming, Science Correspondent

Mobile phone users who live in the countryside are more likely to develop brain tumours than those in towns and cities, a study published today shows.


Adlkofer's study from REFLEX


Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro.

Diem E, Schwarz C, Adlkofer F, Jahn O, Rudiger H.

Division of Occupational Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, Vienna 1090, Austria.

Cultured human diploid fibroblasts and cultured rat granulosa cells were exposed to intermittent and continuous radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) used in mobile phones, with different specific absorption rates (SAR) and different mobile-phone modulations. DNA strand breaks were determined by means of the alkaline and neutral comet assay. RF-EMF exposure (1800MHz; SAR 1.2 or 2W/kg; different modulations; during 4, 16 and 24h; intermittent 5min on/10min off or continuous wave) induced DNA single- and double-strand breaks. Effects occurred after 16h exposure in both cell types and after different mobile-phone modulations. The intermittent exposure showed a stronger effect in the comet assay than continuous exposure. Therefore we conclude that the induced DNA damage cannot be based on thermal effects.

Weitere Teilstudie im Rahmen des Europäischen REFLEX-Projekts.

Nicht-thermische DNA-Brüche durch Mobilfunkstrahlung (1800 MHz) in
menschlichen Fibroblasten und in veränderten GFSH-R17 Granulosazellen
von Ratten in vitro


Abstract: Rattenkulturzellen (diploide Fibroblasten und Granulosazellen) wurden in intermittierender und kontinuierlicher hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Strahlung (RF-EMF) mit verschiedenen spezifischen Absorptionsraten (SAR) und unterschiedlichen mobilfunktypischen Modulationen exponiert. Die Brüche der DNA-Stränge wurden mit Hilfe der alkalischen und neutralen Comet Assay-Methode bestimmt. Die RF-EMF Exposition (1800MHz; SAR 1,2 oder 2W/kg; unterschiedliche Modulationen; während 4, 16 und 24 Stunden; intermittierend 5 min an / 10 min aus oder kontinuierliche Wellen) bewirkte DNA Einzel- und Doppelstrangbrüche.

Diese Wirkungen traten nach einer Exposition von 16 Stunden in beiden Zelltypen auf und nach unterschiedlichen Mobilfunkmodulationen. Die intermittierende Exposition zeigte stärkere Auswirkungen beim Comet Assay als die kontinuierliche Exposition, woraus die Autoren schließen,daß die Schädigung der DNA nicht durch thermische Effekte verursacht wird.

Bibliographische Angaben: Diem E, Schwarz C, Adlkofer F, Jahn O, RudigerH., Mutat Res. 2005 Apr 30;

A preliminary study on ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields effect on black locust chlorophylls.


It was revealed that the ratio of the two main types of chlorophyll was decreasing logarithmically to the increase of daily exposure time.



Voruntersuchung zur Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder sehr hoher Frequenzen auf das Chlorophyll der Robinie


Aus dem Abstract: Die Chlorophylle der Blätter von Robiniensämlingen (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) wurden nach Exposition in hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern (400 MHz) quantitativ untersucht. Nach dreiwöchiger täglicher Exposition (1, 2, 3 und 8 Stunden) wurde die Menge des Chlorophylls gemessen. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß die Menge an Chlorophyll-a als auch die an Chlorophyll-b gesunken war, außer bei einer Expositionszeit von zwei Stunden, bei der eine beträchtliche Steigerung zu verzeichnen war.

Der Versuch zeigte, daß das Verhältnis der beiden Haupttypen des Chlorophylls logarithmisch abnahm in dem Maße wie die tägliche Exposition andauerte.

Bibliographische Angaben: Sandu DD, Goiceanu IC, Ispas A, Creanga I,
Miclaus S, Creanga DE., Acta Biol Hung. 2005;56(1-2):109-17.


Cell phone base stations change brain currents and cause unwellness
Research in Austria

The radiation of a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 metres causes significant changes of the electrical currents in the brains of testees (measured by electroencefalogram, EEG). All the testees said they felt unwell during the radiation, some of them seriously.

That is the result of an investigation by a team of Austrian scientists. They measured alpha 1 (8 to 10 Hz), alpha 2 (10 to 12 Hz) and beta waves (13 to 20 Hz). A small density of GSM 900 and GSM 1800 radiation already caused several significant changes in these three frequency ranges. This means the body is stressed - temporarily this may have some positive
effect, in the long run however stress certainly reduces the quality of life, capacity for work and state of health.


Strahlung von Mobilfunksende-Anlagen beeinflussen Gehirnströme

[Land Salzburg] Salzburger Umweltmediziner Oberfeld stellt Ergebnisse einer neuen Studie vor

(LK) "Die Ergebnisse einer neuen Studie zeigen weltweit erstmals, daß die Einstrahlung einer Mobilfunksendeanlage (GSM 900/1800 MHz) in etwa 80 Metern Entfernung zu signifikanten Veränderungen unterschiedlicher EEG-Parameter führt. Die gemessenen Veränderungen der Gehirnströme sind mit verschiedenen vegetativen und zentralnervösen Störungen, über die die Probanden berichteten, in Zusammenhang zu bringen."

Dies teilte heute, Mittwoch, 27. April, der Salzburger Umweltmediziner Dr. Gerd Oberfeld vom Referat "Gesundheit, Hygiene und Umweltmedizin" des Landes mit.


REFLEX Studie - aktuelle Situation (19.03.05)


Prof. Dr. Adlkofer schrieb:

Sehr geehrter Herr Schmidt,

haben Sie vielen Dank für die Überlassung Ihres Briefwechsels mit dem Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, das sich - wenn ich dies richtig deute - bei der Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Studien offensichtlich auch der Hilfe der Industrie bedient.


Studie: Handymast stört Schlaf

Pilotstudie der Grazer TU beweist: Handymasten können Schlafstörungen verursachen - nun wird österreichweit geforscht.


WHO reagiert auf Forderungen nach epidemiologischen Studien und der Anwendung des Vorsorgeprinzips

Quelle: Webseite der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO

WHO kündigt erneut epidemiologische Untersuchungen HF-belasteter Bevölkerungsgruppen an - wann erfolgt die Umsetzung?


Die WHO fordert alle interessierten Kreise weiter dazu auf, aktiv an diesem Prozess teilzunehmen


Europaparlament will mehr Schutz vor Elektrosmog


Ärzte warnen vor Kopfschmerz, Depressionen und Unfruchtbarkeit

Wird Elektrosmog verharmlost?


Elektrosensibilisierung und magnetische Kontrastmittel

Elektrosensibilisierung, Dispositionen zu Allergien und anderen Gesundheitsstörungen einschließlich Krebs durch magnetisierende Kontrastmittel + Elektrosmog

Bitte geben Sie diese Informationen an Selbsthilfegruppen und an Initiativen gegen Elektrosmog weiter. Es besteht der begründete Verdacht, daß magnetische Kontrastmittel, die wegen einer (besseren) Resonanz bei bildgebenden Diagnoseverfahren gespritzt werden, Elektrosensibilisierungen auslösen können. Zudem ist zu befürchten, daß hierdurch die bioelektrischen Systeme einschließlich Nervensystem beeinträchtigt werden können.
siehe auch Der elektrosensible Mensch


It's Genetics, Stupid
Nachricht von Klaus Peter Schneider

Es geht hierbei um EMF und Brustkrebs in einer neuen Dokumentation von Prof. Wolfgang Löscher.


Volksleiden: 40 Prozent der Deutschen schlafen schlecht

Hamburg (dpa) - 38 Prozent der Bundesbürger leiden häufig unter Schlaflosigkeit.


Müde? Handy-Strahlung hypnotisiert das Gehirn

Funktelefone verdummen


Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung durch Mobilfunk


German company called G-Hanz introduced a new type of mobile phone


Bemerkungen zur Adlkofer REFLEX-STUDIE

Wie es der chinesische Wissenschaftler Changlin Zhang darstellt [Lit.), zeigt sich der elektromagnetische Körper eines lebenden Organismus im System der Chakren, Meridiane und Akupunkturpunkte. Dieses System wird durch stehende Wellen gebildet, die aber nicht statisch sind, sondern zeitliche Zyklen durchlaufen. [Dissipative Structure of Electromagnetic Field in Living Systems. Frontier Perspective, Vol 12.Nr.1, und 'Dichter Körper und elektromagnetischer Körper, Tattva Viveka 6, Kopie notfalls bei W. Wagner]


Tag des Versuchstiers: Tierversuche sind Affenschande für Deutschland


WHO: Menschen als Versuchskaninchen?

Mike Repacholi, der 'Beauftragte der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zur Untersuchung der Gefahren von elektromagnetischer Strahlung', sagte im Februar 2003 an der EMC-Konferenz in Zürich:


Re: Tag des Versuchstiers: Tierversuche sind Affenschande für Deutschland

in dem Beitrag sind einige wichtige Aussagen.


Zunehmende Krebserkrankungen bei Jugendlichen


Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen durch Elektrosmog

Der Elektrobiologe Harald Moritz führt langjährig Statistik

Demnach reagiert der menschliche Organismus in drei Stufen auf Elektrosmog:

1. Phase - Störungsphase

Hierbei reagiert der Körper mit Befindlichkeitsstörungen und Stresssymptomen wie Schlafstörungen, Appetitlosigkeit, Nervosität, Konzentrationsschwäche sowie vegetativen Komponenten.

2. Phase - Beeinträchtigungsphase

Die Symptome der Störungen werden nun deutlicher wahrgenommen, z.B. als starke Kopfschmerzen bzw. Migräne, Verdauungsstörungen, Immunschwäche, stärkerer Infektanfälligkeit und weiteren organischen Störungen.

3. Phase - Pathologische Phase (Krankheit)

Die dritte Phase bedingt eine Erkrankung, die ohne Reduzierung der Elektrosmogbelastung, dann häufig zu einer irreversiblen Krankheit führt. Hier dokumentiert sich ein breites medizinisches Krankheitsspektrum.

Anm. Webmaster: siehe in PDF-Datei, Langzeituntersuchungen profhecht.htm II Mensch 5-18 ; rus.htm und Krebsfälle in Spanien


Wäre das Handy ein Lebensmittel oder ein Medikament, wäre es längst vom Markt genommen!

Die biologischen Wirkungen weit unterhalb der gültigen Grenzwerte und der ausreichende Verdacht einer Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung sind gegeben!


Signifikante DNA-Schäden

Vielen Dank Herr Dr. Kohl und Frau Merkel für die Baugesetze, die Sie vor Jahren unterzeichnet haben, über die die Gemeinden kein Mitspracherechte mehr haben. Danke auch an Herrn Schröder, der die Grenzwertdiskussion beendet und diese Angelegenheit zur Chefsache gemacht hatte.

Je länger eine Exposition andauert, desto größer ist die Schädigung.


siehe auch:

und Alle Reflex-Berichte

Funk schädigt DNA

EU-Studie weist Genmutationen durch Strahlung nach


Regierung kann nicht mehr länger wegsehen

Schockierende EU Studie und Kommentar


Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfeldern und Brustkrebs

Eine norwegische Untersuchung Fall-Kontroll-Studie zeigt einen Zusammenhang zwischen niederfrequenten Magnetfelder und Brustkrebs: Die gefundenen Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß Frauen, die in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen wohnen, ein erhöhtes Risiko zu haben an Brustkrebs zu erkranken.

Kliukiene J, Tynes T, Andersen A.:
Residential and Occupational Exposures to 50-Hz Magnetic Fields and Breast Cancer in Women: A Population-based Study, Am J Epidemiol. 2004 May 1;159(9):852-61.


Einfluss der Mobilfunkbelastung auf die Retikulocytenreifung


Vorläufige Ergebnisse der 2. Blutreihenuntersuchung in Neustadt - deutliche Blutbildveränderungen festgestellt


Neuer Ansatz zur Untersuchung des Phänomens Elektrosensibilität

Das Wittener Zentrum für Elektropathologie sucht nach einem neuen Forschungs-Ansatz
zur Erklärung des Phänomens der Elektrosensibilität und nimmt dafür die Mikrozirkulation der Haut unter die Lupe.


Mitteilung von Prof. Dr. Klitzing:

Betr.: Elektrosensibilität

Neuer Zündstoff für Diskussion über Handy-Gefahr

Elektromagnetische Wellen mit Handy-Intensität verursachten DNA-Veränderungen / Daten einer in-vitro-Studie


Mobilphone industry wants to stop publication of the REFLEX-Study

Die Mobilfunkindustrie will die Veröffentlichung der REFLEX-Studie verhindern

Ich habe gerade mit Adlkofer in Griechenland gesprochen. Er ist jetzt sehr pessimistisch, weil die Mobilfunkindustrie die Veröffentlichung der REFLEX-Studie verhindern will.

Sianette Kwee
siehe auch Prof. Kwee


Workshop on Biological Effects of EMF, Kos, Greece

Poland, as one of the countries that recently has joined the EU, has now to change their safety limits. Their original safety limits were much stricter than EU's ICNIRP limits, so for them it is also a step backwards.

SAR is getting a growing number og opponents and is considered as useless by many. Actually it is based on electrical fields and not on magnetic fields. Proposals for other ways to measure and express exposure were proposed e.g. Poland (#A7:1-Trzaska H.).

Anm. von UMTSNO:

Prof. dr Szmigielski: Die Grenzwerte-Empfehlungen der Strahlenschutzkommission in Polen
werden erheblich niedriger ausfallen als die von ICNIRP
see also Prof. Szmigielski response


Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population
Thamir   Al-Khlaiwi,  Sultan  A.  Meo

Microwaves can damage DNA and increase risk of tumours, study shows

